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91013Unit5 What are the shirts made of?SectionA1导学案教学理念:人本、自主、乐学、创新主备:卢学会学习目标:1、掌握新单词、重点短语和be made of be made in be made from的用法。 2、通过谈论产品是有什么制成的以及它们是在何处制造的?。自主学习,合作交流探究一:根据教材P29-32页,翻译下列短语和句子,并背诵1、由制成_2、在(地方)制造_ 3、自然科学博物馆_4、艺术与科技展_5、一幅漂亮的绘画制品_ 6、以著名_7、在过去_ 8、在许多不同的区域_9、以闻名,为人知晓_10、据我所知_11、在山坡上_12、手工_13、被送去加工_14、许多不同的国家_15、中国各地_16、全世界_17、人们说茶对健康和事业有好处。_18、在(地方)生产_探究二:任务1:利用手中资料说出be made of be made from be made in 的区别? 小组内利用这三个词组各举一个例子。(可以设计活动)探究三:小组讨论be famous for 和be famous as 的区别?并举例。探究四:小组角色表演2d,并翻译课文2d.学生感悟:我学会了什么?1、知识目标:2、情感目标:91013Unit5 What are the shirts made of?SectionA1导学案 验收学习 一、用适当的的介词填空1、The fork is made _ steel.2、Bread is made _ wheat(小麦)。3、The sweater was made _ China.4、China is famous _ the Great Wall.5、Lu Xun is famous _ a writer.二、单选( )1、The kind of car _ in Japan.A. makes B. made C. is making D. is made( ) 2、These walls _ stones. A. are made of B. made of C. are made into D. made into ( )3、The paper is made _ wood. The kite is made _ paper. A. from; of B. of ; from C. from ; from D. of ; of( )4、-What are they made? - They are made _ France. A.B.C.D.( )5、Tea is both health and business.A. good for B. bad for C. good with D. good at三、补全对话(自我挑战)A: Do you like my coat?B: 1._ , I do .A: 2._?B: Its orange.A: 3._?B:I bought it Yifa Supermarket。A: Touch(触摸)it, please .4._?B: Its made of cotton.A: Do you know 5._?B: It is made in Changchun.
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