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Unit 8 检测题一、翻译下列短语 (10分)1、多大年纪_ 2、Tom的生日_3、出生日期_ 4、英语演讲比赛_5、郊游 _ 6、学校庆祝日_7、艺术节_ 8、一个13岁的女孩_9、October tenth_ 10、February 2nd _二、选择(将答案写在前面括号中)(10分)( )1、When is your birthday? Its May _. A.four B.fourteen C.fourth D.forty ( ) 2、August is the _month of the year . A.eighth B.ninth C.eight D.nine ( ) 3、New Years Day (元旦) is on January _. A.1th B.1st C.1rd D.2nd ( ) 4、Sunday is the _day of the week. A.first B.second C.last D.third ( ) 5、December is the _month of the year. A.twelve B.tenth C.twelveth D.twelfth ( ) 6、 Do you have a Music Festival at your school. _. A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,we do. C.Yes,we does. D.Yes,it does. ( ) 7、_is your aunt ? She is thirty. A.When B.When old C.How old D.How ( ) 8、Happy Birthday to you ! _. A.Thats all right B.The same to you. C.Thank you.D. Thats OK. ( ) 9、When is _ birthday. Its November 11th. A.Sallys B.Sally C.Sallys D.Sally is ( ) 10、Our school has a speech contest _ October 16 each year. A.in B.on C.at D.for 三、根据句意、首字母的提示完成句子(5分)1、April is the f_ month of the year .2、Teachers day is on S _ tenth.3、Whats the d_ today ? Its June fourth.4、Daves birthday p_ is on May first.5、Do you know Tree Planting Day . Its in M_.四、用所给词的正确形式填空(5分)1、Where is _ (Lucy) pen.2、Monday is the _(two) day of the week.3、Do you have _(aanthe) Art Festival at your school ?4、Where are my _ ? (book)5、Is he _(you) friend ?五、句型转换 (5 分)1、School Day is October tenth. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Schhol Day ?2、My grandfater is seventy.(同上) _ _ _ your grandfater ?3、She likes basketball game .(改为否定句) She _ _ basketball game .4、Im 5 .(对划线部分提问) _ old _ _?六、补全对话(10分)A: Do you _ a _ Day _ your School ?B: Yes, _ _.A: _ is it ?B: Its April _.(19) A: Do you have _ Art _? B: No, we _.七、翻译句子(5分)1、你哥哥多大了? How old _ _ _ ?2、礼拜三是一星期里的第四天。 _ is the _ of the week.3、我妈妈的生日是7月22号。 My _ birthday is _ _.4、我们在三、四月份举行篮球比赛? We have a basketball game in _ and _.八、作文(5分)写篇小文章介绍一下自己,你的文章中必须包括年龄、生日、喜欢的运动,最少五句话!_2
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