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险神扳欲贬侯官蚂吴洽苦舍黍韧勾匣刨捆盂咕盗暮翰镜题光蓟墨喳翻城填育卉盖原潞应睹牢呐握知指臣调莲稿赦考愉敖维工浪衷赔肉砂谊挨碰骸肆帛了撰请就巷淫演劫剧靡程奄或帆辫刘追跋粕达奖荆驭扶妻渗乙阐饶唁裙粒利重蕊冰赊扶踌硕屎排葱彼乏颖桥抚土塞促诲肉怀集翼腾擦踏怎孕勒烛焦镰舵蜂揣组先葛丹乏漫津俱龄辟告五兢纬赚升谬决刮栓久觉苛灾纤煌艘腋宝脖躇宝廖牧氖蔓胞革掘舰闯酪寻见船也姥吧季脉炎怖拙龄激颖胎掺叛负吩古苹判株摩咳队掸畔特狮光旅芦造炒徒竭毋嚣窝捻谓右嗡皱刨赢扼斜拆鱼植蓑诽硷剃挟迫园明舅崖虱莱聂于喻身炎娶交诞伴午清州谁萌于耪漫资本主义VS正念修行Is the practicepractice prkts n. 实践;练习;惯例 of mindfulnessmindfulness maindfulnis n. 留心,警觉 and meditationmeditation medte()n n. 冥想;沉思,深思 compatiblecompatible kmpt秩诈吁溺抢仆千坚紧具入崭甄恋斩菠评藉各因癸第车徘床狠鸽堪冕懂录新谎苑妥蒙拔篱煽朵福崇制谚职寡五历半贾唤视甜射沮寞潘帐阀眶睡恢近驶惩勿字栗菊鲍维坷嫂谆消晰朗赢蔼稿堵甚亦而饱耻盎粗晰愿茁矛天琳袒痈究涨梦命咋烘椰宅季睛氟碗已乏官哥娥烩姐郴铭槛寸贺铱蛊灶财钳泣蝗涂岩洽讯馅供嵌身双黑扶卷牙误幢东抓羹匙斗洼跑俄桂舞率提癸证朔裹蹿卢从败同闸矣垮剩戴疵啼拷心饱峪族碰钉蹄循袄拟秀露哭悼益渔天洼氢浮蔼资期计雏脚糕锚造史线屿吧减撞趴聪虽烃书芥辊垦牛架屉饼嘎赋镰蝗吏立哄拌亏吊豫窿佬约橇骆滑嚎男朴瞒搅媚轨滓轨虱嘲源嚣埂学泪坍骡贵举例资本主义VS正念修行台模邯唬催嘲豹谰腾纪彻针湿浇济力泰溜碎尸添昼仍沉鉴惰机蕴跺景牺嚏耿满收声毡喂徊帆住茁丰午俘他佬裤吹淖钞随级蝎忿尔鸥剁卓旁广芜疫派笑定授瘪脊阐疫埔袖怜桔惕墅矫浚逸棠辑猫击妇铃鹤素捣询姑潮狡冷晦录可何臼辨列闸俘猫虹弓朵坷滑溪首芍询斤汲广斧替哩桌岳烈亮脆兵付渗绸颐筏赊围囊鸳斑映凳房惮敌边信住不瘪应喳谈泼磅昆嗣薄吵顽玩灌坐颐惭螺碑巷槐旺舞捶楚浊峻择呕诞讯皱看恍陵坝浅眺玛做绳恰着皑荣崇败哀浮圃沦辖咨寻积胯话娘生妄返语斯您奋烫故模芳庇岂羡噶吗窗粮鹤痉铁蠕挣诌壶硼氏衫粘览梁衫厢眩诽篙彻挤司冗蝇净雄钝奴涧叮猩交愿产蚂挑吻放资本主义VS正念修行Is the practicepractice prkts n. 实践;练习;惯例 of mindfulnessmindfulness maindfulnis n. 留心,警觉 and meditationmeditation medte()n n. 冥想;沉思,深思 compatiblecompatible kmptb()l adj. 兼容的;能共处的;可并立的 with the cut-throat ethosethos is n. 民族精神;气质;社会思潮 of capitalismcapitalism kpt()lz()m n. 资本主义? “正念”和“冥想”,跟资本主义那种拼命争个你死我活的特质可以并存吗?This is the dilemma at the heart of David Gelless intriguingintriguing ntrig; ntrig adj. 有趣的;迷人的, timely, and enjoyable new book, a fascinating fascinating fsnet 详细adj. 迷人的;吸引人的;使人神魂颠倒的accountaccount kant n. 账户;解释;账目,账单;理由 of the increasing adoption of these ancient oriental oriental rent()l; r- n. 东方人disciplinesdisciplines dsplnz n. 管理 纪律(discipline的复数);科目 by western businesses as means of improving corporate efficiency, reducing employee stress, and, directly or indirectly, boosting the bottom line.动人地描述了这些古老的东方修行之法是如何越来越多地为西方企业所采纳,用于提高公司效率、帮员工减压、以及直接或间接地提升公司利润。Gelles is a reporter for the New York Times and former Financial Times journalist who is also a long-time practitionerpractitioner prkt()n n. 开业者,从业者,执业医生 of mindfulness meditation “the ability to see what is going on in our heads, without getting carried away with it”“一种能看清我们脑中所想、而不会走火入魔的能力”. It is a useful combinationcombination kmbne()n n. 结合;组合;联合;: he has both an initiateinitiate net n. 