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Unit7 What does he look like?1. She is of medium build, and she has long hair.Medium adj I want to buy a medium size car.Build n. He is a boy of medium build.Hair n. 不可数 Her hair is grey.2 Is she tall?The man is very tall .We want a tall teacher.3he always wears a red skirt and white shoes. always adv. 总是, 始终. 常位于be词,助, 情态动词之后,行为动词之前.He is always late for school.We always play basketball after school.wa lin is the captain of the basketball team.The captain of 的队长Who is the captain of the volleyball team. A soccer team5. He has short straight hair.Straight adj The street is very straight.Please come straight to my office after class. Adv.6. Wang lin is very popular. Do you like popular songs.Be popular with 受的欢迎Yao Ming is popular with everyone.7. Mary is thin and she is of medium height.Thin adj she is a little thin.Height n. Do you know the height of the library? At a height of 在高度8. Shes good-looking but shes a little bit quiet.Good-looking 指相貌好看的,漂亮的,指男也指女.Beautiful 指一个人外在美也指内在美, 一般指女性,也指物。 A bit =a little 后跟形容词或副词。The boy is a bit clever。 A bit of 一点, 后跟不可数名词There is a bit of water in the glass.A little bit = a bit = a little 后跟形容词或副词, 也可修饰动词. Im a little bit hungry.He likes noodles a little bit.9. XuQian loves to tell jokes.Now there are many jokes in the magazine.Tell a story tell a lie10. Shes short and a little bit heavy.The boy is too heavy.The heavy koala eats a lot . Heavily it is raining heavily.11. She never stops talking! Never adv. He is never late for shool.AlwaysusuallyoftensometimesneverStop v. stopping The bus often stops at the zoo.Stop n. Can you tell me the way to the stop?Stop doing sth 停止干某事Please stop talking.Stop to do sth Lets stop to watch TV.12. He has curly brown hair and is of medium build.How much is the brown shirt?Mr Brown comes from England.13. The person is of medium height.Person 指不分性别年纪的人,有单,复之分,侧重单个的人.People 指人们,为集合名词,不能指一个人14. beard n. 胡须 have a beard 留着胡须my grandfather has a beard.
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