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yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and municipal discipline Inspection Commission, the peoples daily special report. Constantly promote independent Commission against corruption culture construction to rural extends, created established Dahlin rural industry Park independent Commission against corruption culture positions, formed has a support service low double excellent of members lead team, constantly perfect and established Park funds assets management, and village audit supervision, and villagers democratic financial, system, strengthening Park party, and Chief, and financial, full public, powerful to guarantees has new rural construction, by city rural style clean government inspection unit led of height evaluation. Through the implementation of honest and clean government cultural construction, and effectively educate the broad masses of party members and cadres and consciously regulated behavior and discipline, honesty in politics and culture to create a good atmosphere and fresh development environment. Although we in implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines aspects made has must effectiveness, but away from superior of requirements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a is system enough sound, education, and supervision, and prevention, and punishment, aspects long-term mechanism also enough perfect, especially in enrollment bid work regulatory aspects also needed strengthening; II is regulatory supervision exists lost of Yu wide, and lost of Yu soft, investigation illegal disciplinary case of efforts also needed strengthening, individual sector and cadres also different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; Three for honest work is the new situations and new problems in finding timely enough, treatment measures are not strong enough. To solve these problems, we will proceed from the following five aspects of rectification, make sure to implement the provisions of the code. (A) deepening the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create event as an opportunity to Excel and learning party, further increasing the governance capability and advanced construction, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres awareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve working ability and level of scientific development. Should make full use of meetings, in particular central group learning opportunity, further strengthening the study and education of the code, the intensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres known fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enhancing the implementation of the initiative. Also, pay attention to apply what they have learned, consciously study results into planning work, new ideas,建筑外墙保温材料比较XPS挤塑板,EPS聚苯板,聚苯乙烯,聚氨酯,岩棉,玻璃棉等挤塑板 全称挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫板,简称挤塑板,又名XPS板。聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料分为膨胀性EPS和连续性挤出型XPS两种,与EPS板材相比,XPS板是第三代硬质发泡保温材料,从工艺上它克服EPS板繁杂的生产工艺,具有EPS板无法替代的优越性能。它是由聚苯乙烯树脂及其它添加剂经挤压过程制造出的拥有连续均匀表层及闭孔式蜂窝结构的板材,这些蜂窝结构的厚板,完全不会出现空隙,这种闭孔式结构的保温材料可具有不同的压力(150-500Kpa)同时拥有同等低值的导热系数(仅为0.028W/M.K)和经久不衰的优良保温和抗压性能,抗压强度可达220-500Kpa。适用范围:建筑外墙保温耐火等级:B1级/难燃导热系数:0.032W/(mk)工作温度:离火自熄()密度:35(kg/m)备注:离火自熄,氧指数26如何选用合格的地暖挤塑板:1、硬度的厚板 挤塑板具有极度其特殊的结构,完全的闭孔发泡使封闭的泡孔形成轻质,均匀的蜂窝状结构造成高强。所以该板材非常方便搬运,而且切割容易,固定简单。2、隔热保温性 挤塑板具有高热阻、低线性膨胀率的特性,是良好的隔热保温材料。其导热系数人为0.030W/mk,而且在70%相对温度下持续几年都能维持其极低的导热系数,所以它普遍适用于公寓、大楼、厂房等建筑物的隔热保温,可以减少自然资源的消耗,并增加居住的舒适性。3、极高的抗压强度 挤塑板的结构形成均厚的蜂窝壁紧密相连且有壁间无缝隙,所以其抗压强度极高可达336Kpa以上,更可在浸泡24小时后仍维持不变,这是其他材料包括EPS发泡聚苯乙烯所达不到的性能。即使将其用作载人或泊车平台,也能满足要求。4、极低吸水性 挤塑板具有完全的闭孔式结构,正反面都没有缝隙,使漏水、冷凝和冰/解冻循环等情况所产生的湿气无法渗透,吸水性极度低,使板材的性能可达到持续稳定的发挥。5、出色的抗湿防潮效果 挤塑板可有效地阻绝地气的渗透,在高温情况下,能够有效地产生防潮效果。另外,用于防潮地板的内部阻绝物,保护建筑物免于湿气破坏。泡沫板聚苯乙烯泡沫板又名泡沫板、EPS板是由含有挥发性液体发泡剂的可发性聚苯乙烯珠粒,经加热预发后在模具中加热成型的白色物体,其有微细闭孔的结构特点,主要用于建筑墙体,屋面保温,复合板保温,冷库、空调、车辆、船舶的保温隔热,地板采暖,装潢雕刻等用途非常广泛。适用范围:建筑外墙保温耐火等级:B1级/难燃导热系数:0.032W/(mk)工作温度:离火自熄()密度:35(kg/m)备注:离火自熄,氧指数26岩棉 又称岩石棉、是矿物棉的一种。以天然岩石及矿物等为原料 制成的蓬松状短细纤维。适用范围:工业锅炉、设备管道、建筑内保温等耐火等级:A级/不燃导热系数:0.0260.035W/(mk)工作温度:-260700()密度:150(kg/m)备注:遇水失效,不宜用于建筑外保温施工注意:1需保温的设施和管道应无泄漏,表面干燥,无油脂,无锈蚀在桔柑些条件下,为利于防腐,可采取适当涂层。2为达到热损失最小目的,板和毡的所有接头一定要对接十分紧密,在多层保温时各个十字接缝应交错开来,以免形成热桥,在保冷时必需杜绝冷桥。3岩棉制品用于室外保温或者在易受机械磨损的地方宜用金属或塑料包皮,并注意接头,接缝的密封,必要时加胶质封条,包裹层重叠部分不小于100mm 。4用于保冷一定要在保冷面加防潮层,在温度特别低的情况下,用不含树脂的岩棉进行绝热,其防潮层也必须是防火的。5当温度超过200 时,保温必须加合适的外护,这样可能产生的膨胀就不会使厚度和容重发生变化。6对于大直径或平壁设备用岩棉制品保温,超过200 时应加保温钉,(间距400mm )外护要贴紧。7当保温对象垂直放置,具有相当高度时,其保温层一定要有定位销或环,间距不要大于3 米,以防保温材料在有震动时向下滑动。8室外保温,保冷施工不宜在雨天进行,否则应采取防雨措施。外墙用岩棉外墙用岩棉主要一点是要求具有强度和一定的抗拉力。通常人们是通过增加岩棉的密度来达到强度的要求,此外就是在生产当中适当的增加胶量。从原材料上来说玄武岩的岩棉是最好的,它生产出来的岩棉不但纤维细,而且导热
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