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2020年精编人教版英语资料5.1课时作业.用所给词的适当形式填空1What worries the parents are that the Internet games are _ (attract) to some young people.2We all think he is a _ (million)3They are just _ (passerby) so they know nothing about the place.4He was one of the greatest _ (music) that I knew.5He is so _ (humour) that we all like him.6We all enjoyed their _ (perform) at yesterdays party.7Many famous _ (act), like Zhang Guoli, are said to have played in the film.8The football game will be _ (broadcast) live tomorrow evening.答案:1.attractive2.millionaire3.passersby4musicians5.humorous6.performance7.actors8broadcast.介、副词填空1If we are honest _ ourselves, we all dreamed _ being famous.2_ time going on, her hair is becoming grayer and grayer.3The band began _ a TV show and the musicians were famous _ playing jokes _ each other as well _ playing music.4Theories should be based _ practice.5Sometimes we put advertisements _ newspapers looking _ things we have lost.6The sun broke _ the clouds.7After midnight, the party broke _.8I met him _ chance on the street.9If you stick _ the truth, you have nothing to fear.10Please add a little salt _ the dish.答案:1.with; of2.With3.as; for; on; as4.on5.in; for6.through7.up8.by9.to10.to.选词填空 1I shouldnt _ doing such a thing.2We dare not _ Mr. Wang for fear that he should become angry.3The workers received their wages _.4The language adopted in the book must _ young children.5We can _ him to help us.6The film _ a novel written by Qiong Yao.7The employer _ the employees wishes for a holiday.8Our school will _ tomorrow.9There are 300 students _ in this middle school.10_, I do not like this kind of music at all.答案:1.dream of2.play jokes on3.in cash4be familiar to5.rely on6.is based on7.as well as8.break up9.or so10.To be honest.根据汉语意思,用括号内所给提示翻译句子1取笑你的同学是不对的。(play jokes on)_2你对当地的风俗习惯熟悉吗?(be familiar with)_3她在打扫卫生时打碎了玻璃杯。(break up)_4你是如何养成这种坏习惯的?(form)_5小女孩梦见自己成了一名明星。(dream of)_6说实话,那就是我所有的钱。(to be honest)_7作为老师,她赢得了学生的尊重。(earn)_8你认为他的研究重要吗?(attach .to)_9昨天晚上我在床上翻来覆去地睡不着。(roll)_10我认为他们不需要任何额外的帮助。(extra)_答案:1Its not right to play jokes on your classmates.2Are you familiar with the local customs?3She broke up the glass while doing some cleaning.4How do you form such a bad habit?5The little girl dreamt of becoming a famous star.6To be honest, thats all the money I have.7As a teacher, she earned the respect of her students.8Do you attach any importance to his research?9I rolled over in bed and couldnt get to sleep last night.10I dont think they need any extra help.阅读理解AAmericans have contributed (致力于;贡献)to many art forms, but jazz, a type of music, is one of the art forms that were started in the United States.Black Americans, who sang and played the music of their homeland, created jazz.Jazz is a mixture of the music of Africa, the work songs the slaves sang, and religious (宗教的) music. Improvisation (即兴演奏) is an important part of jazz. This means that the musicians make up the music as they go along, or create the music on the spot(现场)This is why a jazz song might sound a little different each time it is played.Jazz bands formed in the late 1800s.They played in bars and clubs in many towns and cities of the South, especially New Orleans. New Orleans is an international seaport, and the people from all over the world come to New Orleans to hear Jazz.Jazz became more and more popular. By the 1920s, jazz was popular all over the United States. By the 1940s, you could hear jazz not only in clubs and bars, but in concert halls as well.Today, people from all over the world play jazz. Jazz musicians from the United States, Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe meet and share their music at festivals on every continent. In this way jazz continues to grow and change.1What can be the best title of the passage?AAmerican art formsBThe develop
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