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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Unit One XiaoLing: Whos the pretty girl in this photo.Miss White? Miss White:Its my former pupil Sue.She studies at Rose School in Leeds,England now. XiaoLing: Is her school near her home? Miss White:No,it isnt.So she gets up early. XiaoLing: How does she go to school?Does she go to school by underground? Miss White:No,theres no underground in Leeds.She always goes to school by school bus. XiaoLing: Does she study Chinese at school? Miss White:No,she studies maths,Engglish,science,music,art,P.E.and other subjects. XiaoLing: Does she have lunch at school? Miss White:Yes,she has lunch at the school canteen. XiaoLing: Does she need to do her homework after school? Miss White:Yes,she does.On weekdays she always does her homework for an hour after dinner. And she practises the piano for half an hour like you. XiaoLing: Really?How old is she? Miss White:Shestwelve. XiaoLing: Shes one year older than me.I want to be her plen friend. Could you help me? Miss White:Id be glad to.You may e-mail each other.Unit TwoMiss White:Hello!May I speak to Mrs Chen/Mrs Chen:This is Mrs Chen speaking.Whos that,please?Miss White:Its Miss White,Jiamins teacher.Mrs Chen:Hello,Miss White.How are you?Miss White:Im fine,thank you.And you?Mrs Chen:Im fine too.Thanks.Miss White:Jimin looks thinner now than before.Mrs Chen:Yes.Im worried about him.Miss White:He looks tired and sometimes he sleeps in class.Mrs Chen:Really?Miss White:Hes often late for school.Does he go to bed very late?Mrs Chen:Yes.He always goes to bed later than me.Does he have a lot of homework?Miss White:I dont think so.Mrs Chen:But he always works in his bedroom after dinner.Miss White:Sometimes Jiamin cant hand in his homework on time and he cant do well in class.Does he have a new computer?Mrs Chen:Yes,he does.I think he plays computer games too much.Miss White:Oh,I see.Mrs Chen:What school I do,Miss White?Im Worried about Jiamins study.Miss White:Dont worry.Jiamin is a good boy.Im sure he can catch up with the others.Lets help him together.Mrs Chen:Thank you,Miss White.Unit FourMrs Webb:Good morning,Janet.Its time to get up.Janet:Zzzzzz Zzzzzzz.Mrs Webb:Good morning,Janet.Wake up!Janet:Huh.oh,I feel ill.Mrs Webb:Get up,Janet!Its time for breakfast.Janet:I cant,Mum.Mrs Webb:Whats the matter?Janet:I dont know.I feel tired.Can I go back to sleep?Mrs Webb:OK.Mrs Webb:Wake up,Janet!Its time for school.Janet:Zzzzzz Zzzzzzz.Mrs Webb:Wake up,Janet.Janet:Huh.oh,hi,Mum.Mrs Webb:Get up,Janet!Youre late for school.Mrs Webb:Eat your breakfast,Janet.Its time for school.Ben:Yes,eat your breakfast quickly.I dont want to be late for school.Janet:Im not hungry.I dont feel well.Mrs Webb:Janet,its time for school.Get dressed,quickly.Janet:Mum,Im tired.I dont want to o to school.Mrs Webb:OK.Get dressed.Were going to see the doctor.Unit FiveDoctor Li:Hello,Mrs Webb.Hello,Janet.Mrs Webb&Janet:Hello,docto.Doctor Li:Whats the matter,Janet?You look very pale.Mrs Webb:Janet doesnt feel good this morning.Janet:Im tired.Doctor Li:Let me give you a checkup first.Doctor Li:Well,you are fine,Janet.Mrs Webb:But Janet looks very pale and tired today,Doctor.Doctor Li:How much fruit do you eat every day?Mrs Webb:Oh,Janet eats plenty of fruit.She eats fruit at school.Doctor Li:Whats the matter,Janet?Janet:I dont eat my fruit,I dont like it much.Doctor Li:OK,Do you eat a lot of vegetables,Janet?Mrs Webb:Oh yes.Janet eats vegetables at school and after school.Doctor Li:Whats the matter,Janet?Janet:I dont eat my vebetables.I dont like them much.Doctor Li:OK.Do you walk a lot every day?Mrs Webb:Oh yes.The Children walk to school with their father every morning.Doctor Li:Whats the matter,Janet?Janet:We dont always walk to school.We usally go by bus.Doctor Li:OK.Do you go to bed early?Mrs Webb:Oh yes.The children go to bed early every night.Doctor Li:Whats the matter,Janet?Janet:I dont go to bed early.I read for a long time every night.Doctor Li:I see.Take the medicine three times a day,Janet.And stay at home for one day.Janet:OK,Doctor.Thanks. UNIT 7 Is Yongxians New School Larger? Rose: Do you still_ at Guangzhou International School,Yongxian? Yongxian: Yes. But were going to move to the new school next Monday. Rose: Really? Is it_ to your home? Yongxian: Yes,it is.So I_go to school by bus.I can_there. Tom: Is your new school much_than the old one? Yongxian: Yes,its much_. Rose: Does it have_ buildings? Yongxian: Yes,it does.And the classrooms are_and_. Tom: Is the playground_than the old one? Yongxian: Yes,and the swimming pool is larger too. Rose; Is there a library in it? Y
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