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高中英语核心知识点总汇第一部分 冠 词冠词分为定冠词the,不定冠词a/an和零冠词(不用冠词),作为高考必考核心知识点,对于冠词考生应掌握以下易出错的几点。一、不定冠词1.放在专有名词前面,表具有后者特征的普通名词。例:A Mr. Smith is waiting for you.有一位史密斯先生在等着你呢!What an America it was then! 那时候是一个怎样的美国哟!2.放在形容词最高级前修饰名词表示很、相当。例:Qing Dao is a most beautiful city! 青岛太美了!3.放在序数词前面表“再一次”。例:As an English major,I must learn a second language.作为英语系学生,我必须再学一门外语。4.放在一些抽象名词前表示具体化。例:English is a must for international business.在国际商务中英语是(一门)必须(的工具)。It is a pleasure for me to work here.对我而言,在这工作是(一件)乐趣(的事)。5.a与an的选择取决于其后面单词读音为元音与否。而非元音字母。例:a university,an hour,a one-way street,a useful book,a usual method,an8yearold boy.二、定冠词1.the+adj 表类别。例:The doctors are caring for the blind.医生正在照顾盲人。These persons don t show mercy to the poor.这些人对穷人毫不同情。2.和表示具体数量的名词连用。表“以为单位”。例如:The workers are paid by the day.工人们以天为单位得到抱酬。三、零冠词1.表示泛指或一般概念Water is liquid.水是液体。The water there is smelly.那的水有点臭。2.在某些独立结构中He came into the room,book in hand.他走进屋里,手里拿着书。Child as he is,he knows a lot about the history of China.他虽然是个孩子,可他对中国历史很有了解。3.用于介词后表示抽象概念,注意与有冠词时的区别He works in a hospital.他在一家医院工作。He is in hospital.他在住院。4.在某些习惯用语中go to school/class/bed/hospital去上学/去上课/去睡觉/去看病by air/plane/bus乘飞机/乘飞机/坐汽车at night/sunset在晚上/在日落时在近几年高考中,在冠词方面多考查冠词的基本用法,考查定冠词、不定冠词以及零冠词的对比使用,以及在固定结构中的使用情况,以及抽象名词具体化后与冠词的搭配情况。例如:When you come here for your holiday next time,dont go to _ hotel; I can find you _ bed in my flat.(04年全国高考题)A. the; a B. the, C. a; the D. a; 答案为A.the hotel为考查定冠词最基本用法,表特指;后边选项中a bed表示类别。第二部分 代 词代词是每年高考都涉及到的热点核心内容,在对其基本知识掌握的前提下,应注意以下容易出错的几点:1.人称代词宾格代替主格:当人称代词独立使用或不直接加谓语动词时,宾格可做主语。例:Who will go there with Tom?Me(=I will)I like music very much.Me too(=I like it too)He is taller than I(am).(正式)He is taller than me.(非正式)2.aan+名词+of+名词性物主代词,这一特殊句型中名词性物主代词不可换为普通宾格形式。 例:He is a friend of mine.不可以说成He is a friend of me.3.反身代词不能做定语。受汉语影响,此类错误经常出现。例如:This is a book of himself.或This is himself s book.正确表达法应为:This is his own book.4.反身代词一些固定搭配应区分。例:I went to the cinema myself.我亲自去邮局。I went to the cinema by myself.我独自一人去邮局。In itself,your idea is good.就其本身而言,你的主意不错。The door closed of itself.这门自己就关上了。I m not quite myself today.今天我不太舒服。5.指示代词this、that作状语,表示“这么、那么”。例:I can t ran that fast!我跑不了那么快。I think your book is this heavy.我觉得你的书会这么重!6.含有一些不定代词的短语nothing but仅仅 anything but根本不 none other than 就是 other than除了 every few metres 每隔几米(此处few不表否定含义)7.some与any的问题some主要用于肯定句,当用于疑问句时表示特殊含义预期对方做出肯定回答。例:Can I have some tea?表示邀请或请求。例:May I invite you to have some tea?some与单数可数名词连用表示“某一”,相当于a certain any与单数可数名词连用表示“任何”,相当于every.例:He works in some restaurant in BeiJing.他在北京某一饭店工作。You can see this kind of books in any library.在任何一家图书馆你都会见到这种书。8.each与every用法问题each用来指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的一个,侧重个体。它在句中可做主语、同位语、定语和宾语。every用来指三个或三个以上的人或事物,侧重整体,表示“每一个”。它在句中一般做定语。但由它构成的合成词却只能做主语、宾语和表语,不能作定语。例:They each get a new pen.Every student should finish their homework.9.it的特殊用法作形式主语替代不定式短语,that从句及动名词。例:It is late to go home. It替代to go homeIt is no good arguing with her.It替代arguing with her It is said that it is going to rain. It替代that从句it做平衡句式结构词。例:I hate it when people are talking with their mouths full.此句中it无实际意义,指代后边一种情况。I like _ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.(2004年全国高考题)A. this B. that C. it D. one此题选项为C,为结构助词。it在强调句中应注意的核心知识点当被强调的主语是复数,谓语动词也要用单数。例:It is they who always work hard.在解决代词类试题的问题时,需要考生有多角度的综合能力。考生应分析透代词的含义,数量关系,作定语名词数,作主语动词数及语境逻辑,从而找到突破口。第三部分 形容词和副词形容词和副词因不同的修饰作用而区别很大,但由于汉语翻译在发音方面完全相同,因此,对于这一核心知识点来讲,考生应格外注意以下几点:1.ly是副词的后缀,但以ly结尾的形容词必须与副词区分清楚friendly友好的 sisterly姐妹般的 lovely可爱的 womanly好气的 sillly傻的 ugly丑陋的 elderly较老的 oily多油的 lonely孤独的He treats me sisterly.为错误句子,正确形式应为:He treats me in a sisterly way.2.形容词与副词同形的情况fast enough far daily long early等.有些形容词与副词同形,但同时还有以ly结尾的副词late(adj/adv)晚、迟的 lately(adv)最近 hard(adj/adv)硬的、难的 hardly(adv)几乎不 near(adj/adv)近的 nearly(adv)差不多 wide(adj/adv)宽的 widely(adv)广泛地 high(adj/adv)高的 highly(adv)高度地例:Open your mouth wide and say“Ah”! 张大嘴巴说“啊!”(此处wide为副词表“大”)Computers are widely used. 电脑被广泛地应用。(此处widely为副词表“广泛的”)I ll go direct to Beijing.我将要直接去北京。I ll go to Beijing directly.我要立刻去北京。3.特殊句型与普通意义比较级用法辩析在more+adj/adv+than+adj/adv这一句型中,前后不构成比较含义,而表示“与其不如”。例:He is more diligent than clever.与其说他聪明,不如说他勤奋。4.more than与no more than的区别受汉语影响,大多数考生把more than译为“仅仅”,no more than译为“不仅仅”,实则不然,no more than=only、more than=not only.例如:He is more than a teacher.他不仅仅是一位老师。He is no more than a citizen.他只不过是一个小市民罢了。5.比较级的几个特殊结构1.from bad to worse=worse and worse每况愈下例:The poor s living conditions are getting from bad to worse.穷人们的生活条件每况愈下。2.the+比较级,the+比较级。表示“越越”例:The more you practise,the better you can understand.你练习的越多你理解的就越透。3.to make things worse=what s worse=worse still例:I lost my way,what t worse,I didn t take my cell phone.我迷路了,更糟糕的是,我也没带手机。4.表示倍数关系的几个特殊句式倍数+as+adj/adv+as.例:My room is five times as big as yours.倍数+比较级+tha
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