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课 题Unit8 Section B What Youngsters Expect in Life (1)需2 课时教 学 目 的要 求After studying this part, the students are expected to be able to understand the main idea of the text and master the useful words and expressions relevant to the text.教学重点Understanding the main idea of Text A and mastering the key language points of this text.教学难点The useful words and expressions relevant to the text.教案编写日期11年 月 日教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程提示与补充I. Revision 1. Have a dictation on the new words and expressions of Text A.2. Ask students to translate some important sentences of Text A into ChineseII. New Lesson Section B What Youngsters Expect in Life1. Pre-reading Activityl Ask students to read the text thoroughly and master the main idea of the text.l Do Ex. I Reading Comprehension:2. Ask students to understand the useful words of Text B(1)expansion 用法 n(1)扩大,扩充,扩展,扩张,发展:the expansion of the knowledge知识的扩大;territorial expansion领土的扩张 (2)张开,展开:the easy expansion of the wing of a bird鸟翼自然地张开 (3)膨胀:Heat causes the expansion of gas气体遇热膨胀。 辨析 expansion, extension expansion意为扩大,一般指面积或体积的扩大、膨胀。extension意为“扩展,延伸”,原指在直线上的延长,也引申为体积、面积的扩展,如:Tools are extension of human hands工具是人类双手的延伸。另外,extension还有“电话分机,分机号码”的意思,如:She forgot her husbands extension她忘记了丈夫的分机号码。 (2)motivate 用法 v.(1)使有动机,构成(行为)的动机,激起(行动):No one really knows what motivated him to do so没有人 知道他那样做的动机是什么。 (2)激发积极性(或学习兴趣):The situation made it more difficult for management to motivate workers那种局面使得管理部门更难把工人们的积极性调动起来。 (3)使(学习等)生动有趣:This programme is thoroughly motivated这套教学计划编得极有吸引力。 考点 motivate sb. to do sth.激励某人做某事 be molilated by受的驱使 记忆法 motivation n动机的形成,动力;目的:The stronger the motivation,the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language一个人学外语的动力越大,学得就越快。 motive n动机,目的,理由:The police could not find a motive for the murder警方未能找出谋杀者的动机。 (3)prospect用法 n.(1)(的)可能性,预期,展望:I delight in the prospect of visiting Beijing.我满心欢喜地期待着访问北京。Is there any prospect of success?有望成功吗? (2)景象,景色,视野:a magnificent prospect of mountain peaks and lakes山峰和湖泊的壮丽景色 (3)(成功,得益等的)可能性,机会:The prospect of finishing the work soon arent very hopeful很快做完这项工作不大可能。 (4)前景,前程,前途:They have bad job prospect他们的就业前景暗淡。 (5)可能成为主顾的人,有希望的候选人:The car salesman talked to several prospects那个汽车推销员和好几个可能成为主顾的人进行了攀谈。 v.勘探,勘察:prospect for gold勘探金矿 考点 prospect for 勘探 in prospect期望中的,展望中的引申 (同)expectation,future,hope (反)unlikelihood(4) comparison 用法 n(1)比较,对照:a comparison of sthto sthelse某一事物与另 一事物的比较 (2)相似,类似:There is no comparison between Beethovens works and pop music贝多芬的作品与流行音乐之间毫无相似之处。 (3)比拟,比喻:a comparison of the heart to a pump把心脏比喻成泵 考点,by/in comparison相比之下:This house costs more but is cheaper by comparison这所房子的房价较高,但 与其他房子的价格比较起来还算是便宜的。 In comparison with /to 与比较起来:She is quite tall in comparison with her sister与妹妹相比,她相当高。In comparison to your problems,mine are almost insignificant与你的问题比起来,我的几乎算不了什么。 Beyond comparison无与伦比的(地):Her looks are beyond comparison她的美貌无与伦比。(5)swell 用法 v(1)肿胀,膨胀,鼓起:A tyre swells as it is filled with air轮胎充气后会胀起。 (2)增强,增多,扩大:Our ranks have swelled我们的队伍扩大了。 (3)(河水)上涨,(海洋等)波涛汹涌:The tide swelled in over the sand潮水上涨,淹没了沙滩。 n(1)肿胀,肿起:I have had the knee joints swollen我的踝关节肿过。(2)增强,增加:a swell in population人口的增加a极好的,一流的:She was a really swell girl。她真是个出色的姑娘。 考点 swell to 增至:The enrollment swelled to 3,000 this year今年招生人数增至3000人。 (6)rank用法 n.(1)军衔,职衔:the rank of colonel陆军上校(2)社会等级,社会地位:people from the upper and middle ranks of society社会中上阶层的人们 (3)排,横列:the ranks of great pines一排排挺拔的松树 v. (1)将排成行:The cups were ranked neatly on the shelf杯子整整齐齐地排列在架子上。 (2)(按特性、成就等)将某人(某物)分等级:How do you rank Karpov as a chess player?你把卡尔波夫列为哪一级的棋手? a(1)茂密丛生的,长满杂草的:The patch was rank with weeds这块地长满了野草。 (2)气味不好的,发臭:rank meat臭肉 考点 sb. rank below /above sb. else某人比另一个人地位低(高):He ranks below Shelley as a poet作为一个诗人,他位列舍利之后。 rank among/with属于:He ranks among the greatest pianists of our day他是我们这个时代最伟大的钢琴家之一。 rank as 把看作:All ranked him as an excellent teacher.所有的人都把他看作是一名出色的教 师。 (7)variation 用法 n(1)变化,变更,变动:variation of pressure压力的变化 (2)变化量,变化程度:a variation of ten pound in weight重量上的10磅之差 (3)变异的东西,变化了的形式:Its always the same story whatever the cultural variation不论文化形式怎么变,其本质内容是不变的。记忆法 variable a易变的,多变的,可变的;variety n品种,种类,变化,多样性;various a不同的,各种各样的,多方面的(8)absence 用法 n(1)缺席,不在:absence from work缺勤;ask for leave of absence 请假 (2)缺乏,不存在:the absence of evidence缺乏证据 考点 absence from 缺席 absence
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