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单元整合训练(一)语言知识再落实.单句语法填空1They were quite experienced(experience) in teaching beginners.2We have been told to show respect for our elder.3Bill Gates works 15 hours a day on average.4The last hotel we stayed at charged(charge) us $ 50 for a night.5His satisfied(satisfy) look suggested he was satisfied with our work.6Many people approved of keeping(keep) the Golden Week holiday.7This activity actually encouraged us to speak(speak) English!8After graduation, he continued to devote himself to research.9This is the use that we make of natural resources.10Ill type your report if youll babysit in exchange.完成句子1这是我所看过的最好的电影之一。This is one of the best films (that)I have ever seen2电视耳机如此舒服以至于杰克忘记了自己正带着它们!TV Ears are so comfortable that Jack forgets he has them on!3战争持续越久,那里的人们受的难就越多。The longer the war lasts,the more the people there will suffer.4看过前50页后你才会发现这本书有趣。You wont find the book interesting until you have read the first 50 pages.5早晨大声朗读英文对你有许多好处。Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.微写作用本单元词汇或句式完成下列写作任务我的朋友毕业后(graduation)没有找到好工作,他总想经营(run)一家酒吧。几经努力,他的许可证(permit)终于获得了批准(approve)。但是,开酒吧要比原来预料的难很多。首先他选择(select)了一个理想的地方,并进行了装修。他为此准备(preparation)了一个多(more than)月的时间。工作如此累以至于(so.that.)我朋友都病倒了。很高兴,现在情况好了,他掌管着(in charge of)酒吧,我经常和我的几个校友(schoolmate)去那里小酌几杯。 【参考范文】After graduation,my friend didnt find a good job,and he was always thinking of running a bar.With great efforts,he got his permit approved.However,running a bar was more difficult than expected.First,he selected an ideal place,and had it decorated.It took him more than one month to make preparations for it.The job was so tiring that my friend fell ill.Happily,things are better now.He is in charge of the bar and I often go there to have a drink with my several schoolmates.高考语篇再强化.阅读理解SheffieldLincoln College of EnglishClasses for foreign students at all levels.3 months,6 months,9 months and one year course.Open all year.Small class (at most 12 students).Library,language laboratory and listening center.Accommodation (住宿) with selected families.25 minutes from London.Course fees for English for one year are 1,380 with reduction for shorter periods of study.【语篇解读】本文是一则广告,介绍了Sheffield的Lincoln College of English为不同英语水平的外国学生开设的各种英语学习班的相关信息。1This passage is probably taken from Aan advertisementBa noticeCa poster Da piece of newsA推理判断题。本文是一则广告,介绍了Sheffield的Lincoln College of English为不同英语水平的外国学生开设的各种英语学习班的相关信息。最可能是从学校的广告里摘录而来。故A项正确。2Who will be accepted by this college?ABoth foreign and native students.BOnly foreign beginners and the advanced.CForeign students from beginners to the advanced.DOnly foreign students advanced.C推理判断题。根据“Classes for foreign students at all levels”可知这所学校为不同英语水平的外国学生开设英语课程。故C项“从初学者到高水平的外国学生”都可以被这所学校录取。故C项正确。3While you stay there,who will take care of you?AYour parents.BYour classmates.CThe school where you study.DThe family you have chosen.D细节理解题。根据“Accommodation (住宿) with selected families”可知这些外国学生的住宿是由被精心选中的寄宿家庭负责管理的。故D项正确。.完形填空The science teacher,Mr.Black,had asked his students to study a particular animal.They were asked to 1 a short report and then make a 2 in class.Some talked about dogs,others about horses,and some chose fish.But the most 3 discovery of all was made by little Sophie.“I found that 4 are terribly badtempered(坏脾气的),”she said for certain.Everyone smiled,waiting for her to 5 Then Sophie explained,“I spent hours 6 flies.When they flew normally,everything was okay, 7 when they found a window they would make a noisy sound.I had always thought they make that noise 8 their wings,but they dont.With my daddys binoculars(望远镜),I watched the flies really 9 ,and saw that 10 they were doing was shouting.They were angry because they 11 fly out of the window.Later,a butterfly passing by the window tried to 12 them the top of the window was open,but it had no effect at all.The flies just 13 shouting.”Mr.Black laughed and explained to the class that the flies behavior h
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