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可数名词变复数的拼写规则(脚本)教学目标1.知识与技能: 学会可数名词变复数的基本规则2.过程与方法: 通过学习可数名词变复数的基本规则,能灵活运用可数名词的复数3.情感态度与价值观:通过学习培养学生善于自我总结的学习态度脚本设计孙权电话:18975001827单位岳阳市弘毅新华中学三班四组时间场景/画面内容(包括旁白)备注18秒PPT1Hello, everyone. Today we are going to study how to write plural nouns.同学们,今天我们来学习可数名词变复数的拼写规则32秒PPT2-Look, whats this?-Its an orange.-How many oranges can you see?You can see two oranges.-Whats this?Its a pen. And you can see two pens now.在英语当中,可数名词有复数形式。一般情况下,直接在词尾加-s。For example, book-books, backpack-backpacks40秒PPT3-What can you see on the screen now?- You can see a bus, a pencil-box, a watch and a dish.-And now?-You can see two buses, two pencil-boxes, two watches and two dishes.注意左边单词的词尾,你可以发现,以s, x, ch, sh等结尾的词,一般在词尾加-es变其复数形式28秒PPT4-Look, whats this ?- Its a toy. How lovely it is!- Is there only one toy now?-No, there are two toys now.以“元音字母+y”结尾的词,一般直接在词尾加-s变其复数形式。For example, boy-boys, key- keys.22秒PPT5同学们,你可以思考一下,如果以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,又该如何变化了?对了,你只需把y变成i,再加es。 For example, strawberry-strawberries, city-cities.56秒PPT6-You can see a potato and a tomato on the screen now.-And now? You can see two potatoes and some tomatoes.注意左边单词的词尾,以o字母结尾,在初中阶段,Negro黑人,Hero英雄, potato and tomato等要加-es。其他可以理解为加-s。 For example, zoo- zoos, photo- photos.50秒PPT7-What can you see on the screen now?-You can see a leaf and a knife.-And now? You can see some leaves and some knives.青注意左边单词的词尾,以f或fe结尾的词,一般变f或fe为v,再加es。但有些以f或fe结尾的单词只需要直接加-s。For example, roof- roofs屋顶, chief- chiefs.首领。10秒PPT8以上就是可数名词变化的拼写规则,你学会了吗?Thanks for your listening. Bye-bye
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