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Unit1 Maki ngNew Frie nds()1.下列大小写字母不对应的一组是。A. F fB. M wC.EeD. Q q()2.下列字母中一笔写成的是。A. pB. tC.mD. i()3.卜列各组字母中含有相冋音素的一组是oA. A, SB. H, IC.L, YD. M, X()4. Welcome to Beiji ng!A. Welcome to Beijing, too.C. Fine, tha nks.)5. Mom, this is my teacher, Miss Lin. Miss Lin,A. tha nk you.B. how are you?)6. Fine, tha nk you.B. Tha nks.D. Yes, I am.C. this is my mom.D. hi.B. Nice to meet you.D. How are you?A. Are; YesB. Am; No)8.下列各组字母中全部是元音字母的是A. a, e, o, rB. a, i, u, e)9.下列字母书写格式正确的是 C. Are; NoD. Am; YesC.o, u, e, nD. b, e, c, t(o(C. Thank you.D. Yes.)11. Wherethey from?They re fromJapan. A. is)12. your name?My n ame is Kate.A. What s)13. Is she Maria?, she.A. No; aren B. amB. WhoB. Yes; is nC.areD. /C. HowD. HowC. No; areD. Yes; isA. How do you do?C. Are you Mr. Wang?)7. you Mingming?, Im not.)14. , are you Mr. Wang?Yes, I am.C. Excuse meD. OKA. FineB. Please)15. Are they from Can ada?No, they.A. areB. arentC. notD. isn ( )16. What s telephone number?It s 82-635412.AyouB.yourC. myD()17. are they?They are Maria and Jane.A.WhoB.WhatC. WhereD()18. Mary from Cuba.A./B.amC. areD()19. “One one zero 表示。A. 火警B.匪警C. 急救中心D()20. Is he Li Ping?Yes, .A. she sB.he sC. he isD()21. is Mary ?She is five.A.WhoB.WhatC. WhereD()22. What are these? are desks.A.ThisB.ThoseC. TheyD()23. Who s that, Kangkang? Mary.A.That sB.This isC. He sD()24. What class are you in?I m .A.in class 3, grade 7B. in Class 3, Grade 7C.class 3, grade 7D. Class 3, Grade 7()25. Are those books? Yes, A. they areB. they arent C.those areD( )26. What tshis _ English? It asn egg.A. theB. toC.inD()27. Is that an orange?. It s an apple.A. YesB. NoC. It isD( )28. Whats _over there( 在那边 ) ? It s a bus.A. theseB. thoseC.thisD()29. do you spell your name?T-I-N-A, Tina.A. WhatB. HowC.CanD()30. My mom is teacher. Shes _ English teacher.A. a; anB. a; aC.an; aD( )31. , are you Ben?heHowis电话号码查询台she isHow oldItThey rethose aren t/It isn tthatWherean; anNo, Im not. Im Peter.A. How are youB. HiC.Excuse meD. Thanks()32. Mary and Joy are _ Class One. They are_ the USA.A. from; inB. in; fromC.to; fromD. in; to()33. Yes, I am.A. What s your nam? eB. What are you?C.How are you?D. Are you Mike?( )34. Is this car? Yes, it s English car.A. a; anB. a; aC. an; anD.an; a()35. What are those? are cakes.A. ThatB. TheseC. ItD. They()36. Whats that _ English? Itsa desk.A. fromB. toC. inD./()37. is she? She sfine.A. How oldB. HowC. WhereD.What()38. Is her name Kate?A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isnt.C. Yes, it s.D.No, it isn t.()39. Im in Class 4.Are you in Class 4,? Yes, I am.A. OKB. tooC. andD.excuse()40. This is my teacher, Miss Chen. is from Hebei.A. SheB. HeC. HerD.His()41. Linda is fifteen _. She is in Class 1, Grade 9.A. yearB. yearsC. years oldD. year old()42. Welcome to our school.A. OK.B. Thanks.C. Excuse me.D.Hello.()43. What is Jane in? She is in Six.A. Class; ClassB. Class; classC. class; classD.class; Class()44. 当你被介绍认识某人后 , 你应该说 “ ”“ ”。A. Good morning!B. Thank you!C. Nice to meet you!D. How are you?()45. 当别人称赞你时, 你应该说 : “ _”。A. Thanks.B. Good.C. Yes.D.No.Unit2 Looki ng Differe nt()1. is your En glish teacher?It Miss Guo.A. WhatB. WhoC. WhereD. How()2. Linda and I are good frien ds, but we are in differe nt.A. classesB. schoolC. gradeD. age()3. She has a round face. Her hairblack and long.A. hasB. amC. isD. are()4. Wang Fang have two big eyes?No, she has two small eyes.A. DoesB. DoC. IsD. Are()5.找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。A. noB. notC. thoseD. zero()6. Look, the girl has long arms.A. You re right.B. Yes, she is.
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