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南京市力学小学四年级英语质量检测 班级 姓名 听力0%一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。%( ) 1. A. tis B tes C.that . those( ) 2. man B.olicwomn C. oliean D woman( ) . A. wose . what C o D.ho( ) .A. white B. lak C. oange D. bown( ) 5. A. sh . he hi D. he( ) 6A orr B driver C. teahe D. doctor( ) 7.Ahead . hae C. are D. hair( ) . tos . hey C. their D. thse二、判断下列图片是否与所听内容一致,用“”或“”表示。(6%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,根据所听到的句子,选择正确答案。%( ) A.y nme i Jack Bis ae is ke. C. Her name isNay.( ) 2A. Theyrwokers. B. Ys, ty a .C.Ima wrker.( ) 3. . Yes , he . B. No, sh snt. C.Imnt .( ) 4 . He inhe car. B Shes inh tudy .C It othe ds.( ) A. Ten an ,lease .B er u are. C. Tekols , lease ( ) .A. es te . . Hes astdet. C. es in theree ( )7. .Thank yo . Som pa ,pleseC.Y, please .( ) 8. A. e, he is . B N, hint .C. Wichman 四、听录音,补全下列对话。%A:Can Iel B:d lik ,lse A: The one rthe d o B: The red oes ,pleas. A: B: ilo ,please A: Here o ae. yan ,please.笔试70一、从每组单词中找出不同类的那个单词。(%)( ) 1A suent .nurse C. girl . ot( ) 2.A. faer B. mthe . brote D. man( ) .A. sist B. orr C.arer D. waier( )4.A. peaches B. ban C. ar D inep ( ) A apple B range .grapes .watmelos 二、英汉互译。(15%)1多少_ 2. 哪一个 _3她的好朋友_ 4. 她的老师 _.一些女警察 _ 6.the gir in whie _7. come down_ 8. climbtrees _9.ets r_ 10.h id in e tre _三、选择填空。10%( ) .stha appe Ys , iti. Its big ale.a , B. an , anC. n , ( ) ._bike is i A. Wo B. Wo C. Wose( ) 3. reo newstudets s, _. am B are C. were( ) 4.I o today, _.it isnt B.stit C s i( )5. are t haurr wenty yuanA. mn B. mch C.nce ( ) 6he tte girl he te my fend. A. n B. at . ( ) 7 Whosthe woman wit Shes myser.A. lon hairB g ar C. smal ose( ). Wh an over ther Hs athe .A. thith C. those( ) 9. chool bag s Miks Te brown e.AWa B.hch C .Where ( ) 10Lets hury. Wre lae _ hool. A t B.fr C. with四、选择合适的答句,将序号写在括号内。1%( )1.Excueme, areyu adcto A Theepears.( ) 2. Wh ar these B. he tll e.( ) 3. wmn klos wul you lk C Fiv, plese.( )4. ere te fo schol. D. Eghtuan( ) . oold re you Ee big ns,ase. ( ) 6. H muc r they F. Ten.( ) 7. Can I hlp ou G. A otr( ) 8 Which wm a teacher H. o, Im anurse ( ) 9. Wha d yu n to be I Ys, le hury.( ) 0.se r hoe J.Some ppls, pleas.五、将下列对话按正确顺序排列。14%Lets o tothe ibra. B e. C.rea! But how D. Are o fre now E. Shlle g by bke F. ll righ. esg.( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ). He a i drir .B . Whostheman in the bcoa C . Im ine ,hakyou . And ou D .Hs Mr Wie E Thk ou. Godbye!F. Gdmorning . Howare o G. Im fine , too H . Whatshis jb ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( )六、根据上下文,完成对话,每空一词。11% 1. : me, what or B: m Jack.A: hatsou B: Im a waiter. ou:Im ,o.A: the shr hai B:Shes my unt, Mrs Blac. : i she B:
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