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毕 业 论 文On Translation Techniques of Advertisement English 广告英语的翻译技巧教务处 制Abstract: In the global economic prosperity of today, advertisement has already penetrated into every aspect of social life and become an indispensable part to peoples life. In the process of introducing foreign products to the domestic consumers or introducing Chinese products to foreign consumers, advertisement plays a critically important role. Advertisement English emerges and forms a kind of special applying language. It is not only a kind of economic activity, but also a kind of East-West cultural exchange. A successful translation of an advertisement will not only best convey the original information, but also reflect the characteristic of the product advertised, attract consumers and lead them to produce desire of purchase as well. This paper mainly introduces the language characteristics of advertisement English, translation principles of advertisement English, difficulties translators may meet when translating advertisements and finally states various kinds of common translating techniques through examples.Key words: advertising translation, advertisement English, translation principle, translation techniqueContentsIntroduction.11. The Study of Advertisement21.1 The Advertising.21.2 The Function of Advertising.21.2.1 The Marketing Function.21.2.2 The Communication Function .21.2.3 The Economic Function.31.3 Advertisement Text31.4 The Feature of the Advertisement Text.31.4.1 Concise in Style.31.4.2 Creative in Language.31.4.3 Figurative in Speech.32. The Translation Principles of Advertisement English.42.1 Smoothness42.2 Conciseness42.3 Attractiveness.53. Difficulties in Translating Advertisements53.1. Difference in the Form of Character.53.2 Difference in Figure of Speech.63.3 Differences in Culture and Consumption Psychology.64. The Translation Techniques of Advertisement English.74.1 Knowing the Characteristics of Translating Advertisements and Commodities.74.2 Understanding the Tradition of Civilization and Consumer Psychology about the Country.84.3 Paying Attention to the Standardization of Language.84.4 Making Good Use of Rhetorical Devices.84.4.1 Simile.94.4.2 Pun.94.4.3 Personification94.5 Diversifing the Method of Translation.94.5.1 Literal Translation.104.5.2 Free Translation114.5.3 Transliteration.124.5.4 Combining Literal and Free Translation.124.5.5 Addition .124.5.6 Deletion.134.5.7 Four-word Construction13Conclusion.14Bibliography.15Acknowledgement.16IntroductionWith the development of economic globalization and foreign trade, especially the increasing of our foreign trade since China entered WTO, the circulation of commodities is more often between other countries and our country. More and more foreign commodities are entering China, and at the same time, more and more Chinese enterprises are promoting their products on the international markets. All companies in every country do what they can do to advertise their products to have a leading position in the global market. Therefore, the advertisement of products plays an important role in foreign trade. In the meantime, advertising translation has been more and more paid attention. As a complex cross-cultural communication, advertising translation is not simple language exchange, but can impact consumers inherent traditional psychology , influence their purchase decision and affect the commodity market share and sales amount.Nowadays
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