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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3 第四课时教案 人教PEP【教学目标】1.能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:These are your pantsAnd those are my shoesThey are so small2.能够在完成语言活动的过程中使用这些句子描述自己或他人的衣服。3.能够辨别Lets check中的关键词语和句子,做出正确的选择。【教学重点】单词:pants socks jeans shoes shorts的复数形式。句型:These are your pantsAnd those are my shoesThey are so small【教学难点】1.在情境中应用单词的复数形式。2.新句型These are your pantsThose are my shoes【教学准备】1.教师准备衣服图片和颜色的单词卡片。2.与本单元相关的教学挂图、课件、录音。3.教师给学生准备作为奖励的小礼物。【教学过程】Step 1:Warm-up1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,做简单的Free Talk。2.教师通过PPT资源,播放上个课时学过的英语chant.复习复数名词的用法。3.教师请部分同学模仿PPT资源中的小伙伴,向老师和同学介绍自己的服装。Step 2: Presentation1.教师将PPT中的图片呈现给学生,启发学生说出图片中物品的英语名称。2.之后教师将课前准备的衣物图片随意发给几名学生,让他们用已经学过的句型提问:Is this your.? 最后教师将pants, shorts和socks拿出来对两名学生说:These are your pants, and those are his socks, right? 以此导入课文。3.教师将“Lets learn”的媒体资源呈现给学生,让学生认真观看视频。观看一遍之后教师问学生:“What can you see?”孩子说出学过的单词,教师指着图让孩子观察,通过PPT资源给学生呈现出单词的复数形式,给学生讲解,请学生跟读。4.教师问:“Where are the skirts/?”让孩子们到前面来指。当遇到新单词时,教师出示新词的复数形式,让孩子读一读,强调结尾“s”让学生注意。5.教师在黑板上贴出所有衣物的图片和单词,引导孩子体会“s”的意义。(jeans pants shorts socks shoes等词都是成对出现的,没有单数形式。而skirt等词则不同,指导学生理解)6.教师再播放一遍媒体资源,理解含义。之后请学生两个人一小组,就课文的图问一问、指一指。7.教师播放媒体资源中针对此部分的练习,让学生在趣味练习中巩固新知,教师要及时帮助学生解决在练习中出现的各种问题,多给孩子赏识性的语言。8.最后教师请生分角色朗读并分角色表演对话。Step 3: Practice1.教师通过播放PPT资源,引导学生根据旅行目的及天气条件选择合适的衣服并上色。同桌之间比一比谁的衣服更漂亮。鼓励学生多用学过的语言做表述。2.教师把媒体资源中“Lets check”的教学内容呈现给学生,第一遍让学生听录音,第二遍勾出与录音内容相符的一项,第三遍检查。教师给予适当指导和讲解。录音内容如下: (1)Is this your sweater? Yes, it is(2)Is that your jacket? NoMy jacket is blue(3)These are my new jeansHow cool! (4)Whose is it? Its Mikes3.教师和学生做游戏:失物招领。将学生课前准备的衣物图片放在讲台上,请两名学生充当工作人员,其他学生可前来认领。可教学生提问并回答:Is this your T-shirt? Yes, it is/ No, its not并使用包含复数结构的句型:These are my socksTheyre blueHere you are等。Step4: Summary教师和学生一起总结本课时的教学重点,回顾学过的知识内容。Step5: Homework1.熟练掌握本课时所学的单词和句型。2.将本课时的对话读给同伴、朋友或家长听。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(1) Part A教学实录 人教PEP教学目标:1.听、说、认读、六个服饰类单词skirtT-shirtdressjacketsweatershirt并能听懂指示语put on your T-shirt等2.能够运用所学知识表达自己喜欢的服饰,并掌握一些字母与字母组合的发音规律,初步了解音译词的说法。3.培养学生用英语表达自己的思想,积极参与课堂的交流合作的良好习惯,培养学生的美感。教学重点:1.六个单词skirtT-shirtdressjacketsweatershirt的听、说、认读2.能初步掌握表示服装的名词与表示颜色的形容词连用及其读法。3.能初步理解I like the white sweater with the green skirt.中with的用法。课前准备:生:语文书、英语书、画好的服饰图片 师:绳子、磁带、录音机、衣服、衣架教学流程:Greeting: T: good morning boys and girls! S: good morning Miss Jiang. T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you! How are you? T: Im fine too.Free talk: Whats your name? How are you? How old are you? Whats this? What color is it?There are many colors here. Please remember them, as much as you can. Lets count from one, two, three, four, and five. What colors are they? Who can say more than?Look, say it together. What colors are they? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, purpleThis is a rainbow.Do you remember the song about rainbow?Look at here. Its a color song. Can you sing it?Lets sing it together. Show me your hands please.T: oh, a beautiful song. So many colors in the song. I like red. What color do you like? S: I like.Oh, its time to play a game. The name is “me too”.T: I say: I like red. If you like red too. You can stand up and say it out loudly: me too. Which colors do you like best? ItsBut I like brown very much. Can you guess, I like brown what?Please listen: JacketRead follow it.板书: I like the brown jacket.Can you spell the word jacket?S: j_ck_tI like the brown jacket. what about you?I like the brown jacket very much. But the weather is turn hot now. look, its 39. Its too_.S: hot.T: yes, its too hot. So I want to take off my jacket. . Its 39, do you feel hot? S: yes.T: so, lets take off your jacket.对全班同学说:Do you feel hot? Ss: yes.Please take off you jacket! And put on your T-shirt.Look, I have a T-shirt too.This is a black T-shirt. Put on the T-shirt.Now I say you do.Take off the jacket.put on the T-shirt.T: great!师拿黑色T-shirt say: A black T-shirt.显示课件:a black T-shirt?Ss: no, a yellow T-shirt.Spell the word T-sh_t.Ok , can you guess: is this a T-shirt?Whats this/? Can you guess?S: its a .T: oh, my god. Whats this?Oh, my shirt is dirty.Who can help me?S: wash your shirt. Game: slowly quickly.Thank you for you helping.My shirt is clean now.I want to hang up my shirt. Say and do it.T: is this my clean shirt?S: no.T: no, its a clean sweater.重点教 sweater请个别学生读Today, Im wearing a jacket. I dont want to wear a sweater.So I will put away my sweater.Look at here. This is a Chinese book. But we have English class now.So you should put away your Chinese book.Lets do it ok? Put away your Chinese book.Game: Whats missing? Amy is ing, whats she we
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