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大学生的英语自我介绍 大学生的英语自我介绍1ello everyone, my naeis ee. Thi is real a rhonrtohave ths opportnty, d Ielieve an mk goodprforance tay. ow I wil introue myel iely. I a 20 yea ldbrni angdngrovice, soth oChi, n I aseni student a GuagdongUnveriy. M majo i EnglhAnd I il reive my bachelr dre at my gadatio in June In h pst uea, I sn mot of m tme n stud. Iasse CE4 adT6 wha e nd acquire asic thereticlnd practical knwled of Languae Beis, have attended severalSpeec cometitin hl in Bing, hich ealy soe ourpofesional advanag have taken a our t ombi acoried compaies,throg whch got a deep undersndng ofElsh o aplicaton Cpae to evelopedntries, urutey, hugh e hemde xtraordinaryprogress since1998, our pacagng ndustryis stiurdeveoped, mesy an unsle, an he siation of emloyee inthe fisakwad. B I ve fulconfidene n its briht utue if only oucoom cn be kept at the rwt paceslI g you y beintrted in h I hose this job. I wul liketoell t thi ob is ne of m lifelnggoal.f an worhee,I wl wkhrd. As t ycharacte, I canno describe it wll, btIkow amopimistic ad cnfin Sometimes Iprefe ostay aln, reaing d liteing to the sic, but Iam ot lon, for like to chat wihmy clamatsabut lost verthing. M fvitepi is t la olleyball,to play cas oro srfnie Fro ife at uniersiy,I learn how o baancetudnd entetanmnt.B the way, a an actor in our amaingdamaclub. I hav aew gloriou morieo stage. That smy pride. 大学生的英语自我介绍 God moring adies nd ntlem!t is greathoou for me t take ti terview,thkyou for giigme thi cace!mnae i x, iam an ndegraduate xidanunvesity,mjorieleomunication egineeing.as h cradle of ina tlecouctionln,xdia unvestiys ong hisoy,oodreearch tmspre andthe ln term ooperao ithxinstitue, rovid me an excellen stuy enironment.ater about fr yars hror,haelarn lthe cours o tlecomunctingneering a hv ooommnd o he si ofteeommunication technoloy I amconien tatmy old educon ackroundwillla me a sond ndation toflfilm master dee courses!i dditon t y solid eucaio ackgund,i haveod ommuniae kill and srng team spiri.i strnglyblievethis wl be a gat help fretofulfi my maserdegreecorses.fuhrmo,i amhealt and ouhbeses study i eo playigbastball uch!Sprs ive ea helty bynd tough mi.hts all, thk you very much! 大学生的英语自我介绍3 each exinr:i call,coerom shandg provinc.thi ys yearsold, , i stuentwho wil son uatepases the foudaion knowledgetha th achers danc troed a alculat witpernal efrtfirmy n thecool.ainy sudied c languge tthe software apect. #. av etc.plat thedistnc langge,the data strucure, v.acces ec. tase is applie, calculatorperae ssem.stuid the dreaweaver we pa maufcture d hsp etworkowave a sance also.stuid the calclatorntwor t the hrdware spect, theclcutrcontructon ith.comn mnytims toatendo pack mcine, etthe fulfilmntf hoperatin lsson, make mecontrolthe r rincile of the calutor anheset of th calculaortworket prcess. additio,iattnd vou activies f the sool organiationto me to the oesef facve and do various rt-time t increasesoca xperience.he tacher s dvide iothru tus n thxpeiment and racef th leso rmainigt ompte misin, mwe tedecoprhenion arive the iprtance of he team.te ande rietieuiresthe cool sorship urn the piodof chool, tee tffs. howvernecessarly limited at thenowledge ht the chool lean, threfore would rato tke advic sdy inhe ter wok, hebackog workin experin, the exaltationw ability.hopeyou opany tgiv m adisplas nwn oportunit!this wihhe rsult ta salut 大学生的英语自我介绍4 i amathirdr asermajorin automion at shngai jia tng niversity, p. r. china. ith tremenos nestinindustrial enineering, i am writngto apl fr aceptne into yor .raduateprogram. 大学生的英语自我介绍5 l everybod.Myae is Stne.I come om angong prince in in.I am very happy to oere tosudy wit you.hen rrived at hs hool reedays ago, I e n lovewit it.Iis butiul and e-citin her, and everyneis kind to m spealy im.Thisclassfel jut like nebgaml t me ir
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