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非谓语动词整理人:孙英峰 时间:2008年7月20日顾名思义,非谓语动词就是不能作谓语的动词。包括:不定式、现在分词、过去分词和动名词。不定式1. 不定式的构成不定式是由不定式符号to+动词原形构成,在某些情况下to也可省略。不定式一般有时态和语态的变化,通常有下表中的几种形式(以do为例):主动式被动式一般式to doto be done完成式to have doneto have been done进行式to be doing/完成进行式to have been doing/2. 不定式的语法作用1) 不定式作主语:To see once is better than to hear a hundred times. 百闻不如一见。To master a foreign language is not an easy thing. 掌握一门外语不是一件容易的事。在很多情况下,人们通常用it作为形式上的主语,而把不定式短语移到谓语之后,使句子显得平稳一些。如:Its good manners to wait in line. 排队等候是很有礼貌的。It made us very angry to hear him speak to his mother like that. 听到他那样跟他妈妈说话我们很生气。2) 不定式作表语: The most important thing is to put theory into practice. 最重要的事情是把理论付诸实践。 The greatest happiness is to work for the happiness of all. 最大的幸福就是为大家的幸福而工作。3) 不定式作宾语: He wanted to know the truth. 他想知道真相。I prefer to be starved to death rather than beg.我宁愿被饿死也不愿乞讨。He pretended to have read the book when I asked him about it. 我问到他的时候,他假装读过这本书。另外,不定式在某些复合宾语中作宾语时,人们常常用it代表不定式,而将真实宾语放在补足语之后。如:Do you think it better to translate it in this way? 你认为这样翻译是不是更好?I feel it a great honor to be invited to speak at the meeting before so many students. 我觉得被邀请在会上面对这么多学生发言是一件很光荣的事情。4) 不定式作补语: 不定式可以和名词或代词一起构成复合结构作动词的宾语,这时不定式被称为宾语补足语。如:I would like you to help me with my English exercises. 我想请你帮我做英语练习。I never expected the shoes to be worn out so soon. 我从来没想到鞋子这么快就穿破了。注意:动词help后面接不定式作宾语或宾语补足语可以带to也可以不带to。如:Who can help me (to) carry this heavy box? 谁能帮我拎这个重箱子? 在make, let, have等使役动词和hear, see, watch, notice, feel,observe等感官动词后的复合宾语中,动词不定式不带to。I often hear her sing in the next room. 我经常听到她在隔壁唱歌。They make the baby go to bed at 7:00 p.m. every day. 他们每天让孩子晚上7:00上床睡觉。注意:get, leave等词也有“让”“叫”的意思,和使役动词意思相近,但它们后面的不定式作宾语补足语必须要有to。如:Ill get him to try it again. 我将让他再试一次。How could you leave him to have supper with a stranger? 你怎么让他跟一个陌生人一起吃晚饭?注意:当使役动词和感官动词变为被动语态时,不定式就成了主语补语,作主语补语的不定式必须加to。如:Though he had often made his little sister cry, today he was made to cry by his little sister. 尽管他经常弄哭他的小妹妹,但今天他却被他的小妹妹弄哭了。He is often heard to sing the song. 经常有人听到他唱这首歌。不定式作定语时,有时与被修饰的名词之间有意义上的动宾关系,如果该不定式动词是不及物动词,它后面需加上适当的介词。如:There is nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。There are many interesting books to choose from, but I dont know which to borrow. 有很多有趣的书可以挑选,但我不知道该借哪一本。6) 不定式作状语:不定式作状语可以表示行为的目的、结果、原因、条件等。 不定式作目的状语,有时也可以用in order (not) to, so as (not) to结构。如: In order to protect the young plants from the sun, Mother put them in the shade.为了保护幼苗不被太阳晒坏,妈妈把它们放到了阴凉处。He got up very early this morning so as not to be late for school again.今天早上他起身很早以免上学再迟到。注意:so as (not) to do不可以置于句首。不定式作结果状语,常见的结构有tooto, enoughto, soas to, suchas to, only to等。如:The question is too difficult for me to answer. 对我来说,这个问题很难回答。He said he was clever enough to deal with it by himself.他说他足够聪明可以独自应付这件事。Will you be so kind as to turn down the radio? 请你帮我把收音机调低一点好吗?He woke up only to find himself in hospital. 他醒来发现自己在医院里。注意:tooto通常表示太而不,但在下列句子中没有否定的意思。She is only too glad to stay at home. 她太想留在家里了。He is too anxious to know the examination results. 他很急切地想知道考试结果。另外还有ready(现成的,乐意的), eager(迫切的),inclined(偏于的),apt(易于)。不定式作原因状语,通常用来修饰表示情感、心理状态、性格等的形容词。常见的形容词有:happy, glad, lucky, fortunate, surprised, angry, anxious, ready, quick, slow, cruel, clever, frightened, shocked, sorry, eager, proud, disappointed, foolish, impatient, unwise, naughty等。如:They are surprised to learn of his death. 得知他死亡的消息,他们很惊讶。We are proud to be young people of new China. 成为新中国的青年,我们感到很骄傲。另外,hard, difficult, easy, fit,comfortable等词也可以接动词不定式。这时候,作句子主语的除了是表示人的词外,还可以是表示物的词。如:The water is not fit to drink. 这水不适合饮用。The room is very comfortable to live in. 这个房间住起来很舒服。注意:后两句中的不定式与句子的主语或宾语之间是动宾关系,此时如果不定式动词是不及物动词,则需要带上适当的介词。2. for somebody to do和of somebody to do的用法区别:句型“It is +形容词+for somebody+不定式”中的形容词通常强调不定式的行为属性,如:important, possible, impossible, necessary, difficult, hard, reasonable等。Its difficult for us to finish the work within two hours.我们要在两小时之内完成工作是很难的。Its reasonable for them to run away so quickly. 他们这么快就逃跑了是很有道理的。“It is +形容词+of somebody+不定式”中的形容词表示人物性格和特征。如:kind, silly, good, unwise, clever, wrong, right, foolish, stupid, careless, rude, impolite, bold, thoughtful, honest, bad, sensible, naughty等。Its kind of you to think so much of us. 难为你这么为我们着想。Its silly of the boy to keep pouring water into the basket 这个男孩真傻,一直往篮子里倒水。选择填空:1. Ive heard him _ about you often.A. speak B. speaks C. spoke D. speaking2. I went to see him, _ him out. A. finding B. find C. only to find D. to finding3
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