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个人学术背景范文个人学术背景范文在学术背景部分中申请者需要介绍自己在以往的学习过程 中(主要是本科学习)已经完成了哪些与申请领域相关的学术上 的准备。通俗地说就是表明在兴趣、目标、优势的推动下自己 已经学习了哪些相关知识或者掌握了哪些相关技能。那么到底在学术背景部分我们可以放一些什么内容呢?既然是学术上的准备那么最重要的一点肯定就是以往学习 过的课程。申请者可以列举已经学习过的与申请领域相关的课 程的名称、学习内容以及学习收获(课程成绩不建议写进个人 陈述因为招生官能从成绩单上获取申请者每门成绩的课程放在 个人陈述中就显得多此一举)。对于有出国交换学习经验的申请者而言除了可以写在自己 国内学习期间修读过的课程也可以写在国外学习过程中的收 获。在描述完相关课程的学习之后可以接着描写自己对课程知 识的理解和运用比如学习了某个理论然后利用这个理论做了一 些课外探索或者研究之类。当然除了课程的学习学术背景部分还可以涉及一些其他课 外形式的学习比如说学习技能、阅读课外书籍、参加课外讲 座、参加学术项目以及参加学术比赛等等。总之只要是申请者通过某种方式学习到的与申请领域相关 的知识、技能、理解、感悟都可以放在个人陈述的学术背景这 部分。下面申学君将会根据内容分类为大家介绍几种主要的学术 背景部分写法。写法一:只介绍相关课程的学习如果本科阶段学习的课程与申请领域非常吻合则比较适合 在学术背景部分主要介绍本科相关课程的学习内容和学习收 获。范例:Discovering my avid interest in finance, I have enjoyed the undergraduate program with great excitement. Besides laying for us a solid theoretical foundation, the applied curriculum also focuses on equipping us with hands-on abilities to analyze financial phenomenon and make decisions considering problem solving. For instance, in the course Financial Markets and Institutions, under the topic of 1997Asian Financial Crisis, I made analysis of the pros and cons of some controversial issues such as financial openness and fixed exchange rate system, which enhanced my critical thinking and enlightened me about financial policy making from broad perspective. In Equities and Investment Analysis, I collaborated with other fellow students to work on the asset allocation of two domestic banks in the last four years. We applied puter to process mass financial data and to make investment opportunity set and capital allocation line, from which we figured out the optimal risky portfolio. The project experience has furthered my understanding and application of securities formulas and more importantly revealed to me the fantastic financial operation within a pany from micro perspective.段落大意:首先申请者总地概括到本科阶段的学习不仅让 自己打下坚实的理论基础也让自己有能力分析并且解决问题。 接着申请者举例分别介绍了自己在两门专业课程中的学习经历 以及在这两门课程中自己知识和能力上的收获。写法二:介绍国内本科课程学习+介绍交换项目课程学习如果有出国交换学习的经历非常建议把这部分的经历写进 学术背景部分。不过需要注意的是在国外学习的内容应该与申 请领域相关并且与国内学习的内容形成一种互补或者加深的关 系而不是一种重复的关系。另外在学术背景部分可以突出自己在学术上取得的优秀成 绩以此来证明自己不仅做过与申请领域相关的学术上的准备而 且这个准备工作做得非常充分非常出色。范例:I started my sophomore year study in the International 2+2 Undergraduate Program, which is jointly delivered by Jilin University in China and University of Kentucky in United States. At Jilin University I acplished fundamental courses in the Business Administration (Strategic and Operational Management) program that exposed me to the philosophies and logic of optimal decision making. I developed the ability of systematic thinking in analyzing different business circumstances. Particularly, I enjoyed a course Data Analysis and SPSS Applications. This course taught me to extract information from data evidence and conduct estimation for the future trend with methods in statistical analysis and modeling, which fit perfectly with my ideal practices of financial risk management. The knowledge structure I developed at Jilin University has served as an important asset for my academic journey in United States, where I extensively cultivated the quantitative skills and ability business case analysis. Specifically, the courses Intermediate Accounting, Technology for Business Solution, and Managerial Uses of Accounting Info granted me the ideal skill set to evaluate risks with in-depth business insights and technological tools like ERP and Bloomberg. I continued to achieve progression of my academic performance, and received the Dean s List and Academic Excellence Scholarship from University of Kentucky.段落大意:申请者首先介绍了自己本科就读的是吉林大学 和美国肯塔基大学合作的2+2项目。然后申请者写到自己在吉 林大学工商管理项目锻炼的决策能力和分析能力以及在Data Analysis and SPSS Applications这门课程中学习到的风险 管理方法。在介绍完在吉林大学的学习之后申请者开始介绍在 肯塔基大学的学习经历。在肯塔基大学申请者培养了定量分析 能力和案例分析能力并且学会用不同的工具和商业洞察力分析 风险。最后申请者提到自己由于优异的表现获得了奖学金。写法三:介绍相关课程学习+相关技能学习在学术背景部分的写作中除了介绍本科阶段相关课程的学 习也可以介绍自己掌握的与申请领域相关的技能或者取得的相 关证书。如果申请商科可以介绍掌握的数据分析类软件;如果 申请工科可以介绍掌握的绘图软件和变成软件;如果申请传媒 可以介绍掌握的设计类软件以此类推。范例:I study two degree programs, namely Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Financial Mathematics) and Finance at Central University of Finance and Economics. As a double degree pursuer in this national leading institute for finance study, I enjoyed an interdisciplinary study process covering both the width and depth of scientific and analytical aspects in finance. Quantitative courses like Numeric Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equation, Stochastic Process and Time Series Analysis are my favorites as they never failed to impress me with elegant mathematical deductions and neat and straightforward interpretation of data. In my second degree in Finance, I consistently enjoyed using relevant quantitative contents to fulfill tasks like financial modeling, asset pricing, and portfolio analysis etc. Nevertheless, I realized that in many occasions, financial data will be chaotic, requiring us to identify rules out of plexity and dynamics. In this case, I immersed myself in the training of puter instruments including SPSS, SAS, MATLA
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