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法律英语-Deat penalty 死刑 1. A setecingjudge ireired to onsie any migating ciumstans efor imposig the deth penalty.在处死刑之前,要求量刑法官必须考虑是否有任何减轻罪行之情节。 2. Catal punishen f murder is bas ide hat if pronkill somoe, he mut pay wih his own lie.针对谋杀的死刑判决是基于如此一个理念:假设一个杀死了某人,他必须用自已的生命作为补偿。 .eah penalty ssualy impsed becuse o some type of grosscoduct. 死刑通常是针对某些严峻犯罪的惩罚。 . He ws eedby ingsqua.他被行刑队处决。 5.He as guil ofacaitalcrime. 他犯了死刑。. He entnc eath t w repriev by he presidnt 他被判处死刑但被总统下令缓期执行。7The eat sentncw commutd o feimprionment 死刑减成终身监禁。8. Teprisers wrcondemed to death. 囚犯们被判死刑。 9. Th pnsment for ten is eath.对叛国罪的处分是处死。10. Te arguedbouthethe the tatutmanting the dath penlys unconiutional. 他们就规定死刑的法规是否违宪进展争论。
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