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Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.第四单元测试题(考试时间60分钟,满分100分)一单项选择(共15小题,计15分)( )1. I _ he _go there by himself.A. think; wontB. dont think; will C. dont think; is D. think; isnt going to( )2. Lana said that she wasnt mad _ Marcia anymore. A. to B. at C. for D. on( )3. Do you think _ an English film tomorrow night? A. is there B. there is going to be C. there is going to have D. will there be( )4. You are _ to return the book to the library in two weeks. A. supposed B. wanted C. shouted D. thought( )5. I am always _ to speak in the front of the classroom. A. disappointing B. scared C. surprised D. nervous( )6. Do you think it is difficult _? A. study English well B. studies English well C. studying English well D. to study English well( ) 7. I dont think its good to copy others homework. You should _ it. A. get over B. get on C. get up D. get off( )8. Could you _ me how to _ it in Chinese? A. say; speakB. speak; say C. tell; sayD. say; tell( )9. In English, she is _ writing than listening. A. better atB. better inC. good atD. best in ( )10. I finished my _ exam last week. A. end of year B. end of years C. end-of yearsD. end-of-year( )11. Im at Marys house _ a homework project. A. work on B. working onC. workD. working ( )12. TV and computers can _ our eyes to the outside world. A. start with B. open up C. turn up D. take up ( )13. She will go to Marcias house _ Friday night. A. at B. in C. for D. on ( )14. I hope you are _ good health. A. in B. on C. with D. for( )15.- The earth goes round the sun. - What did he say? I couldnt hear him. - _.A. He says the earth goes round the sun. B. He said the earth goes round the sun.C: He said the earth went round the sun. D. He says the earth went round the sun.二完形填空(共10小题,计15分) Lanas birthday 16 .We planned to give her a surprise party. I think I can 17 her a big cake with beautiful candles. Sally said she 18 some drinks and snacks. The party 19 in my house. I 20 a phone call to Frank to ask him to join us this morning. He 21 TV then. He promised that he 22 in time and bring some flowers to Lana. Eric said he 23 his robot to the party. The robot 24 all kinds things for us. We all hope Lana 25 happy.( ) 16.A.come B. will coming C. is coming D. came( ) 17.A.get B. got C. gets D. getting( ) 18.A.will bring B. would bring C. brought D. was bringing( ) 19.A.would hold B. will be held C. was held D. hold( ) 20.A.makes B. will make C. am making D. made( ) 21.A.was watching B. watched C. watches D. watch( ) 22.A.come B. comes C. would come D. will come( ) 23.A.will bring B. would bring C. brings D. brought( ) 24.A.could do B. will do C. can do D. would do( ) 25.A.would be B. could be C. will be D. can be三阅读理解(共10小题,计20分)AOnce there lived an old man. He liked gold better than anything else in the world. He often said, “If I have enough gold, I will be the happiest man in the world.” One day when he was traveling in the desert(沙漠), the old man lost his way. He was very hungry and thirsty, but there were only rocks and sand around him. Just then, he found a bag lying on the sand. He hoped he would find water and food in it. He took up the bag and opened it. He saw that the bag was full(满的) of gold. He was so sad that he threw away the bag and began crying. Now, the old man knew that there was something better than gold in the world.( )26. The old man liked _ best before he traveled in the desert. A. food B. bags C. gold D. watches( )27. When he lost his way, he wanted to get _. A. some food and water B. some rocks and sand C. bags full of gold D. cola and fruit ( )28. What did he do with the bag? _. A. He didnt take it up B. He brought it home C. He threw it away D. He forgot it( )29. The old man did not become the happiest man when he got the bag of gold because _.A. the bag was too small B. the gold wasnt his C. he was very hungry and thirsty D. he lost his bag( )30. In the end, the old man knew that gold was _ in the world. A. the best thing B. not the best thing C. better than anything D. not good at allBDear Mom,I dont think you understand my life. You think I should be studying all the time. I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up , but I would like to have a good time,too.
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