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山东省临清市京华中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次单元测试试题(无答案)选择题 (共65分)一 听力(每题1分,共20分)听句子,选择正确应答语,句子读一遍。1 A No, never. B Yes, I do. C No, he hasnt.2 A It doesnt matter. B It sounds wonderful. C A TV.3 A Yes, I have. B Yes, I did. C No, I dont.4 A Yes, there are. B No, there isnt. C Its nothing.5 A Have a good time! B Well done! C Good idea !听对话,选择正确答案,对话读一遍。6 What are they talking about?A The moon. B The sun C Mars.7 What does the man want to do ?A Get some information about space traveling. B travel in space. C Go online.8 Whom has the girl been to Beijing with?A Her father. B Her mother. C Her brother.9 What has China done according to the speakers?A Sent spaceships into space. B Sent astronauts into the moon. C Sent astronauts into space.10 Where may the two speakers be?A In a post office. B In a library. C On the street.听对话,选择正确答案,对话读两遍。11 What does Sallys new friend look like?A She has long hair and big eyes. B She is tall and beautiful.C She is short with glasses.12 What does Sallys new friend often wear?A A red coat B A red skirt. C A red hat.13 Whats Sallys new friend like?A Shy. B Out-going. C Friendly.14 How old is Sallys new friend?A She is as old as Sally. B She is as old as Steve. C She is older than Sally.15 Who is Sallys new friend?A Lucy. B Steve. C Lily.听短文,选择正确答案,短文读两遍。16 Where did this boy go last week?A To Beijing. B To Shanghai. C To Qingdao.17 What does he think of this city?A Beautiful. B Big. C New.18 What did NOT he do there ?A Swim in the sea. B Eat some seafood. C Make some foreign friends.19 Why does he like the people there?A Because they often talked with him.B Because they were friendly to him.C Because they were kind and out-going.20 Who wrote this letter?A Jack. B Daming. C A girl.二 单项选择(15分)21 Iwrote_mybrotherlastSaturday, butIhaventheard_himuptonow.A. from,to B. to,of C. to,to D. to,from22-Whatsyourdreamjob, Tony?-Ihope_apoliceman.A. being B. be C .tobe D to23.Theboy_threedaysreadingthenovel.A.cost B .paid C. spent D. took24.Englishismyfavouritesubject, andIamgood_it.A. for B. to C. at D. of25.Icantwait_thesingerYaoBeinainconcerttonight.A.see B. tosee C.seeing D to seeing26.Thegirllooks_andsheissittingonthesofa_.A.quiet,quietly B.quietly,quietly C.quiet,quiet D.quietly,quiet27 Thanksfor_mesomuch.A .tell B. telling C. told D. totell28-DoyouknowthesongGangnamStyle?-Of course.It_interesting.A.tastes B.smells C.sounds D.feels29 London is a beautiful city. I _ it twice before.A. visited B. will visit C. have visited D. visit30. -Have you finished your work _? -Yes, I have. Ive _ finished it.A. yet; already B. already; yet C. just; already D. already; yet31 -Wheres your father? -He _ to work.A. has gone B. went C. has been D. will go32. What do you think of the film you saw yesterday? - Oh! Its one of _ films Ive ever seen.A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting33 _Earth turns around _Sun.A An a B A ,a C The ,the D The ,a34 The old man lives _,but he doesnt feel _. A lonely, lonely B alone ,alone C lonely, alone D alone, lonely35. _ I have been to many countries.A. So far B. Finally C. At first D. Now三 阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)APeopleeatdifferentthingsindifferentpartsoftheworld.InsouthChina,weeatriceeveryday.Sometimesweeatittwoorthreetimesaday,forbreakfast,lunchandsupper. Weusuallyeatitwithfish,meatandvegetables.TheJapaneseeatrice,too.Theyalsoeatalotoffish.Theysometimeseatraw fish.InAfrica,maize isthemostimportantfood.Peopletheremakemaizeintoflour.Fromthisflourtheymakedifferentkindsofbreadandcakes.Inwestern countriessuchasBritain,AustraliaandtheU.S.A,themostimportantfoodisbreadorpotatoes.Peoplethereusuallymaketheirbreadfromwheatflour.Theycookthe potatoes in different ways. InEnglandthemostpopularfoodisfishandchips.Sometimespeoplecookthisfoodathome,butusuallytheybuyitattheshop.Theyeatthisfoodathome,intheirworkplace,intheparkorontheroad.Peoplecallittake-awayfood.36 Thispassageisabout_.A.foodB.drinkC.clothesD.waysoflife37Whosometimeseatfishwhenitisntcooked?A.PeopleinChinaB.PeopleinJapanC.PeopleinAfricaD.PeopleinBritain38ThemostimportantfoodforAfricanpeopleis_.A.rice B.fish C.vegetable D.maize39.Whichofthefollowingcountriesiscall
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