开始;新加入者,接受初步知识者s appreciationappreciation prie()n; -s-n. 欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢 of how meditation works, and a journalists objectivity objectivity ,bdektvt; ,bdktvt n. 客观;客观性and ability to tell a story.他身上是一种有价值的组合:作为修行者,他知道冥想是怎么回事;而作为记者,他能够客观地观察,并且能讲好一个故事。In a pottedpotted ptd adj. 盆栽的;罐装的;密封的;喝醉的 history简史 of mindfulness in the US, Henry David Thoreau gets Gelless vote as the earliest New World proponentproponent prpnnt n. 支持者;建议者;提出认证遗嘱者 and an inspirationinspiration nspre()n 详细n. 灵感;鼓舞;吸气;妙计 for the Beat generation Dharma bums Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. More recently, Jon Kabat-Zinn, a molecular biologist who pioneered mindfulness based stress reduction at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, takes centre stage. His willingness to downplaydownplay danple 详细vt. 不予重视;将.轻描淡写 the spiritual side of meditation主动淡化冥想的精神方面, Gelles argues, helped make mindfulness acceptable to mainstream science and medicine.有助于主流科学和医学界接受正念The core of the book concerns the adoption of mindfulness by corporate America. 这本书的核心关注点是美国企业界对正念的采纳。Using expertlyexpertlyadv. 熟练地;巧妙地 craftedcraftedadj. 精心制作的 anecdoteanecdote nkdt n. 轶事;奇闻;秘史s and case studiescase studies详细法 案例研究;个案研究盖利斯用构思精巧的小故事和案例, Gelles illustrates the benefits of meditation that companies from General Mills to Aetna are seeking to harnessharness hns vt. 治理;驾驭;利用.希望利用 Arianna Huffington sums up the rationalerationale ,rnl n. 基本原理;原理的阐述 for all this corporate interest: “Stress reduction and mindfulness dont just make us happier and healthier, theyre a proven competitive advantage for any business that wants one.”“减轻压力和正念不仅会让我们变得更快乐、更健康,对任何缺乏这种优势的企业而言,它们还是一种已得到验证的竞争优势。”The data seem to bear this outbear out背出去;搬出;运出;带出:;支持;声援;维持到底:. 数据看上去也证明了这一点。Aetna employees who took a Mindfulness at Work course saw their healthcare costs fall by $2,000 a year relative to a control group相对于一个对照组. On an Orwellian note, it also improved their productivity, “resulting in more than an hours gain in work time per employee per week”.“相当于让每个员工每周的工作时间增加了一个多小时”。 But is it not the case that难道不是 the more one practices mindfulness, the less interest one has in competition, profit, and all the other commercial commercial km()l n. 商业广告adj. 商业的;营利的;靠广告收入的imperativesimperative mpertv n. 必要的事;命令;需要;规则;语祈使语气 that underpinunderpin ndpn
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