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辽宁工程技术大学课程设计机械制造技术课程设计课 程 设 计题 目:固定钳身加工工艺及钻18孔夹具设计全套图纸加扣 3346389411或3012250582班级:机电班姓名:指导教师:完成日期:2021.07.18辽宁工程技术大学课程设计 14一、设计题目固定钳身加工工艺及钻18孔夹具设计二、原始资料(1) 被加工零件的零件图(草图) 1张(2) 生产类型: 5000件/年三、上交材料(1) 被加工工件的零件图 1张(2) 毛坯图 1张(3) 机械加工工艺过程综合卡片 1张(4) 与所设计夹具对应那道工序的工序卡片 1张(4) 夹具装配图 1张(5) 夹具体零件图 1张(6) 课程设计说明书(5000字左右) 1份四、进度安排(参考)(1) 熟悉零件,画零件图 2天 (2) 选择工艺方案,确定工艺路线,填写工艺过程综合卡片 5天(3) 工艺装备设计(画夹具装配图及夹具体图) 9天(4) 编写说明书 3天(5) 准备及答辩 2天五、指导教师评语成 绩: 指导教师日期摘要我们这次课程设计的主题是工件夹具设计,我的设计题目是:虎钳固定钳身零件的机械加工工艺规程编制及钻18孔工序专用夹具。主要内容有:画零件图;加工工艺规程的设计;夹具体的设计以及零件、装配图的绘制。这次机械制造课程设计的意义有以下几点体会:首先,通过这次课程设计,让我们重新的温习的机械制造、工程图学以及互换性知识。我们在设计过程中,结合实际工件的情况查找相关资料,不仅仅是对书本知识的巩固,更是通过思考后对知识的理解。而我个人感觉最重要的是知道了一些知识的产生来源,怎样通过原理推广到实际的应用当中。例如,六点定位原理的实际应用,怎样通过这个原理选择合适的定位,选择正确的定位元件,这些都是结合原理应用到实际问题。其次,通过这次课程设计也锻炼了我们的独立思考能力和个人解决实际问题的能力。同时几个人在一组设计,也让我们懂得了讨论和交流的重要性。独立思考与适当交流两者结合起来,对我们是一种锻炼。几个人同一组有同样的加工工序,但每个人都有自己的加工工步,既促进了交流,避免闭门造车,又在一定程度上训练了我们的独立思考能力。最后,我们此次作图使用了作图软件,例如CAXA,AUTOCAD,PRO/E。因为我们此次设计画图任务很重,在作图过程熟悉了这几种软件中的一种。在闲暇之时,我们还交流作图经验,为以后走上工作岗位打好基础。作为一个学机械的学生应该有熟练的作图水平。AbstractWe designed this course is the theme of the workpiece fixture design, my design is entitled: Huqian fixed clamp body parts of the machining process planning and preparation process for drilling holes 2-11 fixture. Elements include: painting parts map; processing of order design; folder specific design and components, the assembly of the plan is drawn. The machinery manufacturing curriculum design is the significance of the following experience: First of all, through the curriculum design, let us re-study the machinery manufacturing, engineering graphics and interchangeability of knowledge. We in the design process, in light of the realities of the workpiece to find relevant information, not just the book knowledge of consolidation, after thinking through the knowledge and understanding. I personally feel the most important thing is that a number of sources have knowledge of how to promote the principles to the actual application of them. For example, 6:00 targeting the practical application of principles of how this principle to choose a suitable location, choose the correct positioning devices, these principles are applied to the combination of practical problems. Secondly, through this training course design also our ability to think independently and individuals the ability to solve practical problems. At the same time a group of a few people in the design, let us also understand the importance of the discussion and exchange. Independent thinking and appropriate exchange with the two of us is a kind of exercise. The same group of a few people have the same processing, but everyone has their own processing the step, not only promote the exchanges and avoid working behind closed doors, to a certain extent, the training of our independent thinking. Finally, we use the mapping of the mapping software, for example, CAXA, AUTOCAD, PRO / E. Because we have the design drawing heavy tasks in the process of drawing familiar with this in one of several software. In her spare time, we also exchange experience in drawing, for the future work on laying a solid foundation. As a mechanical school students should have the skilled drawing level.目 录1.固定钳身的工艺分析11.1固定钳身的用途11.2固定钳身的技术要求21.3审查零件的工艺性31.4确定固定钳身的生产类型32.加工工艺规程32.1选择毛坯32.2确定毛坯的尺寸公差与机械加工余量32.3拟定工艺路线42.3.1定位基准的选择42.3.2表面加工方法的确定52.3.3加工阶段的划分52.3.4工序的集中和分散52.3.5机械加工工序62.3.6确定工艺路线62.4加工余量、工序尺寸和公差的确定62.5切削用量的计算72.5.1钻孔工步72.5.2粗铰工步82.5.3精铰工步83.专用夹具设计83.1问题的提出83.2定位基准选择93.3切削力及夹紧力计算93.4定位误差分析103.5夹具设计及操作的简要说明11结论12参考文献13致谢141.固定钳身的工艺分析1.1固定钳身的用途平口钳又名机用虎钳,是一种通用夹具,常用于安装小型工件。它是铣床、钻床的随机附件。将其固定在机床工作台上,用来夹持工件进行切削加工。其工作原理是用扳手转动丝杠,通过丝杠螺母带动活动钳身移动,形成对工件的加紧与松开。被夹工件的尺寸不得超过70毫米。固定钳身是平口钳的主要零件。固定钳身左右两端同轴线的两个圆孔,用以支承丝杠。钳身中间部位制成长方形槽,槽两侧有短形导轨,导轨的上、下和外侧面为滑动面,因此对其有较高的尺寸精度,形位精度和表面质量要求,以保证活动钳身和丝杠螺母沿固定钳身导轨面的运动精度。钳口板通过两个沉头螺钉紧定在钳身上部外,与活动钳身对称形成“钳口”,夹持工件。固定钳身底座上有两个11安装孔。1.2固定钳身的技术要求固定钳身的零件技术要求表(注:断面描述参照零件图)加工表面尺寸及差/mm公差/mm及精度等级表面粗糙度/形位公差/mm12mm孔0.043,IT71.618mm孔0.043,IT71.630mm孔30IT930mm孔底面IT96.325mm孔25IT96.325mm孔底面IT96.311mm孔11IT96.30.018,IT8钳身宽0.074,IT96.3钳身底面IT71.6钳身上表面IT71.6工字槽底部宽46IT
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