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小学五年级英语教案Module 1 ChangingUnit 1 We lived in a small house.学习目标 :1. 掌握单词 : life, different, ago, any, television, us,grandchildren,lady.2. 灵活运用句型: There weren t any buses. We lived in a small house.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house.教具 : 单词卡片 , 教学挂图 , 录音机教学程序 :一 . 板题示标T: Today we are going to learn Module 1 Unit 1We lived in a small house . First , let s lookat the learning aims.二 . 课前热身Talking about: holiday and changing of you.三.课文呈现与导入T: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. Now you are older and cleverer .I am very gladto see your changes. ( And write changing on the blackboard. Tell students Everything is changing. No change, no progresses. )四.课文教学1. 拿一些老照片给学生看并说 : Look, life was very different many years ago .But how was it different? Today, we will learn how to compare past and present life.2. 对话学习(1) 学生听第一遍录音, 找也不认识的单词.Listen to the tape and underline the new words.(2) 学生听第二遍录音, 跟读自己不认识的单词.Listen to the tape-recorder and read follow it .(3) 学生听第三遍录音的同时,T 把一些新单词写在黑板上 , 领读学生掌握不好的词.示例 :life, different, ago, any, television, grandmother, grandfather(4) 听第四遍录音, 学生跟读 . 要求 : 边听边指 , 注意模仿语音语调 .(5) 学生四人一组练习对话 , 五分钟后 , 看哪组同学的对话读得最流利 .3. 学生活动 .T 准备一些图片或实物, 学生练习描述. 并分组比赛哪个组回答的快.例 : 一棵大树 , 一棵小树 .There is a big tree, there is a small tree.They are different.一个空盒子, 一个装了很多纸的盒子.There aren t any papers. There are lots of papers.五、总结及做作业1. SummaryT: Today we have learnt “ How to describe past and present life, review simple past tense and present tense. ”2. Today s homeworka. Listen and read Unit1 three times, try to recite and act.b. Compare two photos and write differences.Module 1 ChangingUnit 2 She didn t have a television.学习目标 :1. 掌握单词 : fire, radio, telephone, field, hope.2. 灵活运用句型: She worked in the fields. She didn t have a television.3. 学习写信的格式4. 了解字母组合 ai, ay, al, au, ar,在单词中常见的读音.教具 : 单词卡片 , 教学挂图 , 录音机教学程序 :一 . 板题示标T: Today we are going to learn Module 1 Unit 2 She didn t have a television. First ,let slook at the learning aims.二 . 课文导入Yesterday, Lingling saw the programme about China, she missed her grandmother very much. So shewrites a letter for Daming and tells about that programme and her feeling.三课文教学1. 文章学习(1) 学生听第一遍录音, 找出不认识的单词.Listen to the tape and underline the new words.(2) 学生听第二遍录音, 跟读自己不认识的单词.Listen to the tape-recorder and read follow it .(3) 学生听第三遍录音思考以下问题 .a. What programme did Lingling watch last night?b. What was the old lady s life like many years ago?c. Who does Lingling miss?(4) 听第四遍录音后学生讨论上述问题 , 并派选手参加每个问题的抢答 . 在抢答的同时,T 把一些生单词写在黑板上 , 领读学生掌握不好的词.(10 分钟后看看哪个小组最棒 ,T 给获胜的小组加分).(5) 听第五遍录音, 学生跟读 . 要求 : 边听边指 , 注意模仿语音语调 .2学生活动(1) 活动 1拿出单词卡Television, radio, telephone, 让学生用 She didn t have/He didn t have/we didn t have造句子 .(1) 做游戏Put nine cards on the desk. Two students use cards to make dialogue.For example:A: Where was he/she seven days ago?B: He/She was A: What did he/she do there?B: He/She 四 . 语音学习播放 SB Unit 2 活动 1 的录音磁带, 全班同学听并跟读.2. 学生一边听一边划线 , 一边说单词 .把单词 rain, play, all, autumn, star, party, warm, quarter贴到黑板上, 一边贴 , 学生一边读 .4. 学生跟据读音, 找也发音规律 , 然后要求学生把这些单词照读音分组.五 . 学唱歌1. 放第一遍录音, 学生认真听.2. 放第二遍录音, 每句一停 , 让学生重复.3. 边听边唱 .Module 2 GrandparentsUnit 1 She learnt English.学习目标 :1. 掌握单词 : learnt these dancer2. 灵活运用句型: She learnt English.Did she learn any foreign languages?He is learning English now.3. . 了解字母组合 ai, ay, al, au, ar,在单词中常见的读音.教具:单词卡片 , 教学挂图 , 录音机教学程序 :一 . 板题示标T: Today we are going to learn Module 2 Unit 1 She learnt English . First , let s look at thelearning aims.二 . 热身复习用上节课学的句子She didn t have 照句.三 . 课文教学1. 文章学习(1) 学生听第一遍录音, 找出不认识的单词.Listen to the tape and underline the new words.(2) 学生听第二遍录音, 跟读自己不认识的单词.Listen to the tape-recorder and read follow it .(3) 听第四遍录音, 学生跟读 . 要求 : 边听边指 , 注意模仿语音语调2学生活动(1) 活动 1让学生三人一组, 分别扮演对话中的 Linging , Amy 和 Sam.检测 : 请学生将对话演出来, 表演时可以离开座位自由对话 , 最后请自愿者在全班同学面前表演 .(10 分钟后 , 比比看哪个小组表演的最棒)(2) 活动 2问题 / 回答Did you/he /she .? Yes, I/she/he did. No,didn t.He is doing Have Ss look it , give some minutes to practise in pairs ,then act it out.Module 2 GrandparentsUnit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.学习目标 :1. 掌握单词 : study hard retired2. 灵活运用句型: Mr Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese.Chen Hai is an English teacher.He s teaching Mr Li.3. . 了解字母组合 aw, air,ass在单词中常见的读音.教具:单词卡片 , 教学挂图 , 录音机教学程序 :一 . 板题示标T: Today we are going to learn Module 2Unit 1 , first ,let s look at thelearning aims.二 . 热身复习与课堂导入1 .复习上节课学过的单词和句子老师问: Did you learn English? 学生回答: Yes, I did.2 .老师让一名学生站在讲台的前面说以下:T: Ten years ago, I was a student . Now, I am a teacher. Ok,let s come to the text.三 . 课文教学1. 学生活动让学生自己先读一遍课文,划出不认识的生词出示单词卡,老师重点讲解生词带同学重复读生词播放录音,学生听并跟读课文同桌相互朗读2. .分组练习二人一组,分别扮演书中的老师和学生,用第一人称I进行描述.例: Ten years a
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