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2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题10.问题1选项A.She has developed allergies.B.She doesnt know what allergies are.C.She doesnt have any allergies.D.She has allergies treated already.【答案】C【解析】M: How about allergies? W: Not that Im aware of. Q: What does the woman mean? 【解析】对话中男士问女士过敏情况怎么样了,女士说不是认为的那样,即她没过敏。2. 单选题Many problems that we face, such as depression, compulsive and addictive behaviors, and anxiety, result from human inherent desire to seek pleasure.问题1选项A.consecutiveB.excessiveC.obsessiveD.possessive【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. consecutive 连贯的;连续不断的 B. excessive 过多的C. obsessive 强迫性的;着迷的 D. possessive 占有的;所有的【答案】C【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】划线单词前面说我们面临许多行为,这些行为有抑郁和成瘾性行为,以及焦虑,都是一些不好的行为,划线处单词与这些行为并列,由此可知划线处单词也是不好的行为。所以C选项“强迫性”符合题意。划线单词compulsive“强迫性的”。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不符合句意。【句意】我们所面临的许多问题,如抑郁、强迫性和成瘾行为,以及焦虑,都是源于人类内在的寻求快乐的欲望。3. 单选题26-30问题1选项A.Vegetative patients are more aware.B.Vegetative patients retain some control of their eye movement.C.EEG scans may help us communicate with the vegetative patients.D.We usually communicate with the brain-dead people by brain-wave.问题2选项A.The left-hand side of the brain.B.The right-hand side of the brain.C.The central part of the brain.D.The front part of the brain.问题3选项A.31B.6C.4D.1问题4选项A.The patient was brain-dead.B.The patient wasnt brain-dead.C.The patient had some control over his eye movements.D.The patient knew the movement he or she was making.问题5选项A.The patient is no technically vegetative.B.The patient can communicate in some way.C.We can train the patient of speak.D.The family members and doctors can provide better care.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】(26) Brain wave scanners might make it possible to communicate with people who are considered brain-dead, according to a new study reported in the Economist.A couple of recent studies have shown that a small minority of vegetative patients might be more aware than they seem. Now, Damien Cruse, with the Medical Research Councils Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, UK, thinks EEG machines will be able to help these patients communicate.The team asked 6 healthy volunteers to wear EEG devices, which connect electrodes to a persons head. They were asked to respond to an audible tone by imagining that they were squeezing their right hands or wiggling the toes of both feet. (27) The researchers found that the volunteers brain responses were clearly different-the hand-squeezing activated the left-hand side of the brain, and the toe wiggling produced a response in the center of the brain.Then they tested the procedure on a patient with locked-in syndrome, who was almost completely paralyzed but retains some control of his eye movements. His brain responses were the same. Finally, (29) they tested the procedure on a patient who had been declared vegetative 2 years earlier. They watched the EEG signals and were able to deduce which movement the patient was imagining.(28) The same team had studied 23 vegetative patients over 4 years and found 4 patients were able to consistently respond to yes-or-no questions by changing their brain activity. They were asked to imagine playing tennis when they wanted to give one response, or walking around the house when they wanted to give the other.(30) Since the patients were responsive, theyre not technically vegetative, the researchers say. Proof that they can communicate that theyre not brain-dead would have major implications for family members and doctors decisions about their care.26. What does this talk mainly tell us?【解析】文章提到:脑波扫描可能使得人们与脑死亡病人交流成为可能。故选C。27. For the 6 healthy volunteers, which part of the brain did the hand-squeezing imagination activate?【解析】根据文章可知实验结果大为不同:攥拳头激发了大脑的左半部,而动脚趾激发了大脑的中部。故选A。28. Of the 23 vegetative patients, how many were found to be able to consistently respond to yes or-no questions?【解析】原文信息是studied 23 vegetative patients.found 4 patients were able to consistently respond to yes-or-no questions by changing their brain activity,即参加实验的23个植物人病人中有4个被发现对问题有持续反应。故选C。29. What can we learn from the study on the patient declared vegetative 2 years earlier?【解析】根据文章描述,研究者通过EEG信号观察,那些两年前被诊断为植物人的病人,即可以知道病人在想些什么,证明那些是有大脑活动的,并不是真正的脑死亡。故选B。30. When EEG signals indicate that a vegetative patient is responsive, which of the following is NOT true?【解析】通过对第26题与第29题的解答,可知A和B选项的表述正确。文章最后提到这一研究结果对于家属和医生护理有很好的的借鉴意义,所以D项正确。文章没有提到C项。4. 单选题14.问题1选项A.A general practitioner.B.GynecologistC.An orthopedist pidst.D.She is surgeon.【答案】B【解析】M: Hello Doctor Marks. Its Tim Tailor from ANNE at Edinburgh Central.W: Hello. M: Ive got a young woman, a 30-year-old woman referred up by her GP with a kind of perineal abscess for about 10-15 days. W: Ri
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