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消防产品型式认可申请书APPLICATION FOR TYPE-APPROVAL OF FIRE PRODUCTS首次申请/First Application 扩大范围申请/Scope Expansion 复评换证申请/Renewal换版申请/Format Change 申请企业名称/ Application product category:(加盖公章/Seal)生产厂名称/ Factory:申请产品类别/Category of Product:填报日期/Submission Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 年 月 日公安部消防产品合格评定中心印制Published by China Certification Center for Fire Products, Ministry of Public Security, PRC申 请 企 业 须 知1、申请企业必须严格按照消防类产品型式认可实施规则中工厂基本条件的要求建立并实施有效的质量管理,确保企业的质量保证能力符合实施规则的基本要求;2、申请企业必须符合消防类产品型式认可实施规则中生产设备及检验设备的最低配置要求;3、申请企业须严格遵守型式认可程序及时限要求,正常情况下,接到工厂检查通知后的30日内应接受工厂条件检查,并应在规定时间内完成对不符合项的整改工作,自抽样之日起15日内将样品送到指定检测机构进行检验,并按期缴纳相关费用;如遇特殊原因,必须及时通报公安部消防产品合格评定中心;4、申请企业获证后,必须严格按照消防类产品型式认可实施规则的规定,正确使用型式认可证书和标志。对有违规者,公安部消防产品合格评定中心将进行严肃处理。5、申请企业获证后,所生产及销售的产品必须与发证检验样品保持一致,产品质量必须符合型式认可规则和相关标准要求。若必须对涉及产品一致性的关键因素,如关键原器件、原材料、关键设计及主要生产工艺发生变更,以及生产场地搬迁、法人及主要技术人员发生变更时,获证企业必须及时向公安部消防产品合格评定中心申报,由中心按照消防类产品型式认可实施规则要求安排确认工作。未经中心确认,不得生产及销售产品,对违规者,公安部消防产品合格评定中心将进行严肃处理,由此而导致的一切责任均由违规企业承担。The Notice of the Applicant1. The Applicant must not only constitute a quality control and bring into effect which according to the request of the factorys postulate, but also make sure the quality guarantee capacity of the corporation according to the request of the implement rules.2. The applicant must measure up the lowest configuration requirement of producing equipment and checking equipment that refers to the The Implement Rules Of The fire fighting product Type-Approval.3. The applicant must follow the authentication procedure and the time limit requirement. In normal condition, the enterprise should accept the work condition inspection within 30 days after receive the information, and finish the modification of the unaccepted item within stated time. The enterprise should send the sample to the appointed examine institution in 15days after the inspection, and pay for the related bill. The enterprise should declare to CCCF in time if there is any special case.4. After getting the certificate, the applicant must follow the implement rules strictly and use authorized certificate and symbol correctly. CCCF will sternly punish the foul.5. After getting the certificate, the applicant must keep the products they produce and sell the same with the inspecting samples. The quality of the products must measure up the authentication regulations and the correlative standards. If the some key factors that related to the coherence of the products have to be modified, such as key source apparatus, raw material, core design and primary produce technique, as well as the workplace, juridical person and key technical personnel change, the enterprise must declare to CCCF. And CCCF validates the situation according to the implement rules. The enterprise cant produce and sell any products without the validation. CCCF will sternly punish the foul. And the foul is charged of all the correlative obligation.声 明我代表申请企业郑重声明:1本企业遵循“诚信第一”的基本原则,承诺遵守国家有关法律法规及公安部消防产品合格评定中心(以下简称CCCF)制定的型式认可实施规则的所有要求及型式认可程序。2本企业同意按型式认可规则的要求提供评价所需文件和资料,所提供的信息均真实有效,否则承担由此引起的一切法律责任。3本企业保证按型式认可合同及相关要求支付型式认可费用,并为实施型式认可产品型式认可工作提供所需要的资源。4、本企业将妥善保管检验报告、工厂检查报告和型式认可变更确认等型式认可的相关资料,以备监督检查、飞行检查及有关证后监督工作时使用,公安部消防产品合格评定中心将不承担获得产品合格型式认可的生产厂或销售商应承担的法律责任。5、本企业完全接受申请企业须知中所涉及的全部内容。StatementI, on the behalf of the Applicant, make the statement hereby:1. The Applicant is willing to comply with the Implement Rules for Type-Approval formulation which by China Certification Center for Fire Products (So-called as CCCF).2. The Applicant does agree to submit the necessary documents and information which truthfulness has been ensured by the Applicant, From this otherwise undertakes all legal liability which causes.3. The Applicant guarantee to make the payment in accordance with the Type-Approval Contract and/or the relevant requirement.4. The Applicant will keeping the relevant information about authentication properly, such as the prove report, jerque report of factory and the validate of the authentication change, which will be used in the supervise inspect, sudden inspect and the supervisal task after application. CCCF will not toe the scratch which must be beared by the factory or merchant who get the product eligibility authentication.5. The Applicant does accept the contents The notice of the Applicantcontained.申请企业法定代表人/Authorized Person of the Applicant Firm: (签名Signature/盖章Seal) 日期/Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 年 月 日一、申 请 企 业 名 称 、地 址 及 联 系 方 式Applicant Information1 申请企业/Applicant Firm:1.1申请企业名称/Name in Chinese and English: 1.2申请人地址、邮编/Mailing Address and Postcode:注册地址Registration address: 邮编: 通讯地址Mailing address: 邮编
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