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教师学科教案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教学科:_任教年级:_任教老师:_xx市实验学校Module 3 Sports一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:baseball, volleyball, boring, exciting, relaxing, already, matter, Whats the matter? hurt, Olympics, stadium, miss, mind, beat, careless, cheeron, coach, fan club, against, train, practice, warm, warm up, usual, pleased, pass, chance, loudly, confidentB. 交际用语:1. Thats too bad!2. Im not sure about that.3. Bad luck!4. Never mind.5. Which sport do you like better, swimming or running? I like swimming better. Its more relaxing than running.6. Its more difficult to practise in winter.7. This year were passing more carefully.8. Whats your favourite sport? My favourite sports is swimming. It is exciting.9. This weeks match already more exciting.10. Its more difficult to practise in winter.11. Watching is not dangerous, and its more relaxing, too.二、教学目标1. Function: Describing and comparing sports.2. Structure: Comparative adjectives (more); adverbs and comparative adverbs (-er, more); irregular comparatives.3. Skills: 1) Listening and understanding familiar topics (sports).2) Comparing sports, linking words correctly. 3) Reading and understanding behaviours of characters; guessing the meaning of new words from the context.4) Writing about your school basketball team.4. Around the world: The marathon race5. Task: Making a sports poster.三、重点及难点: Comparative adjectives (more); adverbs and comparative adverbs (-er, more); irregular comparatives.四、教学设计:Unit 1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.Teaching modelListening and speaking Teaching method PWP approach Teaching aims1. To understand conversations about sports, process information of comparison concerning sports;2. To talk about the sports one likes using comparative forms Teaching Objectives 1. Key vocabulary: baseball, volleyball, boring, exciting, relaxing, already, matter, Whats the matter? hurt, Olympics, stadium, miss, mind2. Key structures: Comparative adjectives(more)3. Key sentences:1) Whats the score? Spain scored a minute ago.2) So this weeks match is already more exciting. 3) Whats the matter with you, Tony? You look exciting.3) But you enjoyed watching the Olympic on TV, right?4) And staying at home was easier than going to the stadium. Teaching aidsTape recorder, OHP, video Teaching StepsStep 1 Warming up1. Show some pictures of school things. Whats your favourite sport?2. Talk about sports.3. Introduce the new words.4. Learn the new words.5. Read the new words.Step 2 Look, listen and say.1. Ask the students to read the words in Activity 1.baseball basketball football table tennis tennis volleyball2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen to the recording carefully.3. Listen and number the sports as you hear them.4. Now match the words with the pictures.5. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.6. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.7. Ask the students to read the words in Activity 2.boring dangerous difficult easy exciting expensive popular relaxing safe8. Look at the sports in Activity 1 and talk about them.1) Last week the football match on TV was so boring because no one scored at all.2) Playing baseball is very dangerous.3) Watching playing tennis is safer than playing it.4) Staying at home is easier than going to the stadium.5) Playing table tennis is very popular in China.6) This weeks NBA match is already more exciting.7) Swimming isnt safe, its dangerous.8) Running isnt expensive, its very cheap.Step 3 Listen and read.1. Show some pictures, and ask the students to talk about them.2. Ask the students to read the conversation silently.3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.4. Read the conversation.5. Act it out.6. Learn “Everyday English”Thats too bad!Im not sure about that.Bad luck!Never mind.Step 4 Check ( ) the true sentences.1. Ask the students to read the conversation again.2. Now check ( ) the true sentences.1) This weeks match is more exciting than last weeks.2) Tony played table tennis yesterday.3) For Tony playing tennis is more exciting than watching matches on TV.4) Watching the Olympics on TV was more expensive than buying tickets for the games.5) Going to the stadium was more difficult than staying at home.3. Ask the students to check with a partner.4. Check the answers: Keys:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Step 5 Complete the sentences.1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 4.already hurt matter mind miss Olympics stadium2. Read through the sentences. 1) Why didnt Tony score? Whats the _ with him?2) You lost the matter? Never _. Maybe youll win next
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