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课本Unite 11senior high 1 student高中一年级学生2attitude towards对的态度3work in group一起工作4be active积极地5be interesting有趣的6game shows游戏表演7at the moment此刻8remote control遥控器9take up (+place)占空间10switch to调台11by nine oclock在九点前12be free of doing sth自由做某事13be fond of喜欢14prefer doing sth想要做某事15as long as (adv)只要16once a week一周一次17sport program体育节目18childrens program儿童节目19switch over调台20A large part of大部分21complain about sth对某事抱怨22suffer from遭受23travel to some place去某地旅行24look after sb or sth照顾某人或某物25reason to.的理由26take photos (adv)拍照片27pass sth to sb把某物传递给某人28be going to do sth打算做某事29get good marks取得好分数30past simple一般过去时31in ones free time在某人的自由时间32the News新闻33talk shows访谈节目34couch potato懒于工作整天在家看电视的人35switch on sth打开36watch TV all night整晚看电视37get bored (adv)感到厌烦38drive to some place开车去某地39play with sb/sth和某人或某物玩耍40design website设计网站41fill in the blanks with用填满空白42be busy at doing sth忙碌于做某事43TV series电视连续剧44music program音乐节目45workaholic工作狂46have lunch (adv)吃午饭47take sb for a walk带某人散步48for a weekend break周末休息49by distance learning进行(通过)远程学习50CCTV channel中央电视台51questionnaire调查问卷52discuss in pairs集体讨论53write down写下54the kind of work工作类型55At weekends在周末56switch off (adv)关掉(电视,收音机等)57walk round in a circle绕圈走58jump out of the bed从床上跳起来59bring back from.从带回60need to do sth需要做某事61return to some place返回某地62walk out of some place走出某地63be interested in sth/doing sth对某物/做某事感兴趣64notany more(adv)不再65make notes of做笔记66in the form of以的形式67graduate from some place毕业于某地68go to work去工作69solve the problem解决问题70come up with sth想出方案71in order to (adv)目的是72play an important part起重要作用73social life社交生活74have an important role in在起重要作用75stock exchange股票交易所课本Unit21radio program广播节目2different kinds of不同类型的3match with与相符合4feel about (adv)感觉,认为5lift off(火箭)发射,升空6circle the earth环绕地球7make up 编造(故事、谎言),化装(adv)8as many as possible尽可能多的9fight for 为而斗争10make sure (adv)确信11get prepared for为做准备12make a speech做演讲13receive the Nobel Prize获得诺贝尔奖14be born at出生于15travel around the world环游世界16in ones opinion(adv)以某人的观点17compete against和竞争18come to an end(adv)结束19make progress取得进步20look back往回看21be strict with对严厉的,严格的22express an interest in表现出对的兴趣23road to success成功之路24work out the problem解决问题25raise money筹集资金26give up放弃27full through康复28commit suicide自杀29get involved in参与,与有关联30good role model好的榜样31space exploration空间探索32all over the world全世界33air crash空难34discover the truth发现真理课本Unit 31be made with 由组成2mark the beginning of标志的开始3take part in some activity参加某项活动4mark the end of标志的结束5burn down sth烧毁某物6sth be decorated with用装饰某物7an invitation to some place去某地的邀请8be a symbol of 作为的标志9put up sth展示某物10try to do sth试着做某事11play cards玩扑克12carry on doing sth继续做某事13turn off(the light)关(灯)14fall into a deep sleep熟睡15dress up (adv)盛装打扮adv16frighten away sb把某人吓跑17travel from to从一处旅行到另一处18from door to door挨家挨户19sb get relaxed某人感到轻松20have a new look for the new year新年新面貌21sb be put in prison某人被关进监狱22look through粗略地看23have dinner with sb和某人吃饭24sb refuse to do sth 某人拒绝做某事25escape ones detiny摆脱某人的命运26fall asleep(adv)睡着27show sb scenes of向某人展示的画面Unit 41sth connect to sth某物和另一物相连2be pessimistic about 对表示悲观3sb get in 某人进入4be optimistic about对表示乐观5all sorts of + n各式各样的6a huge growth in 在上有很大增长7have problems with 在上存在问题8depend on sth/sb依靠某物/某人9go camping露营10look for 寻找11Whats more(adv)更有甚者12sb travel around the world某人环游世界13an around-the-world tour一个环游世界的旅行14personally 就个人来说15be interested in对感兴趣16be excited about对感到兴奋17the population of 某地的人口18protest against 对表示抗议19as well as(adv)也,还adv20pay attention to 对感兴趣21give the vote to sb赋予某人选举权22consist of 由构成23be cut off from与隔绝开来24be known as 被称为,因而著名25hot spring温泉26surf the internet网上冲浪27sb give up doing sth某人放弃做某事28keep up-to-date with sth与保持同步(时新)29keep contact with sb与某人保持联系Unit 51be used to dong sth习惯做某事2on stage (adv)在台上3warm up温暖4give a performance做一场表演5be full of充
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