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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 新目标英语七年级下册导学案Unit 6 Im watching TV. 第一课时 Section A 1a1c ( P31 ) 备课人:谭丽珍* 教师寄语:Time flies. 光阴似箭。 【学习目标】:1、初步掌握第31页的生词和句型;2、初步了解现在进行时;3、谈论人们的行为。【学习重难点】:1、初步了解现在进行时;2、谈论人们的行为。【课堂导学】:1、设问导学(1)你能说出这个单元我们将要学习什么新的语法时态吗?(2)你能找出书上1a中的短语动词与前面单元学过的各短语动词的形式的不同点吗?2、小组合作(先自主后互助自学P31各部分句型,翻译短语)1.reading a newspaper _2. talking on the phone _ 3. listening to a CD _ 4. using the computer _ 5.making soup_6.washing the dishes_7.watchingTv_8.cleaning_9.exercising_3、课堂检测(1)演板,检查自学效果。组内互批互纠。互相抓背,对短语进行强化记忆。 (2)完成1a。(3)听力练习。1b.Bob: Hello, Jenny! Jenny: Hi, Bob! Bob: Jenny, what are you _?Jenny: Im_.Bob: Do you want to _?Jenny: No, this Tv is interesting. What is John doing?Bob: Hes_.Jenny: Well, What are Dave and Mary doing?Bob: Theyre_.4、重点讲评(有关动词变动名词的几种方法)5、拓展延伸(见英语一课一练第六单元第一课时第一、四大题。)6、总结反馈(今天的话题是什么以及用什么时态来论这一话题。)新目标英语七年级下册导学案Unit 6 Im watching TV. 第二课时Section A 2a3c ( P32-33 ) 备课人:谭丽珍* 教师寄语:Time flies. 光阴似箭。【学习目标】:1、学习掌握本节课的生词和短语;2、比较一般现在时与现在进行时的用法区别;3、将所学知识学以致用。【学习重难点】:1、学习掌握本节课的生词和短语;2、比较一般现在时与现在进行时的用法区别;【课堂导学】:1、设问导学(1)温故复查上节课所学的单词和短语。(2)对话操练。2、小组合作(1)翻译短语1. go to the movies _ 2. This is Jenny._ 3. Not much._ 4. join me for dinner_ 5. eat out_ 6.now _ 7. every night_ 8. in the mornings_9. drink tea_ 10. on weekends_ (2)小组合作完成课本P33的3a和3b练习。3、课堂检测(1)演板3a。(2)Listen and finish 2a and 2b. Check the answers.(3)Pair work Role-play the conversation in 2b.(4)Role-play the conversation in 2d.4、重点讲评下列时间状语分别用于哪种时态? every Saturday, on Sundays, now, in the mornings, on weekends, at this time, every day, after dinner 一般现在时 现在进行时5、拓展延伸(见英语一课一练第二课时第二、三大题)6、总结反馈和作业能比较一般现在时与现在进行时的用法区别。运用所学知识课后练习书上3c的猜谜活动。新目标英语七年级下册导学案Unit 6 Im watching TV. 第三课时 Section B 1a 1e ( P34 ) 备课人:谭丽珍* 教师寄语:Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见。 【学习目标】:X k B 1 . c o m1、谈论人们正在进行的活动。 2、掌握句型:Is the man swimming in the river? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.3、能听懂谈论活动的对话并进行自由交际。【学习重难点】:1、谈论人们正在进行的活动。 2、掌握句型:Is the man swimming in the river? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.【课堂导学】1、温故复查写出下列单词的现在分词: 1. shop _ 2. play _ 3. go _ 4. swim _ 5. read _ 6. make _ 7. use _ 8. walk _ 9. exercise _ 10. have _2、小组合作(1)翻译短语1. at school _ 2. playing basketball _ 3. in a river_ 4. in a pool_ 5. 在超市 _ 6. 他正在游泳。_ (2)practice them using the pictures in 1a.(3) Finish 1a, then check the answers.3、课堂检测(1)Listen and finish 1c. (2)Listen again. Finish 1d. Check the answers. (3)Pair workMake conversations using the information in 1a and 1c. eg: Is the man swimming in the river? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.4、重点讲评在现在进行时的时态中,关于特殊疑问句的几个特殊疑问词的用法以及一般疑问句转变及其答语。5、拓展延伸(见英语一课一练第六单元第三课时的第二、四大题。)6、总结反馈(1)这节课我们共归纳了几个特殊疑问词?分别是什么?(2)现在进行时的陈述句变特殊疑问句和一般疑问句你会变吗?需要注意什么? 新目标英语七年级下册导学案Unit 6 Im watching TV. 第四课时 Section B 2a 2c ( P35 ) 备课人:谭丽珍* 教师寄语:Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见。 【学习目标】: 1、谈论人们正在进行的活动。 2、能阅读有关谈论活动的文章并完成练习。【学习重难点】:1、谈论人们正在进行的活动。 2、能阅读有关谈论活动的文章并完成练习。3、学习仿写一篇短文。【课堂导学】 1、设问导学1. How many festivals do you know in China and western countries?2. 2a.Look at the clocks and ask your partner about the time in different places.3. Listen to the tape and answer: What festival had been talked about in the Tv report?2、小组合作(1)Read the Tv report and finish the chart.NameactivitiesZhuHuis momand auntZhu Huis dad and uncleHis host family(mother)His host family(father)Zhu Hui(2)Report like this: Zhu Hui is a student from Shenzhen, and now he is living with an America family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Zhu Huis mom and aunt are.,and his dad and uncle are.But in New York, Zhu Huis host family, the mother is.,the father is.,and Zhu Hui is.3、课堂检测(1)翻译下列短语1. watch boat races _ 2. host family _ 3. the United States_ 4. an American family_ 5. Dragon Boat Festival _ 6. the night before the festival_ 7. any other _ 8. young children_ 9. miss his fami
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