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学号 年级 11 级 本科毕业设计天目水库灌区规划及初步设计(灌溉设计保证率75%;排水标准:日雨150mm 2d排出;渠道+滴灌设计)全套图纸加扣 3012250582 专 业 农业水利工程 姓 名 指导教师 评 阅 人 2015年6月中国 南京- 1 -BACHELORS DEGREE THESIS OF HOHAI UNIVERSITYTianmu Reservoir Irrigation District Planning and Preliminary DesignCollege :Hohai UniversitySubject:Agricultural Water Conservancy Engineering Name : Directed by : NANJING CHINA学术声明: 郑 重 声 明本人呈交的毕业设计,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本设计(论文)的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本设计(论文)所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本设计(论文)的知识产权归属于培养单位。 本人签名: 日期: 摘 要天目水库位于J省L县南部,天目乡境内,集水面积148.5km2,三面环山。其中,主要水库灌区在低于18m等高线范围内,东至珍珠河,北抵甘泉河,西部以石门山、长山、桂林山与彩旗水库分界,南至天目水库库址,地形由南向北倾斜。天目河为流域内主干流,主河长22.9km2,河床平均坡降37.3。在充分熟悉灌区基本资料的基础上,论证灌区开发和进行综合治理的可行性、必要性、合理性。通过水文资料的分析审查,选择设计代表年为19891990水利年。计算代表年水库的来水量和用水量,根据水量平衡原理进行兴利计算,最终确定死水位为19.7m、死库容为995万m3,兴利库容为2149.32万m3,总库容10800万m3。采用瞬时单位线法,推求洪水过程,进行调洪演算,最终确定设计洪水位和校核洪水位分别为28.3m、29.55m。通过灌溉制度设计推求灌溉用水过程线,结合水库蓄水能力,确定灌溉面积为9万亩,水稻和棉花种植比例为7:3。根据灌区的地形特点,充分利用土地、水利资源,进行灌区总体规划,布置了南干渠、中干渠、西干渠三条干渠。合理布置撇洪、灌溉排水系统,布置水工建筑物、交通、防护林和居民点。推算沟道流量、最高水位和日常水位,以确定沟道纵、横断面形式,并计算灌区土方量,最终算得灌区总填方量为62.9万m3,总挖方量为255.5万m3。灌区内土地因地制宜,选择一块30亩的节水灌溉示范区采用滴灌种植果树。进行滴灌系统的布置、管径计算和水力计算,以确定泵站扬程、流量,选择泵型,最终选择选择一台IS50-32-160A型水泵,泵的流量为5m3/h,扬程为28m。最后进行项目经济评价,确定项目在经济上的合理性,以及对外界条件变化的敏感性。经评价,该项目经济净现值ENPV为1189.53万元,经济内部收益率EIRR为12.5%,经济效益费用比EBCR为1.29,评价指标合格,该项目经济可行。AbstractTianmu reservoir is situated in the southern part of L County in J Province, the Tianmu is inshore, gathering the surface which accumulate 148.5 square kilometers of water. The reservoir is around mountain, the surface inclined from south to north. Among them, the main reservoir irrigation area is in the lower 18m contour range, east of the Pearl River, North River west of Gan, Shimen mountain, Changshan, Guilin mountain and flags reservoir boundary. TianMu river is the mainstream which flows to TianMu reservoir . It is about 22.9 kilometers long and the average slope of the river bed is 37.3 . Based on fully familiar with irrigation on the basic data, demonstrate the feasibility, irrigation development and comprehensive management of the necessity and the rationality.The analysis examined by hydrological data, choose the representative years as 19891990 water conservancy years. And the calculation of water inflow represent reservoir, for benefit calculation according to the water balance principle, ultimately determine the storage capacity of 31443200 m , the total capacity of 108000000m. The instantaneous unit hydrograph method, calculation of flood process, flood routing, finalize the design and check flood level are 28.3m and 29.55m. Determination of histogram of irrigation water use through irrigation schedule , combining the reservoir water storage capacity, determine the irrigation area of 90000 mu, as rice and cotton planting proportion is 7:3.According to the topographical features of the irrigation area, this design makes full use of land, water resources, irrigation area planning, layout of the south canal, canal, in the West Channel three channels. The rational layout of the flood diversion, irrigation and drainage system, layout of hydraulic structures, transportation, shelter and settlements. Estimation of channel flow, the highest water level and the daily water level, to determine the channel longitudinal, cross section, and calculated in earthwork, the fill volume is 629000 m while the total amount of excavation is 2555000 m ultimately.Based on local conditions, the design choose a piece of 30 acres of demonstration area by drip irrigating of fruiter planting. Calculation of drip irrigation system layout, pipe diameter calculation and hydraulic, to determine the pumping head, flow rate, selection of pump type, the final choice of one set of IS50-32-160A type pump, each pump flow 5m3/h, head 28m.Finally, the economic evaluation of the project, which determine the project economic rationality and sensitivity to changes of external conditions. After the evaluation, the Economic Net Present Value(ENPV) is 11895300Yuan, the Economic Internal Rate of Return(EIRR) is 12.5% and the Economic Benefit Cost Ratio(EBCR) is 1.29. The Economic evaluation is qualified and the project is Economically viable.- 149 -目 录摘 要IAbstractI1 综合说明- 1 -1.1 工程概况- 1 -1.1.1 地理位置- 1 -1.2 灌区开发分析- 2 -1.2.1 必要性分析- 2 -1.2.2 可行性分析- 3 -1.2.3 合理性分析- 4 -1.3 主要成果- 4 -1.3.1 水库规划成果- 4 -1.3.2 灌区规划成果- 4 -1.3.3 节水工程规划成果- 6 -1.3.4主要工程量及投资- 6 -1.3.5 项目评价成果- 6 -2 水库规划- 7 -2.1 设计死水位及死库容的计算- 7 -
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