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完形填空训练1一、完形填空。 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。(一)My family went to Lucky Lake on vacation. Why do people 1 it Lucky Lake? Because they think you will have good luck if you have a good time there! We 2 two tents with us and decided to sleep in the tents. An old woman told us to keep some old pots and pans (锅壶瓢盆) in our tents 3 there were large animals around. If we heard something outside, we should bang (猛敲) the pots and pans, and the animals would 4 . At night, I slept in the same tent 5 my brother Benny and my dog Fangface. It was about 1:00 a.m., and everything around our tent was 6 . Suddenly (忽然), I heard something! I took a 7 and banged it. Then I heard_8_ hit(敲) the tent! I was so scared. My brother got up, too. He looked at me and looked at the dog. He seemed not to be 9 at all. Then he said,“Maybe you shouldnt bang Fangfaces food bowl to scare away the large animals.He thought you wanted to 10 him and he is wagging his tail(摇尾巴)!”( )1. A. speak B. talk C. call D. say( )2. A. tried B. took C. moved D. made( )3. A. but B. and C. because D. or( )4. A. go out B. wake up C. come in D. run away( )5. A. at B. for C. of D. with( )6. A. clean B. quiet C. different D. cute( )7. A. bowl B. box C. pot D. pan( )8. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing( )9. A. afraid B. happy C. tired D. cold( )10. A. join B. teach C. wash D. feed(二) Last summer, Tina s parents needed to work in another city for a month. And Tina had to stay 1 Aunt Betsy in California. Tina never saw Aunt Betsy before, 2 she was a little nervous ( 紧张的). Aunt Betsy told her the 3 in California was hot, so Tina put some shorts and T-shirts in her bag. She also put some books in her bag because she 4 reading. Her favorite books were about horses. When the day came, Aunt Betsy picked up (接) Tina. On the way to Aunt Betsy s house, Tina saw many horses in the fields (牧场). Tina liked 5 very much and she wished she could have a horse some day. When they 6 Aunt Betsy s house, Tina saw a big 7 on the wall. It was about a tall brown horse! Aunt Betsy was in the picture, and she was sitting on the horse. Do you 8 the horse? Her name is Lucky.Usually, I visit her 9 a week, every Saturday afternoon for an hour. We can go riding togetherthis weekend, said Aunt Betsy. Tina felt 10 because her aunt and she had the same hobby (业余爱好). It was going to be a wonderful vacation.( )1. A. to B. for C. with D. about( )2. A. so B. but C. if D. although( )3. A. water B. food C. work D. weather( )4. A. taught B. enjoyed C. forgot D. stopped( )5. A. it B. her C. him D. them( )6. A. put up B. arrived at C. talked about D. climbed up( )7. A. book B. TV C. picture D. clock( )8. A. like B. have C. feed D. remember( )9. A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times ( )10. A. tired B. bored C. good D. useful(三)Vacations always make me happy. Today is the last day of my spring vacation, 1 I decided to write something about it. When I dont go to school, I like .to play games with my sister, 2 in the library and walk around. Sometimes I play with my friends. 3 the first day of my spring vacation, my friends Brock and Kate came to my home for a party. We 4 really late that night and had lots of fun! The next morning, Kate overslept (睡过头).Brock and I wrapped 5 in ( 用.包裹 ) asleeping bag! Later we all went outside and 6 our bikes around. Brock tried to ride my sisters bicycle,but he was too big! A few days after that, I went to my friend Liam s 7 for a party. Before I went to his home, I played ping-pong with Liam. Although I lost (输掉) the game, I still had lots of 8 . Yesterday I went to another 9 Kathleen s house. She is one of my sisters friends, 10 . I had a great time with Kathleen. We played lots of games. They were really interesting!( )1. A. although B. so C. if D. or( )2. A.sing B. dance C. read D. eat( )3. A. On B. In C. Of D. At( )4. A. woke up B. put up C. got up D. stayed up( )5. A. me B. her C. us D. them( )6. A. bought B. took C. washed D. rode( )7. A. camp B. car C. house D. school( )8. A. help B. fun C. work D. money( )9.A.friend B.sister C.brother D.classmate( )10.A.too B.either C.also D.also二、词语运用 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。(一) Kai and her sister Lani wanted to buy their mom a Mother s Day gift. They didn t have any money, but they didn t
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