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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 2023年自考专业(英语)国际贸易实务(一)考试全真模拟易错、难点汇编第五期(含答案)(图片大小可自由调整)一.全考点综合测验(共35题)1.【单选题】We regret _ to accept your terms of payment and therefore have to return the order to you.A.cannotB.being unableC.not ableD.not be able正确答案:B2.【单选题】We have to point out that the postponement of the fulfillment of the contract _ caused us certain expenses.A.hadB.haveC.hasD.having正确答案:C3.【单选题】We have made _ that we would acceptterms for your present order.A.clearB.it is clearC.that clearD.it clea正确答案:D4.【单选题】We will _ you as soon as the new crop comes to the market.A.contact withB.contactC.contact toD.get contact正确答案:B5.【单选题】_, we are airmailing you our latest quotation-sheet.A.As requestB.At requestC.As requestedD.At requested正确答案:C6.【单选题】We will consider _ your terms of payment.A.acceptedB.to acceptC.acceptingD.accept正确答案:C7.【单选题】A Sales Confirmation should be counter _ signed by _.A.the SellerB.both partiesC.the bankD.to receive正确答案:D8.【单选题】You must be responsible for all the losses _ from your delay in opening the covering L/C.A.arisingB.risingC.arousingD.have arise正确答案:A9.【单选题】We have lodged a claim _ the seller for the shortage of shipment _ S.S. DONGFENG.A.against, exB.with, underC.on, as perD.with, to正确答案:A10.【单选题】One of our clients is _ the market _ Mens Shirts.A. on, ofB.at, withC.in, forD.with, at正确答案:C11.【单选题】In _ of quality, our make is superior.A.termsB.termC.connectionD.connection正确答案:A12.【单选题】We are glad to receive your telegraphic order of May 6, _ regret that we can not supply the goods _ the end of May.A.but, byB.and, byC.but, forD.and, for正确答案:A13.【单选题】The introduction of containers in transport greatly _ carriage of goods.A.facilitateB.speedsC.facilitatesD.economizes正确答案:C14.【单选题】We are pleased to say that we are _ to supply you _ the goods you want.A.of a position, B.at a position, C.in a position, withD.at a position, with正确答案:C15.【单选题】We have received your letter of September 12, _ we are glad to know that you are interested in our electric heaters.A. whichB.at whichC.from whichD.in which正确答案:C16.【单选题】We _ some brochures _ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture.A.enclose, -B.enclose, youC.enclose, to youD.enclose you, -正确答案:A17.【单选题】Should your price _ reasonable, we will place an order _ you.A.is, withB.are, fromC.is, fromD.be, with正确答案:D18.【单选题】We shall do everything possible to assist you in _ a mutually beneficial trade.A.developingB.developedC.developD.development正确答案:A19.【单选题】If we had received your L/C, we _ shipment.A.will effectB.have effectC.would have effectedD.had effected正确答案:C20.【单选题】We _ if you could give us whatever information you can in this respect.A.should appreciateB.appreciateC.appreciate itD.should appreciate it正确答案:D21.【单选题】If we had been informed in time, we _ them for you.A.reserveB.will reserveC.would have reservedD.will have reserve正确答案:C22.【单选题】We are _ to have your enquiry for Sewing Machines.A.pleaseB.pleasedC.pleasureD.in pleasure正确答案:B23.【单选题】Your firm has been recommended to us by the James Olivier & Co. _ we have done business for many yearsA. whichB. with whomC.whomD.with whic正确答案:B24.【单选题】The consignment certainly does not match the samples _ you sent us last month.A.theseB.-C.whatD.whe正确答案:B25.【单选题】We are waiting _ your reply _ our letter.A.-, ofB.for, toC.- of, ofD. -, -正确答案:B26.【单选题】We thank you for your letter of May 5th, _ your purchase from us of 5000 tons Green Beans.A.confirmB.to confirmC.confirmingD.confirme正确答案:C27.【单选题】We will not be held responsible for any damage which results _ rough handling.A.fromB.offC.inD.t正确答案:A28.【单选题】We look forward to _ the goods in the fourth quarter.A.the delivery ofB.your deliveryC.deliverD.delivery正确答案:A29.【单选题】We look forward to _ trial order.A.receiving yourB.receive from youC.receipt yourD.receip正确答案:A30.【单选题】We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied _ stock.A.uponB.outC.inD.from正确答案:D31.【单选题】We believe such an agreement will prove _.A.satisfiedB.satisfyC.satisfactoryD.satisfactio正确答案:C32.【单选题】This offer is _ y
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