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、选择填空()1. This is my book.are over there.A. YourB. YoursC. YouD. mine( )2. Helpto some fish, Jenny.A. yourselvesB. yourselfC. himselfD. herself()3.is wrong with my watch. It has stopped.A. Someth ing, worki ngB. Someth ing, to workD. Anything, to workC. sheD. herselfC. Anything, work ing()4. Whose radio is it? It .A. herB. hers( )5. The childre n heardon the isla nd.A. someth ing stra nge B. anything stra ngeC. stra nge someth ing D. stra nge anything( )6. I have three pens. One is red,two are black.A. ano therB. otherC. the otherD. the others()7. There isin today snewspaper, is there?A. somethi ng importa ntB. anything importa ntC. nothing importa ntD. importa nt no thi ng( )8. I asked Jim and Bob to my house for a meal, butof them came.A. bothB. norC. noneD. n either( )9. The man has two sons, andof them are strong. One is tall andis short.A. All, ano therB. Neither, the otherC. Both, ano therD. Both, the other()10. The man dow nstairs foundvery difficult to get to sleep.A. thatB. themC. itD. its()11. He can speakFren ch, but not.A. some, muchB. any, muchC. much, many()12. Mr. Smith is an old frie nd of.A. IB. meC. my( )13. Tom is here and a friend ofis here, too.A. his fatherB. his father C. hesfatherD. many, anyD. mi neD. he father( )14. Granny is ill and she does n feel like.A. to eat someth ing B. to eat anythingC. eati ng someth ingD. eati ng anything()15. There isn paper in the box. Will you go and getfor me?A. any, someB. any, anyC. some, someD. some, any()16. He fell off the ladder but he didn hurtA. herselfB. hisC. himD. himself( )17. Lucy runs faster tha nin her class.A. any other girls B. any of the other girl C. the other girlD. any other girl()18. They are both good at En glish, butof them is good at maths.A. bothB. eitherC. allD. n either()19. - Have n you forgotte n? -? Oh, I forgot my bag.A. anything. Excuse meB. someth ing. Excuse meC. someth ing, Pard onD. everyth ing, Pard on( )20. Did she go to school whe n she was young? No she taughtat home.A. herB. herselfC. hersD. she()21. Is that coat? No, it .A. your brother, mine B. your brother s, me C. your brothers, mine D. your brother, me()22. Ishere today? No, Li Lei isn here.A. some oneB. somebodyC. every oneD. anyone( )23. America n take-away food is quite differe nt from.A. weB. oursC. usD. our()24. A friend ofcame to seeyesterday.A. his, hisB. he, himC. him, hisD. his, him()25. The boys and girls seemed to enjoyin the park.A. themselvesB. themC. theyD. their()26. My mother tolda very in terest ing story yesterday.A. meB. IC. ourD. my()27. This apple is delicious. Give meone, please.A. the otherB. ano therC. othersD. other( )28.likes maths, but both of them like misic.A. Neither of himB. Neither of them C. Both of themD. Both of the two( )29. There are fifty students in our class. Some are from the USA, andare from China.A. ano therB. the otherC. others()30. Put it away, Richard. You mustn readletter.A. anyones elsesB. anyone else C. anyone elses()31. Most ofwant to do the work.A. theirs, himself B. their, theirsC. them, themselvesD. otherD. them, ourselvesD. them, ourselves( )32. Are these stories in teresti ng? Yes,of them are in terest ing.A. allB. bothC. either()33. You can borrow my bike, but you mustn lend it to.A. othersB. otherC. the other()34. We study Chin ese, En glish and somesubjects.A. the otherB. otherC. ano ther()35. Tom studies better tha nof the other boys in his class.A. someB. mostC. any()36.has taken my pen by mistake. I can find it.D. n eitherD. the othersD. othersD. one()37. Tom mademistakes in his test.A. anyB. oneC. noD. ano ther()38. If you n eed a ruler,I rlend you.A. oneB. someC. the oneD. ano therA. thisB. thatC. itsD. it()39. He foundvery difficult to get to sleep. So he decided to read a book.()40. Mike lostnew watch while he was playi ng volleyball at school.A. hisB. heC. himD. himself()41. Kate had lostkey,asksfor help.A. her, He, IB. his, He, meC. his, She, ID. her, She, me()42. The two friends were so pleased to see each other that the forgotD. everyth ing elseD. oursA. anything elseB. someth ing else C. nothing else()43. Who teachesFren ch?A. weB. ourC. us()44.book is new andis n ew, too.A. Our, heB. Ours, hisC. My, hisD. My, her()45. Thank you for havi ng us. We enjoyedvery much.A. ourselvesB. usC. ourD. ours()46. Let sgive herto eat, then.A. En glish someth ing B. someth ing En glish C. anything En glish D. En glish anything( )47. In lear ning a Ian guage, I findimporta nt to do more speak ing.A.
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