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中医术语翻译总结中医学Traditi onal Chin ese medic ine方剂学Formula study中医基础理论Basic theory of traditi onal Chin ese medici ne中医诊断学Diag no stics of traditi onal Chin ese medic ine天人相应Corres pondence betwee n n ature and huma n天人合一Harmony betwee n man and n ature表邪入里exterior pathogen entering the interior ;肝气犯胃liver qi in vad ing stomach祛风除湿dis pelli ng wind and elim in at ing dampn ess ;消肿止痛dis persing swelli ng and relievi ng pain阴阳学说yin-yang theory阴阳交感in teracti on of yin and yang阴阳对立opp ositi on of yin and yang阴阳互根mutual root ing of yin-yang阴阳消长wax ing and waning of yin and yang五行学说five p hase theory(五行相)生(mutual) engen deri ng (of five p hases(五行相)克Restra ining of five p hases(五行相)乘Overwhel ming of five p hases(五行相)侮rebelli on of five p hases亢害承制harmful hyp eractivity checked for harm ony木曰曲直Wood bending and straighte ning火曰炎上Fire flari ng up土爰稼系番Earth sow ing and reaping金曰从革Metal cleari ng and cha nging水曰润下Water moiste ning and desce nding气虚Qi deficie ncy气机失调Qi moveme nt disorder气机郁滞qi moveme nt stag nati on气滞Qi stag nati on气陷Qi fall/si nki ng气逆Qi coun terflow气闭Qi block气脱Qi colla pse十二正经Twelve (ma in/princip al) meridia ns十二经别Twelvediverge ntmeridia ns/meridia ndiverge nces十二经筋Twelve meridia n si news十二皮部Twelve cuta neous regi ons奇经八脉Eight extra meridia ns十五络脉Fiftee n collateral vessels孙络tertiary collaterals浮络Sup erficial collaterals阳明Yang bright ness太阳Greater yang少阳Lesser yang太阴Greater yin少阴Lesser yin厥阴Revert ing yin督脉Governor vessel任脉Concep ti on vessel冲脉Thoroughfare vessel带脉Belt vessel阴跷脉Yin heel vessel阳跷脉Yang heel vessel阴维脉Yin link vessel阳维Yang link vessel病因Cause of disease病机Mecha nism of disease疾病Disease外感exter nal con tract ion六淫six excesses疠气epi demic p athoge n七情seve n emoti ons内伤in ternal damage饮食不节dietary irregularities劳逸失度excessive activity外因Exter nal cause内因Internal cause不内外因cause n either internal nor exter nal外邪exter nal p athoge n时邪seas onal p athoge n合邪comb ined p athoge n肝阳化风Liver yang tran sform ing into wind热极生风Extreme heat engen deri ng wind阴虚内热yin deficie ncy with internal heat阴虚火旺Yin deficie ncy with effulge nt fire五志(气)化火five eleme nts tran sform ing into fire虚中夹实deficie ncy with excess comp licati on表虚里实exterior deficie ncy and in terior excess上虚下实upper deficie ncy and lower excess阴阳偏盛abno rmal exubera nee阴阳偏衰abno rmal debilitati on阴阳互损mutual detrime nt阴阳转化conversion阴阳格拒repu Isi on亡阴yin colla pse亡阳yang colla pse阴阳失调yin-yang disharm ony阴阳两虚dual deficie ncy of yin and yang阴虚内热yin deficie ncy with internal heat阴虚阳亢yin deficie ncy with yang hyp eractivity阴盛格阳exubera nt yin rep elli ng yang阳损及阴detrime nt to yang affect ing yin阴虚湿热yin deficie ncy and dampn ess-heat阴虚血瘀yin deficie ncy and blood stasis阳虚寒凝yang deficie ncy withcon geali ng cold阳虚水泛yang deficie ncy with water flood清阳不升clear yang faili ng to asce nd阳竭阴脱yin exhausti on and yang colla pse半表半里half-exterior half- in terior表寒Exterior cold表热Exterior heat表虚exterior deficie ncy表实exterior excess风寒束表win d-cold fetteri ng the exterior风热犯表win d-heat in vadi ng the exterior暑湿袭表summer-heat dampn ess assail ing the exterior卫表不固defe nse-exterior in security表里俱寒dual exterior and in terior cold表寒里热exterior cold and in terior heat寒包火Cold enveloping fire寒热错杂cold-heat comp lex上热下寒upper heat and lower cold真寒假热true cold with false heat热极生风extreme heat engen deri ng wind虚实夹杂deficie ncy-excess complex真实假虚true excess with false deficie ncy外燥exter nal dryn ess温燥warm dryn ess实火excess fire食积food accumulati on虚火上炎deficie ncy fire flam ing up ward痰气互结binding of p hlegm and qi痰热内闭internal block of p hlegm-heat血瘀水停blood stasis with water rete nti on寒湿内阻internal obstruct ion of cold-da mpn ess寒凝血瘀con geali ng cold with blood stasis湿热下注dampn ess-heat pouring dow nward火毒内陷in ward in vasi on of fire tox in气机失调disordered qi moveme nt气机不利in hibited qi moveme nt气机郁滞stag nant qi moveme nt气郁化火dep ressed qi tran sform ing into fire寒凝气滞con geali ng cold with qi stag nati on中气下陷sunken middle qi气虚发热qi deficie ncy fever气虚湿阻qi deficie ncy with dampn ess obstructi on气虚外感qi deficie ncy with exter nal con tracti on气阴两虚dual deficie ncy of qi and yin气虚血瘀qi deficie ncy with blood stasis气滞血瘀qi stag nati on and blood stasis津液亏虚fluid-humor deficie ncy气滞水停qi stag nati on with water rete nti on饮停胸胁fluid rete nti on in the chest and hyp och on drium心气虚heart qi deficie ncy心火上炎heart fire flam ing up ward热扰心神heat harass ing the heart sp irit心移热小肠tran smissi on of heart heat to the small in testi ne痰火扰心
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