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课时训练 3.单词拼写1.He failed in the examination.As well,he lost the chance of promotion.Both made him feel d.答案:disappointed2.The atmosphere became (紧张)when the two tigers met.答案:tense3.We have (积累) a great amount of evidence.答案:accumulated4.That view of the case did not o to me before.答案:occur5.The only way to (克服) a fear is to face it.答案:conquer6.A (灯笼) made from a hollowed pumpkin with a carved face,usually displayed on Halloween.答案:lantern7.He received a 10-year prison sentence for (抢劫).答案:robbery8.Confucius is a famous p in the world.答案:philosopher9.This is an achievement without p in modern times.答案:parallel10.After another glass of whisky,I began to feel d,unable to stand stably.答案:dizzy11.You shouldnt be living in a f world.Come back to reality at once.答案:fantasy12.The student is very knowledgeable because he also studies things not in the (课程).答案:curriculum13.The prisoners statement was (相互矛盾的) to the one hed made earlier.答案:contradictory14.After a (激烈的) battle,the enemy was forced to withdraw.答案:fierce15.Life in London has so many (有吸引人的地方)nightclubs,good restaurants and so on.答案:attractions.单项选择1.Poor as she was,Mrs Evens was always ready to those homeless children.A.devoting herself to helpB.devote herself to helpingC.devote her in helpingD.devote herself to help解析:be ready to do sth.“准备做某事”;devote oneself to doing sth.“致力于做某事”。句意:尽管埃文斯夫人很贫穷,但是她总是准备帮助那些无家可归的孩子。答案:B2.Dont be so sensitivewhen I said someone was always late for class,I wasnt you.A.referring toB.pointing toC.turning toD.leading to解析:refer to“指的是”;point to“指着,指向”;turn to“求助,转向”;lead to“导致,通往”。理解句意可知,“我说有人上课总是迟到,不是指你”,因此A项正确。答案:A3.The poor boy lived in a family where love was totally from his childhood.His stepmother was hard on him.A.freeB.absentC.tiredD.different解析:根据下文的信息“他的继母对他很苛刻”可知,他童年时代缺乏爱,因此用absent“没有,不在,缺席”恰当。free from“免于”;tired from“因而累”;different from“与不同”,都与句意不符。答案:B4.He was then arrested and charged with an offensive weapon.A.needingB.possessingC.lackingD.promoting解析:句意:然后他被捕,并被指控拥有攻击性的武器。其他选项意思不符。答案:B5.You only care about your own feeling,but never gave to mine.A.mindB.senseC.thoughtD.idea解析:give thought to“考虑”,符合句意。句意:你只关心自己的感受,从不考虑我的感受。答案:C6.How did you like the lecture tonight?Very .I doubt if I will come to this kind of lecture next time.A.encouragingB.encouragedC.disappointingD.disappointed解析:问句句意:你认为今晚的讲座如何?答句应是对事物的评价,根据答语的后半部分“我怀疑我下一次是否还来参加这样的讲座”可以判断讲座是“令人失望的(disappointing)”。答案:C7.My friend Kate likes to her nice figure by wearing tight dresses.A.show offB.pay offC.come offD.set off解析:show off“炫耀,卖弄”;pay off“偿清(欠款等)”;come off“脱落,从离开”;set off“启程,使爆炸”。句意:我的朋友凯特喜欢穿紧身裙来炫耀她的好身材。根据句意可知应选A项。答案:A8.He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he it differently.A.could expressB.would expressC.could have expressedD.must have expressed解析:理解句意可知,尽管他并不后悔自己说出的话,但是他觉得他可以用另一种方式表达,但事实上他并没有这么做,因此本句表示虚拟,A项和B项不能表示对过去的虚拟;D项不表虚拟,只表示推测;正确答案是C项,表示“本来能够”。答案:C9.My experience in education is to yours.We both studied in Beijing University and then went abroad for further study.A.closeB.parallelC.commonD.familiar解析:根据下文的信息“我们都是先在北京大学学习,然后去国外深造”可知,上文表示“我们在教育上的经历相似”。close“密切的,近的”;parallel“相似的”;common“共同的”;familiar“熟悉的”,根据句意,应选B项。答案:B10.Since you are so to cold,you had better put on more clothes when it is getting cold.A.sensibleB.sensitiveC.sensoryD.senses解析:be sensitive to“对敏感,易受影响”。句意:既然你怕冷,就最好在天冷时多穿点衣服。答案:B.翻译句子1.他开始研究生态学,并决心将他的一生献身于这门学科。(devote.to)答案:He started to study ecology and decided to devote his whole life to the subject.2.现实和爱情对我来说是对立的。(contradictory)答案:Reality and love are almost contradictory for me.3.我们很高兴他又获得一枚金牌。(a second)答案:We were very delighted that he won a second gold medal.4.我要尽力做得更好,这样他就不会对我失望了。(disappoint)答案:Ill try to do better so that he wont be disappointed in me.5.他原本能按预定进度做完这件事的,但不知怎地却落后了。He it on schedule,but somehow he fell behind.答案:could have finished6.这次会议持续的时间比预定的长了两个小时。(比较级)答案:The meeting lasted two hours longer than planned.书面表达随着电视的普及,电影受到了很大的冲击。请根据以下提示内容写一篇短文,作为英语活动课的发言稿。1.电视不仅是一种方便的消遣方式,而且相对来说它比较便宜。看电视不必外出。人们也不需购买昂贵的电影票。2.电视可以使人及时了解当前大事和科技的最新发展。因此,许多人宁愿待在家里看电视,而不愿出去看电影,因为看电影既费时又费钱。3.谈谈你自己的看法。参考词汇:看电影者 film-goer;大片 large investment movie注意:150词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数。With the popularity of TV,there has been a sharp decline in the number of film-goers.Many people prefer to stay at home watching TV.答案:With the popularity of TV,there has been a sharp decline in the number of film-goers.Many people prefer to stay at home watching TV.Firstly,TV is not only a convenient kind of entertainment,but also a cheap one.There is no point of going outside.And people neednt pay for expensive tickets.Secondly,TV makes
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