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Unit 8 When is your birthday? 学习目标:1、会使用基数词并掌握art,festival,student,term,busy等重点单词。 2、能掌握疑问词when引导的特殊疑问句及序数词的用法。 3、给自己制定每周日程安排,提高自己的学习能力。重难点:1.掌握重点单词:student,term,busy,time等2. 能够用英语表达事件和节日学习过程:知识链接:复习日期的表达方式一、自主预习:1、翻译下列短语soccer game school trip School Day book sale English Day art festival Sports Day English party Have a good time! 2、学习busy 的有关用法busy 形容词,“忙碌的,繁忙的”,其反义词为freebe busy 忙碌 He is a busy man.be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 She is busy writing.be busy with sth.忙于做某事 He is busy with his work.二、合作探究:(一)熟练掌握本课时单词1、记忆本课时单词 2、小组互相检查单词读写情况(二)运用When is .? Its.询问活动日程1. 两人一组练习下列对话A. When is the school trip? B. Its September 21st.2.组内同学合作,根据2a表格编写句子3.阅读2b,完成2b表格4、完成3a的填空题。5、根据右边的问题仿照3a写一个便条。6、完成Self Check的1,2小题。(三)小组讨论设计一个班级活动日程。 四、当堂检测一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。 1.My mothers b_ is in July. 2.When is the s_ trip? 3.Daves birthday p_ is on May 1st. 4.N_ comes before December. 5.A_ is the fourth month of the year. 6. Teachers Day is on S _ tenth. 7. Do you like the music c_ on CCTV? 8.Our school has a v_ game every year. 二、单项选择 ( )1. -When _ our School Day? -Its _ July 6th. A. does, in B. is, in C. is, on D. does, on ( )2. We will have_ art festival next week. A. an B. a C. the D. / ( )3. _is your school trip? Its very interesting. A. How muchB. How C. How old D. What ( )4.When is the soccer game? Its _ A. in July B. on JulyC. at July D. July ( )5._you come to watch the basketball game? No, I_. A. Are, am not B. Does, dontC. Can, cant D. Have, havent三、根据汉语完和成句子,每空一词。1、你们学校的校庆时什么时候? _ is the_ _ at your school? 2、12月我们有一个图书展销会。 We have a _ _ _ _.3、你想去参加艺术节吗? Do you want _ _ to the _ _?4、在这儿玩我们能玩得很愉快。 We can _ _ _ _ here.5、这是一个真正繁忙的学期。 This is a _ _ term.总结:1. 基数词和序数词的变化规则2. 询问生日的句型及回答:When is your birthday?My birthday is on.3. 询问年龄的句型及回答:How old are you?Im.years old.课后反思:本节课我学会了_本节课存在的问题_
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