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最新教学资料人教版英语www.ks5u.com高中英语人教版必修5Unit4单元检测.单项填空1I shall stay in the hotel all day _ there is news of the missing child.Ain caseBno matterCin any case Din case of 2At weekends I sometimes get up early and sometimes I dont._,you see.ABy the way BTo tell the truthCIt all depends DLast but not least3You_part in the party on time.Sorry,I was delayed by the accident.Aare supposed to takeBhave supposed to takeCare supposed to have taken4Her father will never _ her marrying to the old man with lots of money.Aapprove of BadmitCallow Dagree5I hope you will keep us _ of how you are getting on with your work.AinformedBinformingCto informDinform6He_of_he had said at the meeting.Awas accused;that Bwas accused;whatCwas charged;what Daccused;what7At the conference,political leaders from many countries promised to work together to defend the world _terrorism and other threats.Afor Bwithout Cbeyond Dagainst8Susan started to tidy up the room,_Lily was preparing lunch.Ahowever Bwhen Cmeanwhile Dbut9I cant find Mr.Smith.Where did you meet him this morning?It was in the hotel _ he stayed.Awhere Bwhich Cthe one Dthat10In this lecture I shall_the early years of Charless Reign.Aconcentrate on Bdevote toCapply to Doccupy in11_ read newspapers for pleasure,but also to improve their minds.ANot only old men BNot only old men doCNot only do old men DOld men not only do12The book didnt _ children probably because the author employed too many scientific terms in it.Aapply to Bappeal to Cintend to Dlead to13_admitted to famous universities,parents should try to cure their children_bad habits.AIn order to;from BSo as to be;ofCSo as to be;from DIn order to be;of14The terrible earthquake brought about $ 15 million in losses to this island country._.ACertainly BI agree with you15_is hard is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad.AHe BIt CThat DWhat.完成句子1The famous professor _ his students ideas and publishing them.那个著名的教授被指控偷取他的学生的理念并将它们发表。2_ _ you ask many different questions _ you need.只有在提出许多不同问题之后你才有可能获得你所需要的所有信息。3You shouldnt _ and instant benefit but _.你不应该急功近利,而应该为未来着想。4He _ what I said.他听不进我说的话。5We cant _ _ this sort of thing.我们不能赞同这种事。.阅读理解 We loved to play hideandseek,and tacklethemanwiththefootball, as well as makebelieve games like cowboys and Indians or cops and robbers.In the world of makebelieve guns were created by sticking your thumb straight up and extending your index finger straight out while curling the other three fingers around a makebelieve pistol grip. If someone pointed his “gun”at you and shouted“Bang!”or “Pow!”,you were considered dead and were obligated to fall to the ground immediately without moving. One day we were playing cowboys and Indians deep in the mountains.Imagining myself as John Wayne,better known as the Duke, I had my“five shooters”out and ready for action.I climbed a huge tree to get a better view of where the “bad guys”were hiding.Climbing six to eight feet off the ground,I noticed Gary Browning(my cousin)quietly sneaking along,ready to shoot the first thing that moved.I allowed him to move in a little closer before taking aim and shooting; however.I was disturbed by the other side of the tree. Turning to investigate,I found myself staring straight down the index finger of Curtis Gibson.“Pow!”he shouted from the ground.Panicked that I was so far up the tree, I began climbing down as fast as I could.“The Duke has been shot in the foot!”I screamed.Remember, I was obligated to fall,but I was eight feet off the ground in a tree!“Bang!”shouted Gary who was now aware of my hiding place.“The Duke has been shot in the shoulder!”I screamed as I kept climbing down.“Pow!Pow!”A double shot came from Curtis.“The Duke has been shot twice in the calf(小腿)!”I squalled,nearly reaching the ground.Then as I was dangling from the lowest limb.Curtis and Gary emptied their imaginary ammo(弹药)into me.“Pow!BangBang!Pow!PowPow!Bang!”From just about a foot I finally fell to the ground and announced,“The Duke is dead!”1In the world of cops and robbers,if someone fired at you, _.Ayou were not considered deadByou need to fall to the groundCyou can climb up the treeDyou can hide and seek2I was disturbed by the other side of the tree because _.AI wanted to shoot Gary BrowningBGary Browning was ready to shoot meCCurtis Gibson was pointing his“gun”at meDGary Browning was moving towards me3How many times was the author s
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