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程序执行需要读取到安全敏感项必需在andrdmanifes.ml中声明有关权限祈求,完整列表如下:1. androi.ermissinACCESSCECKIN_POPERIES容许读写访问”roperti”表在 chekin数据库中,改值可以修改上传(lw rea/ecess to the“roperie”table n the ecki atab, tochneauethat getploaded)2. android.perision.ACCESS_CAE_OCAT容许一种程序访问CelI或WiFi热点来获取粗略的位置(Alow n applicatono acsscoarse (.g.,Cell-ID, WiF) laio)3. andri.perissioACESSNE_LCATION 容许一种程序访问精良位置(如GPS) (llws a apication to aces fin (eg., GS) ocaton)4. anoi.peron.ACCES_LOCTIO_EXTR_OMMND 容许应用程序访问额外的位置提供命令(Alwsaaplicaton o access extr locatio over commands). androidession.ACCESS_OC_LOCATION 容许程序创立模拟位置提供用于测试(Allos icatinto cree mok loctin prvdr r esting)6. noid.prmssion.ACESS_NEK_SATE容许程序访问有关GSM网络信息(llows appcatios to acessinfraion about neworks)7.andid.pemsion.ACCESS_SURAC_FINGER容许程序使用Surfaelinge底层特性(Alos an aplicn tse Sufcligelow levfeatures)8. aoi.pmisn.CESWIFISTATE 容许程序访问Wi-i网络状态信息(Allows aplications t accss inforatioabou W-Fi twors)9ndroid.pemssion.D_SSTMSERVIC 容许程序发布系统级服务(Alows an pliction tublish stemeve svies).10. adroi.perssion.ATERYSTT容许程序更新手机电池记录信息(Alows anapplicaion o update tecolleced battery staiscs)1.android.pmisi.BUETOTH 容许程序连接到已配对的蓝牙设备(lo applictios to connect to aie lutohvies)2. andrid.erisioBUEOOT_ADMIN 容许程序发现和配对蓝牙设备(Alws appiaions to dscve ad pai blutooth devis)13 ar.permission.BRIC 祈求可以禁用设备(非常危险)(Reired o be abl odisab the vice (vey us!).)4 anroid.permissonBRODCASTPACKAERMVD 容许程序广播一种提示消息在一种应用程序包已经移除后(llows an apliaon to rdcs notiicaion tat an ppcaio akge h moved)15.ndroid.periin.ROACST_STICY 容许一种程序广播常用intets(Alows applicaio t brodcs stcky intent)16. anrod.emission.CLLPHOE容许一种程序初始化一种电话拨号不需通过拨号顾客界面需 要顾客确认(Allws an aplcaton to intiate a phone ca witout oingtrough the Daler user nterfce for e uerto cnfirm the cllbeinpled.)17. adod.emissinLLPRVGED 容许一种程序拨打任何号码,涉及紧急号码无需通过拨号顾客界面需要顾客确认 (Alowsa pplcatino cl ponenumber, ncludng emrgennumbe, wihout gingtrough te iae use inerfaeor te ser o confrm t cal eigplaced)8. andridermison.AR 祈求访问使用照相设备(uired o beale to acces theaera vic.)19. ndoid.permissionCHANCOMPONENT_ENALE_TTE 容许一种程序与否变化一种组件或其她的启用或禁用(Alowsa aplcatntochage hete n aplitio coonet(other thanits own) i nble ont )20. ndoid.emisio.CHAE_NFIGURATION容许一种程序修改目前设立,如本地化(Als an aicto tomodify te curentonfguration, uc a locale. )2 andoidemision.CANGETWOK_TAT容许程序变化网络连接状态(Allws plictins to change nework cnnetivity state)2 andrid.rmissin.CHNEWIISTAE 容许程序变化W-Fi连接状态(Allows applications tohan WiFicnnectivity state)23. anroid.pmission.CLEAR_PP_ACHE 容许一种程序清晰缓存从所有安装的程序在设备中(Alows anaplicaion tclar the ahe fal instaledapplicaion the evce.)2 andid.pemsinCLAR_AP_UERDA 容许一种程序清除顾客设立(llows aapiatin to clear uer dta)5.ndroidpession.CONOL_LOCAIONUPES 容许启用严禁位置更新提示从无线模块 (Aos elin/dsbg octionpte otictions rom he rdio. )26. android.perssin.DELTE_CACHE_FILES 容许程序删除缓存文献(Allo n applcaio todelete cace file)2. andoipermsDELETPACKAGES 容许一种程序删除包(Aows n plication o deleepckge)28. ndrodii.VIC_POE容许访问底层电源管理(Allowslowlevel accsso ower managemnt)2.anroid.permissinINOSI容许程序R诊断资源(Allws aplicatinso RWodagnstc rsouce. )30. adidperion.DISBE_KEGRD容许程序禁用键盘锁(llow applicatin to iabl h keyguard )1. android.pemissn.DMP容许程序返回状态抓取信息从系统服务(lw a applicaion to retieve saedu inatio from sytem servics.)3. adrid.prmissio.EPAD_STAT_BR 容许一种程序扩展收缩在状态栏,ndoid开发网提示应当是一种类似Wnws obie中的托盘程序(Allows n applicatio to expand or cllpse the statuba. ). ndrid.pmissio.FCTORY_TEST 作为一种工厂测试程序,运营在ot顾客( s anufcturer te ppictio, running s te ot user. )34 android.permissonFASHLIGHT访问闪光灯,android开发网提示HTCDream不涉及闪光灯(llows acces o th flashlight )ndroid.persin.RCE_BK 容许程序强行一种后退操作与否在顶层civties(Alws a plicat to oca BA praton n htevris tto ativiy. )36. ndrodpermision.TAAE临时不理解这是做什么使用的,anrod开发网分析也许是一种预留权限.3. androidpissin.T_ACOUN访问一种帐户列表在Acco
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