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职称英语教材系列 强化班前 言l 职称英语等级考试介绍全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试是由国家人力资源和社会保障部专业技术人员管理司组织实施的一项外语考试,它根据英语在不同专业领域活动的应用特点,结合专业技术人员掌握和应用英语的实际情况,对申报不同级别职称的专业技术人员的英语水平提出了不同的要求。考试共分三个专业类别:综合类、理工类、卫生类。每个专业类别的考试各分A、B、C三个等级。A、B、C三个等级考试的总分各为100分,考试时间均为2小时。每个等级的考试各由6个部分组成,每个级别的考试题型一样、题量相同,但不同级别考试总的阅读量及难易程度不同。考试主要考查应试者理解书面英语的能力。1. 考试内容及试卷结构如下:题型材料内容答题要求题量分值第一部分词汇选项(四选一) 15个句子给出15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,要求应试者从所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。1515第二部分阅读判断(三选一)1篇短文 (300450词.给出7句话,要求应试者根据文章内容做出判断(正、误、没有直接或间接提到.。77第三部分概括大意与完成句子(选择搭配). 1篇短文 (300450词.分两部分:1概括大意(6选4.;2完成句子(6选4.。88第四部分 阅读理解 (四选一)3篇短文(各300450词.每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项,要求应试者从中选择1个最佳答案。1545第五部分补全短文(选择搭配.1篇短文(300450词.短文中有5处空白,要求应试者通读短文并将移出的部分重新放回短文的相应位置(6选5.。510第六部分完形填空(四选一)1篇短文(300450词.短文中有15处空白,每处空白给出4个选项,要求应试者从中选出1个最佳答案。15152. 考试要求学员:级别阅读任务量词汇量语法阅读理解能力A3000词左右阅读任务6000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语1. 考试不直接对应试者所掌握的语法知识进行考查,但应试者必须掌握基本的语法知识,主要包括:2. 英语句子的基本语序及其意义;3. 英语句子的结构和常用句型;4. 各种时、体的形式及其意义;5. 各种从句的构成及其意义;6. 句子中词语的所指、省略、替代、重复,以及句子之间的意义关系等。1. 掌握所读材料的主旨和大意;2. 了解阐述主旨的事实和细节;3. 利用上下文猜测某些词汇和短语的意义;4. 既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文之间的意义关系; 5. 根据所读材料进行判断和推论;6. 领会作者的观点、意图和态度。B2600词左右阅读任务5000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语C2200词左右阅读任务4000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语3. 职称英语考试词典的要求:职称英语考试是闭卷考,但允许考生携带词典进入考场。关于词典,国家有明确的规定,以下词典不允许带入考场: (1) 有职称字样的词典不要带入考场; (2) 针对职称英语考试编写的词典不能带入考场; (3) 电子出版物,即电子词典不能带入考场。 其它的词典国家没有明确的规定。因此建议尽量选择具备同义词、收词量相对较大的词典。提示:报名参加VIP保过班、豪华保过班的学员不要着急自购词典,我们会为您免费赠送纸质词典一本,通过快递方式邮寄。l 讲义使用说明强化班讲义的编写主要依据职称英语考试国家指定教材。授课老师会针对不同类别的文章内容进行全面系统的精讲,授课同时融合了老师对每个题型自己多年总结和积累的解题技巧和方法等,帮助学员在对教材中的重点文章有一个全面而深入了解的同时,提高综合分析和解题能力。通过强化班的学习,使学员对国家指定教材中的内容有一定的了解和记忆,且能在短时间内帮助学员得到综合阅读能力上的快速提高,为学员顺利通过考试、进行冲刺阶段的巩固学习打下坚实的基础。职称英语通过率居全国第一 目 录第四部分 补全短文293What We Take from And Give to the Sea293Teamwork in Tourism293“Happy Birthday to You”294The First Four Minutes295Financial Risks296Mobile Phones297The Worlds Longest Bridge297Obesity Causes Global Warming298The Value of Motherhood299Ludwig Van Beethoven300Einstein Named “Person of Century”300Reinventing the Table301Dont Rely on Plankton to Save the Planet302Dung to Death302Robotic Highway Cones303The Arctic Ice is Thawing304Bedwetting305What Makes Me the Weight I Am?305How One Simple Movement Can Let Slip the Secrets of the Mind306Why Do Peoples Shrink?307Leukemia307What Is Insulin-dependent Diabetes?308Weight Worries May Start Early for Slim Women309Death Control310Public Relations310The Dollar in World Markets311Research Shows Walking Can Lift Depression312Tuberculosis Kills 1, 000 People a Day in Asia313Uncooperative Patients Need Psychological Therapy313Looking to the Future314Tests Show Women Suited for Space Travel315Agitated Sunspot Cause Trouble315Watching Microcurrents Flow316Ants as a Barometer of Ecological Change317Stonehenge318Sleeping Giant319High Dive319Crop Circle Mysteries320Chest Compressions: Most Important of CPR321U.S., European Drug Officials Approve Inhaled Insulin322More Efforts Urged to Empower Women at AIDS Conference322The Magic of Sound323Time in the Animal World324Virtual Driver325补全短文参考答案325 第四部分补全短文阅读下面的短文,每一篇中有5处空白,文章后面有6组文字,请根据文章内容选择5组文字,将其分别放回文章原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。What We Take from And Give to the SeaAs long as we have been on earth, we have used the sea around us. We take from the ocean, and we give to it.We take fishes from the ocean - millions of kilograms, of fish, every year, to feed millions of people. _(1)_ We take minerals from the ocean. One way to get salt is to place seawater in a shallow basin and leave it until it evaporates. _ (2)_ Much gold and silver drift dissolved in the waters of the sea, too1. But the sea does not give them up by simple evaporation. Other gifts from the sea are pearls, sponges and seaweed. Pearls become jewelry. _(3)_ Seaweed becomes food of many kinds - even candy, and ice cream - as well as medicine. Believe it or not, fresh water is another gift from the sea. We cannot drink ocean water. _ (4)_ But ocean water becomes fresh water. when the salts are removed. In the future, we will find ourselves depending more and more on fresh water from the sea.The Sea gives us food, fertilizer, minerals, water, and other gifts. What do we give the sea? Garbage. _ (5)_ Huge as it is, the ocean cannot hold all the water that we pour into it. Dumping garbage into the ocean is killing off sea life2. Yet as the world population grows, we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever.We are finally learning that if we destroy our seas, we might also destroy ourselves. Hopefully, it is not too late.A. Natural sponges become cleaning aids.B. We pollute the ocean when we use
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