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会计师事务所所需手续3篇建立会计师事务所的所需的各个步骤下面是我收集的会计师事务所所需手续3篇 建立会计师事务所的所需的各个步骤,以供借鉴。会计师事务所所需手续1成立公司会计师事务所验资所需基本材料1、公司设立申请书(复印件)2、公司章程(复印件)3、股东出资协议(复印件)4、股东身份证(复印件)5、工商局注册股出具企业名称预先核准通知书(复印件)6、委托代理人身份证(复印件)7、公司经营场所证明(复印件)8、委托代理人给股东开具的收款收据(复印件)9、现金缴款单即进账单(复印件)10、银行询证函(原件)11、银行时点对账单(原件)会计师事务所所需手续2会计师事务所的职责会计师事务所的职责1、对股改基准日企业的净资产情况进行审计2、负责财务方面的尽职调查3、协助完善企业财务管理体系4、审计挂牌公司报告挂牌公司报告中的财务报告必须经具有证券、期货相关业务资格的会计师事务所审计。注册会计师对挂牌公司财务报告出具非标准审核意见的。会计师事务所所需手续3我国会计师事务所风险管理研究摘要:随着风险对会计师事务所的影响越来越大,风险管理已成为会计师事务所经营管理的重要组成部分。要怎样降低风险,最为可行的办法就是对风险进行管理,利用系统规范的方法,识别、衡量和控制风险,以最少的成本减轻风险带来的不利后果。本文从会计师事务所全局的角度出发,把会计师事务所面临的各种风险看作 是相互联系的整体。首先从界定风险的内涵入手,分析了风险的基本特征和风险管理的含义。其次,分析了会计师事务所风险的成因。再次,从资本市场对会计师事务所的审计信息需求、会计师事务所的产权制度和治理结构以及审计职业的角度对事务所风险进行分析。然后,论述了衡量风险的具体方法,并将这些方法运用于会计师事务所主要风险的衡量。最后本文结合我国实际情况,提出防范和控制风险的对策。关键词:会计师事务所,风险识别,风险衡量,防范与控制With the impact of the accounting firm s risk increases, risk management has become an important part of the management of accounting to reduce the risk , the most feasible way is to manage risk , the use of system specification methods to identify, measure and control risk, with minimal cost to mitigate the negative consequences of from the accounting firm on the whole,the dissertation regards all the risks as integrity connected with each ,on the foundation of discussing thedefinition of the risk,the dissertation analyses the basic characteristics of risk and the implication of the risk ,analyses the cause of the accounting firms in risk ,the dissertation analyses the risks of the accounting firms from three angles of the accounting firms:the demand of audit information,the property rights,the governance structure and audits professionalism,then concludes the risk ,the dissertation states the methods of riskmeasurement and applies these methods to the risk measurement of accounting ,the dissertation put forward the countermeasures of prevention and control the risks in accordance with the facts of China nowadays.
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