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新译林版小学四年级英语上第一次月考一、找出不同类的单词.(10分)( )1.A grape B mango C pineapple D egg( )2.A red B brown C colour D green( )3.A animal B monkey C panda D dog( )4.A he B she C you D your( )5.A pen B pencil C crayon D chair二、英汉互译(20分) 1.these toy animals_ 2. 喜欢熊猫_3. wouldlike _ 4.多么漂亮啊!_5. little monkey_ 6. 两个芒果_7. my fruit salad_ 8. 给你 _9.run with me_ 10. 又胖又可爱 _三、选择正确的答案,把序号写在题前括号里。(10分)1. ( ) _ these cats. A. See B. Look at C. Look2. ( )I like dogs._ lovely. A. Its B. Theyre C. Do3. ( )Do you like _? A. orange B. an orange C. oranges4. ( )_ are black and white. A.Elephants B. Monkeys C. Pandas5. ( )Would you like a hot dog? _ A. Yes, please. B. No, please. C. Yes, I like .6. ( )Do you like dogs? _ A. Yes,I like B. Yes, I dont C. No, I dont7. ( )Would you like _ egg? A. an B. C. a8. ( )Lets make a fruit salad. A. Its good B. They are nice C. Great9. ( )What_ is my skirt? Its brown. A. nice B. colour C. cute10. ( ) This is for you._ A. How nice. B .Theyre cute. C. Thank you 四、情景匹配,把序号写在题前的括号内。(10分)( )1. Do you like cakes? A. Nine oclock( )2.What would you like? B. Its under the chair.( )3.Would you like a pie? C. Nine ( )4.Look at my dog. D. No, I dont( )5.Is this a monkey? E. I like monkeys.( )6.What do you like? F. Id like a toy dog.( )7.Its nine oclock. G. Its cute ( )8.How old are you? H. Yes, it is.( )9.Where is my book? I. Yes, please.( )10.What time is it? J. Its time for bed.五、连词成句,注意大小写与标点符号。(10分)1. any ,you ,animals ,do ,have ,toy (?)_2. would ,a ,dog ,like ,you ,hot (?)_3. at ,these ,look ,lions ,fat (.) _4. make ,a ,salad ,fruit ,lets (.)_5. cat ,in ,tree ,is ,little ,the (.)_六、看图填空。(10分) 1. A: Look_ this _. B: _ cute! A: Do you like _? B:No, I _. 2. A: Do you have _ _ ? B: Yes, I _. A: Lets _ a fruit salad. B: _.七、按要求,完成下列句子。(10分) 1. Look at _ _, boys and girls. 看这匹马,孩子们。2. _ you like_? 你喜欢老虎吗?3. I_ a _ here. 我在这儿吃蛋糕呢.4. I have _ _? 我有一个橘子。 5.Do you have _ _? 你有一些葡萄吗?八、给下列句子组成一段通顺的话。(12分)A. Do you like bears?B. How cute!C. Good morning.D. This bear is for you E. Good morning. Look at my toy bear(熊).F. Yes, I do.G. Thank you. C九、阅读理解。正确的写“T”错误的写“F”。(8分)Mike: Hi, Su Yang. Hi, Yang Ling.Su Yang: Hi, Mike. Look at these animals.Mike: Wow! Whats that?Su Yang: Its a little monkey. Do you like monkeys?Mike: Yes, I do. Theyre cute. Do you like monkey, Su Yang?Su Yang: No, I dont. I like lions. What about you, Yang Ling?Yang Ling: I like elephants. Theyre strong(强壮的).( )1.Mike likes lions.( )2.The little monkey is cute.( )3.Su Yang likes the little monkey. ( )4.Yang Ling likes elephants.
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