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有限元大作业第二题2.利用fluent软件进行数值模拟卡门涡街。分组将/|从0.11m变化到 0.9m,每次增加0.01m,r从0.02增加,每次增加0.005mm,具体分组如表所示。入口组号12 171819 /l0.100.15 0.900.180.10 r0.020.02图5-64给出了圆柱绕流的计算区域的几何尺寸其中W=02m. n=0.02m, /2=0.1mf Zi0.2m 入口处的水流速度为 0.01m/So组75h0.85r0.020375一建立模型1先打开Gambit软件,参照题目要求绘制模型OperatioiiyTranscriptedgfe. 6,and edge.2Xch om ruuHinfvlNto ch/mdaiunpActiveGtoteaJ ControlDescriptionGSiL?llCS V1HDUM UJFXE LETT rtwiurr二.求解计算1启动FLUENT二维精度计数器。2执行File-Read-Case命令,读入“msh”格式的文件,执行Grid-Check命令3 HUtNT 2dInntJHe Grid DefineAdapt Sur+ace Dismay Pc 000. nax (n) Volume statistics:adnlnun volume (3): 1.(P4928e000mxImur volume (n3): 1.795818e*9B2 total volume (3): 1.986963e*995Face area statistics:2.000000et8e2Alnlnun face area (n2): 8.576918e-00lmxImm face area (m2) : 1.5Ji5975e*00iChecklnq Checldnq Checkinq Checklnq Checklnq Checkinq Checkinq Checklnq Checkinq Checkinq rhPCkinq ChFCkinq Chfckinq ChFckinq Chrckinq Chrckinq Chpckinq l:hrrkinqnuier of nodes per cell, nuatoer of fces per cell, thread pointers.nuttier of cells per face, face cellsbridqe faces riqht-handed cells face handednesselenpnt type consistency, boundary typps:pirspprindic hnunriArip;. nnrtp cniint ncwlue cpI I cnunt. nn U.UUUUUUrilUU, nax (n) - 1 .UUUUU9-coordinjtr: nin (n) 0.imx (n) 2.kJUUUU Uulunr LdLilix、:luriimiii uulmie (vi3):iwxiiwjii uulune (n3): total uolune (n9): rice rea statistics:(伽92耐叨0 1.7058We002 1.986963e0Knlnlnun face area (n2): 8.57618e 0B1 Adxlnun face area (n2): 1.5i5975e*801 Checklnqeckinq eckinq Peking rckinq rckinq rcking rcking Chrcking Checking Clitfckiny Checkliiy Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checkinq Dcrno.nunber nunber thread nunhprof nodes per of faces per pointers.of cells pprcell, cell.CPl brirflgr f*rP5. right-h.tnrtrri rr I . jer hjntirdnrQ. rlriwrat type cuii!.itrricy. buuniljr lype*: face pdirs. periodic buunddrles. node count, nosolve cell count nosolve face count. face children, cell children, storage.4执行Define-Materials在弹出的对话框中点Flunt Database.在弹出的对话框中选 water-liquid ( h20 )点Copy,之后点Change/Create 按钮。如图zonest default-interior rulcnu cliukuuM11 fluidihrl 1 rnnductinn zenr, Dune.Arid ChfckDuiidin Extents:x coordinate: nin () 6.eO9OO0e y-rnm-rtirAte: nin () - fiRRRnnnp* Uolunr statistics:ninimiiv ouluwe (ii3): naxluun volume (n3): tntl unliin (n3): Fjer arra statistics:1 肚9203,66i.758iee*ee2 1.9R6963P*flfl5iiinimjie Idee dred (m2): 8.S76018e- naxlMun face area (2): 1.5i5975e Chpckinq Chrcking Clieckiny Checklnq Chprkinq Chrclcing Checking Checklnq Chprldnq Chrchifig Clieckiny Checklnq Chprkinq Chrcking Clieckiny Checlclnq Chprkinq Ctircking Dune.nitnhpr nunlirr tbredd nunbernf nndpc ppr of- filers ppr pointers.of cells percell.face.frp cpllq. bridge right tended face handedness. p| pnrnt ti;pp cnn;1 qtrncy boundary t|iprs: fdire pwirs.periodic boundaries, nnrip enunt9 notaulvr cell count. iitfbulv fice cuunt. face children. cpI1 chi 1rtrpn.5turjgr.口 FLUCNT 2d. v寥egeted stPie GrP Defire Solve Adopt Surface Dsploy Pot Report PmbW helpi M.S rM/5 J5 执行 Define-Boundary Conditions 命令,选 Fluit,点 Set ,在弹出 的对话框中选water-liquid,单击OK。选in点Set ,在弹出的对话框 中输入0.01,点ok ,如图2onest default-interior rukmi ctiukouMil fluidshell conduction zones* Dnn.Crid ChrckDonain extents:x-coordlnate: nin () O.nPPPPOe-OtiO. aax (n) - 1.9 i/-nnnr1inAtP: n1n (b) n.nnHMiin*flfln9 aux (n) - 2P Uolunr statistic!;:tiiniiMJR uuluiie (i3): ndxlrmR volune (ri3): total volune (n3): Fc? area 5tari;rics:i.7essieem1.986963eBB5nini mm 4-acp rra (b7) : H.S/ri18p-tlf11 luxivmR let? jrtd (n2): 1 .S45975r*tJtJ1Checking Checking Checking Chpcki nq Checking Checking Checking Checklnq Chpckinq Chncki ng Checking Checking Checking Checking Chpcklnq Checking Checking Checking Done.nuraber number thread nunhpruf nudes per of fces per pointers.nF pprcell cell.jer cel 15 bridge Idceb. right handed cells, face hand
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