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一、模拟单句演练(1) Women live longer than men in most country.(2) The film is very interesting. I have seen it many time.(3) Its said that all the ticket have been sold out.(4) The children spend a lot of times watching TV.(5) I met a lot of interesting peoples on holiday.(6) The flower in the park were all pleasing.(7) As the day went by, she became less anxious.(8) Computer are becoming more and more popular in the country.(9) Its one of the most interesting book that Ive ever read.(10) He made his first time visit to China when he was 18.(11) Hearing the news, the woman burst into tear.(12) He hasnt lived here long, but he has a great many friend here.(13) I was afraid she would have left for family when I got there.(14) Hes getting married next month and decides to buy some furnitures.(15) Theres a papers factory near our school.【参考答案】(1) country 改为 countries,因其前的most 意为“大多数”。(2) time 改为 times,many times 意为“许多次”。(3) ticket 改为 tickets,因它是可数名词,且受 all the 的修饰。(4) times 改为 time,因 time 表示“时间”时不可数。(5) peoples 改为 people,因 people 表示“人们”,本身是复数,其后不能再加词尾-s。(注:复数的peoples 表示不同的民族)(6) flower 改为 flowers,因为其后的谓语为复数。(7) day 改为 days,句意为“随着时间的推移,她变得不那么焦急了”,此处的 day 应用复数。(8) computer 改为 computers,根据句意和其后的谓语 are,可知 computer 要用复数。(9) book 改为 books,因 one of 后表示范围的名词要用复数。(10) 去掉 time,his first visit 即为他第一次访问,其中已包含“次”的概念。(11) tear 改为 tears,因 tear 为可数名词,不要误认为它是不可数名词。(12) friend 改为 friends,因a great many 后要接复数名词。(13) family 改为 home,leave for home 意为“动身回家”。(14) furnitures 改为 furniutre,因它是不可数名词。(15) papers 改为 paper,表示“纸厂”、“纸花”、“纸飞机”等,直接用 paper 作定语。二、模拟单句演练(1) Here are some letters for you and he.(2) She loves swimming. It keeps she fit.(3) Here are the cats Auntie brought us. Take good care of it.(4) Everyone here gets up earlier than her does.(5) Here is my dog. Its name is Petty.(6) He opened mouth as if to say something.(7) Dont lose your heart. Try again.(8) The Smiths have been married, but have no children of his own.(9) I tell him everything, for he is a good friend of me.(10) He smiled at her and laid her hand on hers.(11) When you are away from home, you should look after you.(12) If you have any question, put up hand.(13) Its a very important thing. You must think over carefully.(14) I dont like these; please show me some other.(15) In order to catch the thief, the police did his best.(16) This is the book which you bought it for me ten years ago.(17) Im very sorry about all the whole thing.(18) When I got up, I found parents were preparing breakfast for me.(19) Yes, money is very important, but it is not anything.(20) At the airport, all his baggage was stolen, but soon he got them back.【参考答案】(1) he 改为 him,因与you并列用作介词 for 的宾语。(2) she 改为 her,因用作动词 keeps 的宾语。(3) it 改为 them,因它指代前面的cats。(4) her 改为 she,因其后有动词 does。(5) Its 改为 Its,its = it is / it has,而 its 意为“它的”。(6) mouth 前加his,按英语习惯,此物主代词不能少。(7) 去掉 your,比较:lose heart意为灰心,lose ones heart意为爱上。(8) his 改为 their,因其前相应的名词 the Smiths(史密斯夫妇)表复数。(9) me 改为 mine,a friend of 后习惯上名词性物主代词,不接人称代词的宾格形式。(10) 将 her hand 中的 her 改为 his,句意为“他对她笑了笑,把他的手放在她手上”。(11) 将最后一个 you 改为 yourself,look after oneself 意为“自己照顾自己”。(12) hand 前加 your,否则不合英语习惯。(13) think 后加 it,因 think over 为及物动词。(14) other 改为 others,指另外的一些;若指另外的一个,可用 another。(15) his 改为 their,指代前面的 the police(它永远表复数意义)。(16) 去掉 it,因 it 与 which 语义重复。(17) 去掉 all,因它与 the whole 语义重复。(18) parents 前加 my,否则不符合英语习惯。(19) anything 改为 everything,否则语意不通。(20) them 改为 it,因 baggage 为不可数名词。三、模拟单句演练(1) Her sister, who is nurse, will marry one of the doctors in the hospital.(2) It was such wonderful dinner that we enjoyed it very much.(3) It was raining hard, so I had to borrow a umbrella.(4) My friend Mary comes from an European country.(5) Mr Smith used to be physics teacher till he turned writer.(6) In small village like this, everybody knows everybody else.(7) Only few of the children can read such books.(8) For long time neither of us spoke to each other.(9) Look, a girl in blue is my cousin.(10) Look! A car has stopped there. A car is beautiful.(11) She asked whether we came from a same city.(12) The mountain was covered with the snow all the year round.(13) You dont know what wonderful time weve had.(14) People made the fun of her because she wore such strange clothes.(15) Soon the plane was out of the sight.(16) Great changes have taken the place in my hometown since 1978.(17) In the word, he is a good student and all of us like him.(18) You say you took the book without his permission. In the other words, you stole it.【参考答案】(1) nurse 前加 a,因 nurse 为可数名词。(2) such 后加 a,dinner 受形容词修饰时,其前通常要加不定冠词。(3) a 改为 an,因 umbrella 的读音以元音开头。(4) an 改为 a,因 European 的读音不是以元音开头。(5) physics 前加 a,因 teacher 为可数名词。(6) small 前加 a,因 village 为可数名词,在句中表泛指。(7) few 前加 a,因其前有 only 修饰,即习惯上说 only a few。(8) long 前加 a,a long time 意为“很长一段时间”。(9) a 改为 the,此处为特指用法。(10) 第二个 A 改为 The,特指
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