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人人说英语初级 6-20Unit 16Going to a prty参与约会Conersation 1A: Wrego t hav a rt this weeknd. Woud olike o n u? 这个周末我们要搞个约会,你想加入么?B:Oh, reat!an brig afriend aon?哦,太好了!我可以带个朋友去么?:Of cors.h mre the merrir.固然可以。人多热闹嘛.ey ord ad rasesaty(约会)weekend(周末)oin (动)参与,加入rng sb. along 把某人带来/去 merry (形)快活的NoesTh morthe rer.是一句习语,意思是越多越好。Cnversat 2Sng: la se you.Coo in.见到你太好了。快请进。oise:Tha yo.eres a presnt for yo.谢谢。这是给你的礼物。Song: O, you shuldnt .ttak you verymuch.哟,你真客气。谢谢你。Ky Word and Phrasrsnt (名)礼物NoCmon in常用于口语中,意思是“进来”或“请进”比Come in听上去客气些You souldnt在这里相称于You shouln do that (brig prest)。事实上表达对送礼者的感谢。Conversation e:Arou haing a good time?玩得开心吗?Kein:Oh, ye. It a gratpary. here are sme ole Ido know 噢,是的。这约会搞得不错。但是有人我不结识。Le: Reall? me o.ltroc thm t you.是吗?来,我把她们简介给你。Kevin: Tht would be ge.那太好了。Ky o nd Phraseshave good tie玩得开心 though(副)但是introduce(动)简介oteCmeon是口语中的常用语,有“来吧”,“快点”等意思。Adiiona Useful ExpressionW e ou goigto invte? 你打算邀请哪些人?W ls ha you invied? 你还邀请了谁?erwill bea lot f ood and rink at the paty约会上有的是吃的和喝的。 Hoshal Ib drssed?我该穿什么去?Cusle woul be fe.穿的随意点好了。lease bin yourownottle.请自带水。How au hving pot-ucparty? 我们每个人都准备一份菜,合起来开个会餐会怎么样?Ilike yuo meet m frinds 我想把你引见给我的朋友。We have met.我们见过面。o I know y? 我结识你吗?(觉得某人面熟或想搭话时可以这样说)Te prty wont be nithotu.没有你约会就没劲了。Le e some muic.我们来点音乐吧。Ky ors and hraesiite(动)邀请aual(形)非正式的pot-luck part 各带食物的会餐会Unit 17At a esaurant在饭店ConversaWater: w mn n you party?您几位?Customer: our.4位。Wer: Coud ou ait a oment? 请稍等一会。ustomr: No prole没问题。NtesPat在这里的意思是一拨人。 Cnverato 2Waiter: Ae oueadytoorder? 可以点菜了吗?Custoer: Coul you gie secnd,pease.请给我们一会儿时间好吗?Waiter: Sure.没问题。Ky Words Phrasesbe adyto dos准备好做某事rer (动)点(菜,饮料)sure (副)Cnvetio aite: at wudle t drink? 你们想喝点什么?Custme:oke, plas. 来可乐Waiter: For everyone? 都喝可乐吗?Customer: Ye, ease.是的。KeyWrds adrasesCoe(名)可乐dditionalefl Expressions Coul ecomnd smehing?您可以推荐点什么菜吗?hatar yur specialties? 有哪些特色菜?I ike egetble sad.我想来份蔬菜沙拉。Can I lo atyourdessert menu? 我看一下你们的甜食单好吗?an I he a gaso water, pleas请来杯水好吗?m not vr keen on ish.我不是特别爱吃鱼。Enjy yur eal! 请慢用!(服务员对顾客说的话)Let e knw ifyou ned anythigese 您还需要什么的话就吩咐好了(服务员对顾客说的话)Cck,please.请结账。Unit 18oking aote Rom预定酒店房间Cnveraton1HtelCle:ello, rindhip Hote. ow can I elp yo? 您好,这里是友谊宾馆。Comer:Id lik tobook ro or 3 nhts.我想预定一种房间,住个晚上。Hotel Cek: What are he dates, sir? 请问先生从哪天到哪天/Cusoe: FromJuly th toth.从7月7号到号。e Wods and xpresss hotel(名)酒店clk (名)职工custome (名)顾客bok (动)预定(也可以用eseve这个词如resera room)ate(名)日期Nots几月几号中的几号要用序数词,读的时候在序数词前加te,如月7日要读作ulyheenthnvration:Hotel Clerk: Coul aveyr nm, plese? 请问您的姓名?Custoer:evin, eknap凯文.贝尔克耐普。oe Clek: Hodo yu spel your last a? 请问您的姓名怎么拼?Cusomer: B-E-LK-A-. B-E-L-A-Poteller: Right Thank you ery mush.好,谢谢。Notesst ne指姓,t nam 是名,西方习惯是名在前,姓在后Conesation3Hotel Clerk: ould ou kea smokigor o-sin room? 你是要吸烟的房间还是不吸烟的房间?Customr: Non-moin, lese.不吸烟的。KeWords an Praemokng(吸烟的)no-smokig(形)不吸烟的Addtonl UefuEpresionsedlike dble rm.我们想要个双人间。I wt singl roo for hee night.我想要个单人间,住3个晚上。Isbreakftiuddn tprce? 房价涉及早餐吗?Pla give m a morni call t see请早上7点叫我。lease cay ti itcas tomm.请把箱子拿到我的房间去。Please gveme a rceipt.我请给我开个发票。d ik o sty anotheray.我想再住一天。Doo hve a chp rom?有无便宜一点的房间呀?Ined atax to gothe arport.我想要辆出租车去机场。Voabulrydble(形)双人的singe (形)单人的ild (动)涉及ornncal 叫早rry (动)提,抬suita(名)行李箱rceipt(名)发票ap (形,比较级)较便宜的Unit 19tte r在酒吧nversion Bartndr: Go enin, sir晚上好,先生。Cutome: Gd evening. Ill h aScoth晚上好,我想要杯威士忌。Breder:Yes, r.trigr on te rock? 好的,先生。纯威士忌还是加冰快?uso: O th rocks,plese.加冰块。Key Wors and hrassS(名)威士忌Straigh(形)纯的 terocks 加冰块Conersion 2Custmer: i,dlike to hve a br.嗨,我要杯啤酒。Brtner:Hi, od eening. Whihind of er wu oulie?嗨,晚上好,你要什么啤酒?Cuomer: Idlketotry loca beer. Wht wuld sges?我想尝尝本地啤酒,你给我建议一下吧。Bartender:Howabu Yajing Bee?Its veypopular he.燕京啤酒怎么样?在这很受欢迎的。Cutomer:ous od. Iltk tat听着不错,就要它吧。K Wordsand PhrssLoca(形)本地的ggest(动)
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