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高考英语道歉信范文【篇一:高考英文写作-道歉信】 第三讲:道歉信 一话题词汇 aology apolgizorie nconenienepointmentme up 二.上次写作评讲(范文)enne, am never or tatidintatd yor birthdy arty h day eore yeseday. fel awfu abou itand wa to aologize t you. itas nic of youo invite m to you irtdy partsould havem and cebrted thprecios momen wit ou,b hed-o- xamintnis roun thecornr, so i was ooby prepaing forte examat i forgot heapotmet.i op yo can uderstan my tuaton adforgive me. i it posibefoyou ane o av a vae meting af the eanatin? i do long or a plat c wit yu. it is muchto y reret that i missedthe chanc f suh happy getogeth.on agai,plaeaccept y sicreapoogy.ors truly,i hu 三怎么写道歉信第一段:自我简介(简短,可有可无)+写信意图(表达道歉)1 ia wrtingti eter toapolgiz to you fr+ 4. i am wriing his letr to exprss m regret. 8. excu or m notbeng abe to do 第二段:阐明差错因素提出补救措施(不适宜太长)常用理由: 1 eerday afrnoon, my cam from ricaand gt offt 2:3, bu my arent had no tim to ic himp, in whchae i ha t met im at te airprt. fter thatita to late to eeyo. tus i mssed our apoitment.y gr ister had a ba fver. seist younto ooafter hrelf, nd m pents wee atwr.threoren ha ase, iad to sa a homeoke r f he tha cause me ale o ee you as poited. 3there is aengis seech conts t behld tisweknd. ihavejust beninfrmed tat my teahr finalychooses to paricpat i it on ehalof scoo. this s anpportunit to bothdislyn enhancemyabits, s i maraid canobe preseat e airprt. 常用句式: . would you md ifi chage the apointment time?2 wld it be connient foo? 3. i a realy srry fo the troub. 4 itis veid of yo tak us to b, ur rgre, we cannot ac i. 5.i am sorr i cant and i ust that ou will e abe ndrstand i wnt let ou nw howreetfl i aeing now . i am orry ht will notbe leto due to 8.hoe hatthis dt au o to much iconvennce. 9. want ou t know w bawe fl aoutit and oassureyou that itwill not appn ai. 10. thankoufo bein int it us. 1. oder to aod pnin agn, hav 12 the way,canwe hav dinner toethersmet ext k? 13. i nnt a y presenc onyou 4.s it ossile ht me up t oss by 第三段:再次致歉,但愿得到理解 pleas llw e to asorry aga 2wilyou pleasecepm aogy? . asorry fr ayiovenine aused. 4 lee accept my apoly i do hp you caundersandystuaton an exuse me marelessnes 6. onc again,iam orrfor y inconveiencasd. . peasaept y sinee aoogie o his unhapp eperiece.8. snel hp thatyu will ale to tnk inmy posin and aceptmy apology. 四模板背诵 模板1:过去没有完毕的事情 thereason is iam sorytht cn ime, but is t i do hopethato cn understan my stuton ad pt apolgy.模板2:将来没有完毕的事情 hav dnnertogehr some tm et wek?i op to see you so. i amealy sor agin and tust thtu will undetnd.五.实战演习如果你是新华中学的学生李华,上周在外教r. jaks的口语课上使用手机被教师发现,手机被收走。请用英语给外教写一封道歉信,内容应涉及如下要点: 1.表达歉意;2.解释上课使用手机的因素;.提出自己的祈求并合适表态。【篇二:高考英语 致歉信】 高中英语作文 致歉信一致歉信常用词汇:aplogize v.道歉inconveniec.不便 makeu for y faut 弥补我的过错xcuse m for yarlessness. im sorry fr 二.常用句式:1. uch tomy regrt,i aubl o让我感到极为遗憾的是自己不能exse me or m notbinle to 请原谅我不能 3.woul like to ive you my apol for. 对于,我向您道歉。 4. i mut apologe to u fo就.,我必须向您道歉。 imrelly sorry and ihope ou wil be backsoo.真的很抱歉,但愿你不久就回来。6.imort llouthat nt. 对未能做,我表达遗憾。 7pease accp mysincee apolg or. 请接受我有关的真诚道歉。 8. please apt my icpologi orthi unapyexpeiee. 对于这次不快乐的经历,请接受我诚挚的歉意。 9. we assure ytat sc a mater wll ever happen gi. 我们向您保证,此类事件不会再发生。 10. i woldbe very muh apreciedifyo cold如果你能。我将万分感谢 1 afraidh i ave de as aseduh inconeiec ou2. lets t put litte misundertndigbetwn s. 别让我们之间存在哪怕一点点的误解。 1. i hope that te settemen o mtter illeeou she.我但愿对此事的解决能满足您的愿望。 14. i ncryhopeyou canuerstan that offeedyou uitoll.我真心但愿您能理解,我并非故意冒犯您。 1 pease aet y ogy. i dohoe youwil undersan meand excus me for my relesnes三.致歉信内容: 致歉信是由于某事向某人表达歉意的信件,一般是由于自己的过错或不能履行承诺等而做出的道歉。 四.致歉信写作构造: )体现歉意。2)阐明导致过错或自己不能履行承诺的因素,提出补救措施。 )可再次表达歉意或但愿得到谅解。 五 黄金模板: r, i a orrytat i ust aologze for。
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