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2013年中考英语 知识综合考点精讲精练(七)(无答案) 人教新目标版1.1)would like(love) to do sth 想要干某事 =want to do sth= feel like doing sthwould like sb to do sth . 想要某人干某事=want sb to do sth eg,_ _ _ go shopping with you . 我想和你一起去购物。My father _ _ me _ hard from now on .我父亲要我从现在起努力学习。注意:它的一般疑问句的回答:(表示请求、建议) Would you like/love to .? 肯定:Yes, Id like/love to. (是的,我很乐意。) 否定:Id love to , but .(我很乐意,但是、)Eg, -Would you like to come over to my house tonight? -_ . 你想今晚来顺便来我家访问吗?是的,我很乐意。 - Would you like to go to the movie this Sunday evenning? _ , _ I have to look after my sick mother at home. 你想本周日和我一起去看电影吗? 我很乐意,但是我不得不在家照看生病的母亲。2)would like sth =want sth 想要什么I want an English dictioanry. = I _ _ an English dictioanry.注意:它的一般疑问句的回答:(表示请求、建议)Would you like sth? 你想要什么吗?肯定回答:Yes, please. 是的,请。/好的。 否定回答:No, thanks .不,谢谢了。-Would you like some water ? - _. 你想要喝一些水吗?好吧。-Would you like some more rice ? -_. Im full. 你想再吃一点米饭吗?不,谢谢了。我吃饱了。(特别注意:这种是询问对方的意愿,一般暗含说话者希望对方肯定答复,所以,some在这样的表建议的礼貌问句中不变any)即时练习提高:.-Would you like to swim with us ? -_ , but I must do my homework first. A.Yes, please B. No, thanks C. Yes, Id love to D. Im sorry. -Would you like _ to eat? -_ . Im not hungry now. A. any; Yes , please B. any; No, thanks C. some; Yes, please D. some;Id like to. How about something to drink? (同义句) = _ _ _ some to drink?. I want to watch this soccer game this Sunday. (同义句)= I _ _ to watch this soccer game this Sunday. = I feel _ _ this soccer game this Sunday.Id like to visit the Great Wall. (划线提问)_ _ you like to visit?. Id like to trek through the jungle because Ilike exciting vacations? (划线提问) _ _ you _ to trek through the jungle?2. hope v. 希望,盼望,期待(不能直接说hope sth) 1) hope to do sth 希望做某事 I hope _ _ there by plane.我希望能乘飞机去那儿。 2) hope +宾语从句 I _ that she can come to my party this evening.我希望她今晚能来参加我的聚会。 I hope that I can become a doctor some day.我希望将来某一天能当上医生。 = I _ _ become a a doctor some day. (注意:什么时候hope带宾语从句能改为不定式) *提高练习: -I hope _ play soccer with us tomorrow. - Yes, I hope _ . A. him not to; not too B. he wont ; it too C. him not to; that too D. he wont , so too 区别: wish和hope 1)wish v.表示愿望(表示实现几率小的,或不大可能实现的, 仅仅是一种愿望而已。) hope 希望,(表示可以实现的愿望, 或较容易实现的希望) I _ that I can swim some day.(真实,可以实现) I _ that I could go to the moon(月亮)some day.(虚拟语气,不容易实现) I _I were ten years younger.我希望我能年轻十岁。(虚拟语气,不可能实现) I wish you a happy new year.我祝你过一过快乐的新年。 (一种愿望:祝愿)(wish sb sth 祝愿某人、 I wish you good luck!) I wish you happy and healthy .我祝你健康快乐。 (wish sb +adj. 祝愿某人、) 2) wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事 ( ) hope sb to do sth ( ) wish to do sth 希望做某事 ( ) hope to do sth ( ) I _ to visit the Great Wall next month. He _ you to come and see him . 3) wish n. 祝愿 best wishes to you 对你致以良好的祝愿、祝福 hope n. 希望 hopes and dreams 希望与梦想 翻译: 我希望我的朋友们都能去上海看世博。 I _ that our friends can go to see the World Expo in Shanghai. I _ that our friends could go to see the World Expo in Shanghai. I _ our friends to go to see the World Expo in Shanghai.考点综合练习: a) Best _ to you . b) I _ to visit Kunming. c) I _ you to go away.中考在线29. -Is Mrs. Black really badly ill?-_ . Shes in hospital.A. I dont think so B. No,he isnt C. I dont hope so D. Im afraid so 35.- Do you think you will lose the game?- No, _. AI hope so BIm sure CI hope not DIm afraid so 3. A)Why not do sth ? = Why dont you do sth ? 表示提出一种建议“为什么不做某事(就是要做某事)” 注意:Why +do sth? 为什么要做某事? (就是不要去做某事) _ _ play basketball with us? 为什么不和我们一起打篮球呢?-Good idea!好主意 = _ _ _ play basketball with us?Why go to see it? 为什么要去看它呢?B)表建议的常用句型:(注意其回答方式) Would you like sth? Would you like to do sth? Why not do sth ? = Why dont you do sth ? How / What about sth? How / What about doing sth? Lets do sth . Shall we do sth ?Eg, Would you like to have dinner with us? = _ _ have dinner with us? = _ _ having dinner with us? = _ _ have dinner? = _ have dinner!中考在线34. -Look! Its raining heavily. _ take a raincoat with you? -Well, Ill take one right now. A. Why not B. Why dont C. Would you mind D. Would you like4. consider doing sth 考虑做某事 Consider that 从句Consider sb to do sth 不能用consider to do sth Consider sb as .把某人认为是.=
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