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如皋市实验初中 中考英语复习 设计: 朱谦友 审核:夏雪梅 初三英语复习学案十四(8A Unit 5) 1. 使用前缀un-,in-,im-,dis-,ir-来构成形容词的反义词: 1) happy-unhappy able-unable friendly-unfriendly important-unimportant necessary-unnecessary common-uncommon welcome-unwelcome 2) correct-incorrect 3) possible-impossible polite-impolite 4) regular-irregular 5) honest-dishonest2. 副词的构成 1)quiet-quietly polite-politely brave-bravely bad-badly nice-nicely clear-clearly 2) gentle-gently possible-possibly terrible -terribly simple-simply comfortable-comfortably3) easy-easily angry-angrily heavy-heavily noisy-noisily lucky- luckily 4) true-truly good-well3. She dances beautifully. (提问)- How does she dance?4. gobirdwatching去观鸟 goboating/fishing/sightseeing/climbing/surfing /walking 5. allyearround=thewholeyear一年到头;终年 Iambusyall year round. 我终年忙碌。 allday/nightlong整天/夜6. Theoldmanisstillalive. (活着的). The whole street is alive during the festival. (热闹的) an important living area 一个重要的生活区 be covered live 现场直播 The boy is lively. (活泼的) He makes his class lively. 他使得他的课生动形象。 7. a little fish 一条小鱼 two fish Tom saw two deer(鹿) and three sheep(绵羊) in the zoo. 8. provide sth for sb provide sb with sth.供给某人某物 offer sb. sth. 给某人提供某物 provide food and shelter for wildlife9. make space for. = make room for. 给让出地方 space和room 意为“空间,地方” 都是不可数名词。 make more space for farms and buildings10. preventsb.(from)doingsth.=stopsb.(from)doingsth. =keepsb.fromdoingsth 阻止某人做某事11. call sb on +电话号码 e-mail sb at+电子信箱 call +号码12. cant wait for/to do sth.迫不及待做某事13. understand the importance of the wetlands 懂得保护湿地的重要性14. make them actively take action to protect wildlife 使得他们积极采取行动保护野生动物 take an active part in / take part inactively积极参加 15. a number of 许多 the number of 数量 a large number of 许多16. show good manners to others对别人讲礼貌17. drop litter carelessly乱扔垃圾18. Swallows fly to northern countries in summer.19. a nature reserve 自然保护区 natural disasters 自然灾害20. the Chinese government 中国政府21. a lot of tourists 许多旅行者 tourist attractions 旅游景点22. wet-wetter-wettest dry-drier-driest23. return to China- come back to China return to school- go back to school return the book to me- give the book back to me24. be/get angry生气 be angry with sb. 对某人生气 look angry 看起来生气 look angrily at me 生气地看着我 25. Dont frighten me. I am frightened.26. have a rest 休息 the rest of the students 其余的学生 27. date of birth 出生日期初三英语复习默写检测十四(8A U5) 一、 默写下列单词。 1. a place to live or stay: 2. people who are traveling _ 3. Give sth.to sb. 4. Areas of land with wet ground _ 5. 状态 _6. 生气地 _ 7. 然而_ 8. 积极地_ 9. 必要的_ 10.不正确的_11. 不可能的_12. 垃圾_ 13. 轻柔地_ 14. 使惊恐_15. 事实 _ 16. 千米_ 17. 美元 _ 18. 出生n. _19. 地址 _ 20. 简直_ 21. 业余爱好_复数_22. 湿的_ 比较级_ 23. Noise -adj._-adv._24. 使落下_ 过去式_二、 默写下列短语。1. 非常喜欢自然_2. 夏天飞到北方国家_3. 为野生生物提供食物和栖息地(两种)_4. 舒适地生活_5. 不费力地捉鱼吃_6. 为农田和建筑物腾出空间_7. 野生生物生活的空间将会越来越少。_8. 研究各种不同的鸟_9. 理解湿地的重要性_10. 使他们积极采取行动_11. 采取措施保护鸟儿_12. 一个无礼貌/不诚实的人_13. 回到学校_14. 在农场上_15. 好好休息/剩下的书_16. 把某物归还某人_17. 轻轻走进房间_18. 阻止洪水和雪暴的发生_19. 大声交谈_20. 那天你有空吗?_21. 填写表格_22. 观鸟俱乐部的成员_23. 来参加俱乐部活动_24. 周六乘车返回_25. 如果你把垃圾扔在那儿,你会成为一个不受欢迎的人。_ 初三英语复习课堂检测十四(8A U5) 一、词汇 1. The Chinese _(政府) plays an important part in the world peace. 2. Summer is _(潮湿的) than autumn. 3. Some birds fly to _(北方的)countries in summer . 4 . Zhalong Nature Reserve is good _(a place to live or stay
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