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论个人主义对美国家庭教育的影响The Influence of Individualism on American Family Education摘 要 美国的核心价值观是个人主义,它是美国传统价值观的集中体现。其内容为追求个人自由、机会均等和实现物质上的成功。这种价值观伴随美国的形成、独立、成长逐步成熟并影响美国社会生活的方方面面。家庭教育作为教育的基础,是美国社会生活的一个缩影。美国教育哲学中的个人主义和实用主义不仅是美国文化核心价值观,而且是美国家庭教育的基础、宗旨和发展动力。本文分共为四部分,第一部分为简介,介绍本文的研究主题和研究意义。第二部分介绍论文的理论基础,主要介绍美国个人之一及其在美国社会的价值观中的体现。第三部分写个人主义对美国家庭教育的影响。第四部分总结,总结在个人主义影响下美国家庭教育的影响。关键词:个人主义;美国家庭教育;中国家庭教育;跨文化交际AbstractAs one of American mainstream value, individualism influences every aspects of American society.The ideas that developed from this, such as equality and freedom have spread out through the country by the Puritans, and became the idea that influences American daily life.The influence of individualism on politic, economy, and religion also appears in American family. The huge changes that happened in American have also changed the method of American family education. The thesis begins with an introduction to the research significance and method. Part1 is concerned with some theoretical issues, such as terms and concepts relevant to the individualism and family education, the influence of individualism on American society. Part2 is the influence of individualism on American family structure, which is an important reason for the change of family education. Part3 is the comparison of Chinese and American family education, lay special emphasis on the individualism of American family education. Finally draw a conclusion that individualism not only give people freedom, but also make people feel less responsibility to family and society. Key words: Individualism; American family education; Cross-culture communication Contents摘 要IAbstractIIContentsIII1Introduction12Individualism12.1Individualism12.2American Individualism22.2.1The unique development of American individualism22.2.2Manifestation of Individualism in America Society43Influence of the Individualism on American Family education83.1The results of American family education83.2Educational purposes83.3Educational content93.4Educational manners94Reasons114.1Historical background114.2Economic structure114.3Social conditions114.4Cultural traditions125Conclusion12References131 Introduction Individualism is the main value of western society, to research American society, individualism is the one that must be understood, and also, family education is one of the earliest and most important forms of education. It plays a vital role in the formation of childs thinking mode and world view. Since the Reform and Opening-up, the worldwide concerning with education has been up to an unprecedented level The increasing practice of family education offers the rich experience to its theoretical study and puts forward higher requirements as wellUnder the society with rapidly economic development and a large scale of onlychildfamilies,in China many problems about family education have been emerging. Meanwhile exploring the educational theories, many educators attempt to solve these problems by referring to the family education systems of developed countriesMany Chinese educators have achieved much in the Chinese and American family education comparative field. The comparisons are detailed on economy, politics,culture, history, geography and religion etc. On these scholarsshoulders,this thesis is concerned with the characteristics of American family education which was influenced by individualism. To make it easier to learn from American family, to improve our family education2 Individualism2.1 Individualism Individualism is the core of the American culture. It focuses on the satisfaction of ones own desire and interests through self-reliance. The word individualism was first promoted by the French political reviewer Alexis de Tocqueville in his classical book Democracy in America published in 1835. In this book, Tocqueville expounded clearly the difference between “Individualism” and “egoism”. Individualism, as a social and political philosophy, emphasizes personal independence and creativity. It holds that personal value was the most lofty, attaching great importance to the notion of self-control and personal development without any form of intervention and obstruction against individual from absolutely power especially the tyranny in a nations history, the nation itself, society or any other external factors. 2.2 American Individualism2.2.1 The unique development of American individualismThe origin of American Individualism can be traced back to the beginning years in its history, when first American immigrants came to the North American continent looking for better life and shaking off them yoke of European feudal tradition and the oppression from all kinds of powerful classes. It is determined that there were elements of anti-oppression and searching for freedom in American peoples character. This was
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