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Mimics及脊柱模型用于下颈椎椎弓根个体化置钉的应用研究 王远政 ,田晓滨1,刘 洋,李 波1,孙 立1,张 一1,王楠筑1 (55000贵阳,贵州省人民医院骨科1;00010重庆,重庆医科大学附属第二医院骨科2)摘要 目的 利用快速成型技术及imics软件设计一种新的下颈椎椎弓根钉个体化置入技术,并探讨其临床应用意义。 方法 对16例成人下颈椎标本行T扫描收集数据,导入Mimics软件对标本进行三维重建。利用Mimic相关功能在三维重建图像上寻找下颈椎椎弓根最佳轴线并测量椎弓根相关参数,制定椎弓根螺钉个体化置入方案。然后将三维重建图像以L格式导入三维打印机,制作出下颈椎的实体模型,根据个体化置钉角度置入导向针。依照制定的个体化指定参数,并配合实体模型的直观指导,在标本上进行置钉。置钉后标本行CT扫描,判断置入准确性。利用上述方法对例患者进行个体化置钉,术后通过CT扫描验证螺钉位置准确性。 结果 成功建立了与标本相似度极高的下颈椎三维重建图像和实物模型,通过测量结果设计了每个椎弓根的置钉参数。共在标本上置入148枚椎弓根螺钉,40枚位于椎弓根骨皮质之内,8枚稍穿破椎弓根骨皮质。对患者置入1枚椎弓根螺钉,CT示螺钉位置满意。结论 用Mimics软件对下颈椎进行三维重建,制定个体化置钉参数,同时配合实物模型的直观指导,提供了一种下颈椎椎弓根钉个体化置钉的方法,利用该法能提高置钉安全性。 关键词 颈椎;椎弓根螺钉;Mmis软件;快速成型;三维重建 中图法分类号 文献标志码 ndivdualizatn of lowr evial peil cw fxaion hAplicaton f rad pottyping nd MMCSimics sotare inloecerical pde cew ixatontree-dnsional () reonstructin model was eneated itMIICSa woksionunnigMIMICS0.01 sotwareWag Yuanzeng1, in Xiobi,Liu Ya, LBo1, Sun Li1, hng Yi1, Wa Nnzhu (1 Deprtmetof rthpaedics urey,uZhou oviial eopes Hspital, Guia, Gzhou Povince, 55002,Chna; 2 Depatment f Ohpaeis Surry, XiniaoSecond ffiatd Hopital, ongqin Medical University,Conqing, 40010, Chin)Asact Obective odein ane lor ercal edile scrwplemn bae n stu h ppcaion of Mmics sofware andrpid potyping tehnoogndaate sclinicavaluin lower cvcal pediscrew lacement,andepoe it clinic liaton. Method CT scns scanning wsperormd o o 16 alt caaei crvical spciens (C3 t -C7).were performed.TheobtneT data reimorte into a orkstation runing MMIC reverse gieerig stwe imc t genrate establiscrvical three dmensional(3D) recostrutin images whicsav s SL fes these TL ils wee usdto manfcture roue cevial hyca models uing rap rtotyping ecniue. The opmal ajtory pdicle was plor and are D imaesusg computessitant de desig module fics, nd th relt paameters of rvicl il wr meareduing asurementtools of Mimcs. So the indiviualie rgplan of pice crew fxaion wa determined according o the locti ofpedicle trajectory and parmetr. Te trjectory pins were rlled i physicaloe to spervseth entry oint andrientaton o pedicle screw.Wit h isuied gidance o pyscal odl, pedcle eswere inertd incadavric scimes in strt accordance with individldsrgry lan dtmined previusy. Pedic e fiation wasprfom tw 2 patie ihceralisrrseqring nruenation in this inalized srgry method s metioned aboe. Rts Th cervica3D agean physica moel werfoundt be anatomcalysimia theac t ad of eat assistance n eignng individulied urgery lad suprvinplcmen of pedicle rw. here 48 pedice screwwee iseted in the 1cvical secen,. Angthem, 14 wee inertedin pile cicl, adheleft on of the beched t dicle cortcal mildl. Tscaing idicatdthtth 10pecl screswee sisfyingly isert inthe 2 ptints. Concusio obinaio of 3D meby Mms n ituitve idance of pyscalmodlbradprootyping techiqe improvethe aurayad sety o loe crvical steox.Keor cevial verteba; pediclescw; Mmcs; aid prototpng;te-mensonl eonstrnSuppoted by t TcklinPrjt f Scentific and Telgyor SoialDvelopment o Guzhou Provinc(210315). Coresod uhor:Ti XaoinTl: 86-85-609, E-a:txb6vip.16.com 基金项目 贵州省社会发展科技攻关项目(黔科合SY201011号)通信作者田晓滨,电话:(0851)500978, mai:tb6vi.163.cothmbrac hepedcle cotil. Conclions The acurac of lor evical tretaxycanbe improved with he help ofmareme o3D mag etabish b imics a intuitie uidance of physa mdelmaufactured byraid prtoyigtechniq.Kywords cervical etb; pedic cre; Miics; apidprototying; hree-dimenionalcontrucionSpore by Scldevelopmntocentific nd tchnolic proen uhou Provnc of Chia(2010315)orresponduhr:Tian ao Tel:865-60097,Email:txb6vip.3m7下颈椎(C37)伤病严重影响着人类健康,对下颈椎伤病的外科治疗,其目的可归结为:恢复颈椎的解剖序列、神经根或脊髓减压和重建颈椎稳定性。颈椎内固定是实现这些目的的有效手段。其中,颈椎椎弓根螺钉内固定系统在临床上应用越来越广泛,该内固定系统能够提供其他固定方式无法比拟的三维立体稳定性-,更有利于颈椎术后的稳定和骨性融合。但是,考虑到下颈椎解剖关系复杂,且与血管及神经等重要组织相毗邻,置钉失误可能导致严重后果,因此寻求一种安全的个体化置钉方法一直是临床应用十分关注的问题。本研究利用快速成型(rapiprtotypig,R) 技术制作的颈椎实体模型和imics软件的三维重建、计算机辅助设计(compute aisandesign,MCAD)功能相结合,探索了一种新的下颈椎椎弓根钉个体化置钉方法。1 资料与方法1 标本制备 成人尸体标本16例(重庆医科大学解剖教研室与贵阳医学院解剖教研室提供),从C2
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