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Why dont you talk to your parents学习目的:通过本节课的训练,同学们要达到以下目标:1、明确一篇高分作文须具备哪些条件。2、明确完成一篇命题作文的步骤。3、根据Unit 4的话题,学会写建议信。 模块一:自主学习学法指导学习内容摘记Step1: 五步骤完成书面表达第一步:审清题意。第二步:列出要点。第三步:斟酌词句。第四步:组成文章。第五步:纠错誊抄。请注意:字迹清楚,卷面工整!Step2:“建议信”的基本模式及常用句型:开头:Dear .,After I read your letter, Im sorry to know that.Im writing to share my advice with you.I would like to share .Dont worry, I think I can help you.I know you have trouble.and I would like to.正文:Firstly.Secondly.Then.Next.Finally.After that. As for. Besides.Whats more.Because, so that, if.Youd better. Why dont you. I think you could.Maybe you should. Its better for you to. Its important for you to. .is helpful. .may help a lot.结尾:I hope that everything will be fine.I hope these suggestions may help you out.I hope youll find these suggestions helpful.Please write to me if you need more help.I can help you whatever you want. 模块二:交流研讨例文分析研讨内容摘记作文要求:请同学们针对Amy的烦恼写一封回信,给她提出建议,帮她解决烦恼。字数60-80词。Dear students, I am not happy these days. I have some problems. Firstly, Im angry with my husband and argue with him a lot because he doesnt help with housework. Secondly, I cant sleep very well at night, so I feel tired in the day time and I make a lot of mistakes in class. I think Im too stressed out. What should I do? Could you give me some advice, my dear students? Yours Amy任务:小组讨论评价下列两篇例文,给出分数及理由。 Which one do you think is better? Why?例文1:Dear Amy,Let me gave you some advice. You should talk with your husband and tell him share housework with you. You shouldnt argue with him. You should do some sports or listen some music to relax yourself. Yours Sam例文2 Dear Amy,Dont worry about your problem. Heres some advice to share with you. Firstly, youd better not argue with your husband. Instead, you should talk with him nicely and let him know that youre very tired of the housework and you need his help. As for your sleeping, maybe listening to some relaxing music will help a lot. Whats more, reading or doing some sports is also a good way to relax. I hope everything will be fine soon. Yours Alice你认为例文1,例文2各可以打几分,哪个例文写得较好,为什么?_ 模块三:巩固内化写作训练 姓名 学习任务摘记作文题目:假如你是Mary的好友Jane, Mary来信向你诉说了她的苦恼,请你针对信中内容给Mary提出至少两条建议,帮助她解决烦恼。要求:1、所提建议合理可行,包含所有要点。2、语言通顺,上下文连贯,字迹工整,字数60-80词。Dear Jane,Help me! I think Im crazy! Last week I fought with my desk mate, because I really cant stand that he always borrows my things without asking. And next Saturday hell hold a birthday party. Everyone was invited except me. I feel really sad about that. I dont want to lose this friend. But I dont know what to do. I hope to hear your advice as soon as possible. Yours Mary正文:Dear Mary,_ Yours Janes
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