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21秋社区服务在线作业一答案参考1. I had to _ myself to make sure I wasn t dreaming.A) punchB) pinchC) stressD) streI had to _ myself to make sure I wasn t dreaming.A) punchB) pinchC) stressD) stretch参考答案:B2. I hope that in 5 years after my graduation, I will purchase my own( ) (公寓) and my owI hope that in 5 years after my graduation, I will purchase my own( ) (公寓) and my own car.A、apartmentB、departmentC、monumentD、parliament参考答案:A3. Id be _ to resign if I were in your position.A) influencedB) effectedC) inclinedDId be _ to resign if I were in your position.A) influencedB) effectedC) inclinedD) related参考答案:C4. After a week in bed, she was fully _to health.A) restoredB) sustainedC) shapedD)After a week in bed, she was fully _to health.A) restoredB) sustainedC) shapedD) projected参考答案:A5. Tom regularly receives money to live from his parents. He s still dependent on hisTom regularly receives money to live from his parents. He s still dependent on his parents.A) emotionallyB) financiallyC) commerciallyD) fiscally参考答案:B6. Although he underwent such a huge disaster, he managed to _ his courageand goAlthough he underwent such a huge disaster, he managed to _ his courageand go forward with his life.A) take upB) pick upC) use upD) pick from参考答案:B7. Ecommerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentE-commerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentD)entrust参考答案:A8. This is a demanding position where you will make significant use of yourscientific _This is a demanding position where you will make significant use of yourscientific _.A) professionalismB) altruismC) sophisticationD) expertise参考答案:D9. In _ with the new regulations, all tickets must bestamped.A) combinationB) accordaIn _ with the new regulations, all tickets must bestamped.A) combinationB) accordanceC) connectionD)tune参考答案:B10. But, _ reflection, I think I did the young guy afavor by not giving hiBut, _ reflection, I think I did the young guy afavor by not giving him a job.A) inB) withC) onD) over参考答案:C11. What he said was so complicated that I _ after the first couple ofsentences.What he said was so complicated that I _ after the first couple ofsentences.A) kept trackB) lost trackC) signed upD) fell into参考答案:B12. Unworthy buildings should be demolished to make _ formodern construction.A) spaceUnworthy buildings should be demolished to make _ formodern construction.A) spaceB) roomC) marginD) leeway参考答案:B13. As a Prime Minister, he lacked the strategic _of, say, someone likeChurchillAs a Prime Minister, he lacked the strategic _of, say, someone likeChurchill .A) specialtyB) motivationC) competenceD) vision参考答案:D14. The old man claimed to be able to divine what the starshold _ for us.A) in storeBThe old man claimed to be able to divine what the starshold _ for us.A) in storeB) in shopC) in savingD) storing参考答案:A15. 理想电流源内阻为0 ()此题为判断题(对,错)。参考答案:错误16. The protests were part of their _ against building developmentin this area.A) aThe protests were part of their _ against building developmentin this area.A) advertisingB) arrangementC) campaignD) consumption参考答案:C17. 10% of the data was as unreliable.A) disobeyedB) disrespectedC) discardedD) disguised10% of the data was as unreliable.A) disobeyedB) disrespectedC) discardedD) disguised参考答案:C18. 在三大模式的权力结构导向中,地区发展模式将权力结构当做:( )A、斗争对象B、服务对象C、合作者D、出资人参考答案:C19. The bomb will _ the moment it is touched.A) go onB) go outC) go offD) go overThe bomb will _ the moment it is touched.A) go onB) go outC) go offD) go over参考答案:C20. Please accept my _ apologies for not having informed you of the changesof textPlease accept my _ apologies for not having informed you of the changesof textbooks in advance.A) obsessiveB) specializedC) lifetimeD) heartfelt参考答案:D21. He was able to finish the job efficiently with the( ) (协助) of his secretary.A、assistaHe was able to finish the job efficiently with the( ) (协助) of his secretary.A、assistanceB、obstacleC、assistantD、resistance参考答案:A22. Mr and Mrs. Brown( )a small restaurant in China Town.A、OpenB、startC、runD、serve参考答案:C23. Here is $10; that should _ all your expenses.A)exploreB) competeC) coverD) expanHere is $10; that should _ all your expenses.A)exploreB) competeC) coverD) expand参考答案:C24. The speaker _ the need for better education.A) insistedB) pressedC) maintainedD)The speaker _ the need for better education.A) i
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